boring yt music, let me listen to the future Number 1 hit Dark Horse while I wait for this to finish.

boring yt music, let me listen to the future Number 1 hit Dark Horse while I wait for this to finish.
Robin is stealing the show and sounding terrible.
lmao, I hope your country has free health care because a trip to the Emergency Room seems necessary.Robin Thicke is the most impressive live vocals so far tonight. Which is both surprising, and not saying much.
Robin Thicke is the most impressive live vocals so far tonight. Which is both surprising, and not saying much.
Robin Thick can sing other songs besides Blurred Lines?
neogafWhere are they getting these hats?
God Thicke is terrible. He should milk this shit and lock in a deal with an age-masking makeup.
I'm liking this performance by Keith Urban.
Never heard a song by him before.
Chicago could have stayed up there.
lmao, I hope your country has free health care because a trip to the Emergency Room seems necessary.
Horrendous, but I kii at how all the bland performers have something in common.
As always. Definitely looking forward to her performanceT-Swift looking mighty fine.