supposedly going to Aunt May's house changes the time of day
Seems so, but it's random and depends on how long you stay in the house. Which sucks considering the first game gave you a clear option.
supposedly going to Aunt May's house changes the time of day
I cannot dizzy enemies for signature moves consistently. In the previous game, you'd trigger them by getting your combo multiplier to a certain level. Now it's different, but I can't fixture out how it's different. A loading screen tip says to get critical hits by timing button presses with attack impacts, but I still can't get them to work. Anyone?
Very nice, thorough impressions. Agreed on all points, particularly the web swinging. Though it was certainly brainless auto pilot in the last game, it still made navigating around the city painless and efficient. With the new implementation, it can be a chore, especially with the manufactured urgency of the hero/menace feature.impressions
Very nice, thorough impressions. Agreed on all points, particularly the web swinging. Though it was certainly brainless auto pilot in the last game, it still made navigating around the city painless and efficient. With the new implementation, it can be a chore, especially with the manufactured urgency of the hero/menace feature.
So many aspects of this game I preferred in the previous game. I keep trying to enjoy this, but always find myself wishing they'd handled certain things differently, or simply left them alone.
Personally I've been able to do this, but I have noticed a general strictness I feel matches Sleepy Dogs combat. The camera is far too close for my tastes, though, and somtimes I'll kill a guy without knowing how I did it, as sometimes it feels like there is a disconnect between my actions and what's happening on screen.The combat is a poor mans batman. It's passable but my biggest complaint is that it's lack of refinement works against it at times and makes it frustrating. In the arkham games, when you need to counter someone, if you're fast enough, you can strike (without countering) them before they actually attack or even just move out of the way. It's a risk but it's doable and helps play into the strategy and keeps the flow going depending on your style of play. Do not try this in this game. If you see you need to counter someone, you have to counter them. Do not try to hit them, do not try to web them, just counter. Anything less and you will get hit. Additionally, and more frustratingly, enemies cover unrealistic ground with their attacks. I was in a group of enemies, one guys about to hit me, i web rush to another guy that was a good distance away and the guy throws his punch and basically slides over to me because the game said he needed to hit me because i didn't counter it like i was suppose to.
Very nice, thorough impressions. Agreed on all points, particularly the web swinging. Though it was certainly brainless auto pilot in the last game, it still made navigating around the city painless and efficient. With the new implementation, it can be a chore, especially with the manufactured urgency of the hero/menace feature.
So many aspects of this game I preferred in the previous game. I keep trying to enjoy this, but always find myself wishing they'd handled certain things differently, or simply left them alone.
I think it's more a problem with Beenox's implementation than an issue with webs touching buildings. In Spider-man 2, when there were no buildings to swing on you just used web-zip (pull both triggers in at once) to pull you in closer to where the buildings are. You didn't have to aim to web-zip like you do in this game. Web-rush is so damn clunky.
Personally I've been able to do this, but I have noticed a general strictness I feel matches Sleepy Dogs combat. The camera is far too close for my tastes, though, and somtimes I'll kill a guy without knowing how I did it, as sometimes it feels like there is a disconnect between my actions and what's happening on screen.
Does anybody have a pre order DLC code for ps4 they dont want? gamestop messed up my order and i didnt get my code![]()
Yeah it doesn't matter none of the codes work. Activisions Support Page and Facebook Support Page is full of complaints about it. I myself paid extra as it is an extra edition here in the UK and not pre-order codes, and they do not work.
Yeah it doesn't matter none of the codes work. Activisions Support Page and Facebook Support Page is full of complaints about it. I myself paid extra as it is an extra edition here in the UK and not pre-order codes, and they do not work.
Everyone I have solved the issue(mostly) for the lag. Use the program dll called SoftTH and use the SoftTH GUI and force MultiCore usage and run that. And you'll run the game no problem. I get full 60fps and even at 4K res.
Just set it up by placing the dll where the EXE is and run the game.exe and it'll create a configuration file. Then use the GUI editor to open that config file and go to Overrides and click Force multicore usage. And resave it. You can edit it in hex if you want to downsample stuff as well if you really care for it. So it seems to be the 2-3 core usage that isn't getting enough juice.
Start up the config tool for ASM2 and play the game and watch as you have no problems with stuttering now.
Might not work for some of you, but it should help a few people out there that should be able to run this game easily that are having spike lags.
Are there any racing/time-trial/delivery side quests in this game?
Oh that looks so good on Spidey. Nice job!doing amazing things
Something I found out and posted on the steam forum discussions.
Dealing with those spike lags for the PC version. This should help out a bit. Now I don't get and Spike lag loading while swinging now and Max Settings. Also I made the game wose/better. Just fooling around with the files a bit and broke stuff and made a better specular map for Spidey.I think the Spider-Man 2 Game music is what made the game actually seem good.
So hopefully this is good enough until Beenox fixes this issue if they ever try to, that is.
Will say Beenox does a great job with main character models. Their Spider-Men models are always top notch.
My local GAME store had boxed Xbox One copies for sale.
Something I found out and posted on the steam forum discussions.
Dealing with those spike lags for the PC version. This should help out a bit. Now I don't get and Spike lag loading while swinging now and Max Settings. Also I made the game wose/better. Just fooling around with the files a bit and broke stuff and made a better specular map for Spidey.I think the Spider-Man 2 Game music is what made the game actually seem good.
So hopefully this is good enough until Beenox fixes this issue if they ever try to, that is.
Will say Beenox does a great job with main character models. Their Spider-Men models are always top notch.
So, a decade later no game has been able to match Spiderman 2, right? I haven't tried all of them in the meantime, so if I've somehow missed an amazing classic I'd like to know.
Playing the PS3 version, here is my opinion:
As an aside, I cannot unsee Peter's face as a young Michael from GTAV.
This game gets all the little things right.
But just like Spidey in this game, they can't seem to stick the landing.
How is this game on the Wii U? Any unique features? framerate? Controls well? I'm interested in getting this version in the future.
It was answered right above your post.![]()
I feel like Polygon, as the more I play it, the more I fall in love with it, and the higher the score goes. I'm still getting the hang of swinging, but being able to stay above street level is really fun, especially when you start getting upgrades for it. The game show flashes of decent resolution, but is bogged down by it's rushed development time, as it will constantly flux between 'current gen' and handheld resolutions depending on where or what you're doing. If you're a Spider-Man fan, this game is for you, and is head and shoulders above SM2 in terms of how they characterize Spidey himself.Oh....jeez, talk about lazy on my part
Well damn not many care about the Gamepad as usual. As long as it plays ok I guess I'll give it a try.
I play this game, bought it day one on PS4 and couldn't be happier with it. I know the reviews and general reception from people I know aren't great...but as a Spidey fan, I'm just happy to have a next gen web swinging game. I don't expect GOTY from these...just mindless fun!
I feel like Polygon, as the more I play it, the more I fall in love with it, and the higher the score goes. I'm still getting the hang of swinging, but being able to stay above street level is really fun, especially when you start getting upgrades for it. The game show flashes of decent resolution, but is bogged down by it's rushed development time, as it will constantly flux between 'current gen' and handheld resolutions depending on where or what you're doing. If you're a Spider-Man fan, this game is for you, and is head and shoulders above SM2 in terms of how they characterize Spidey himself.
Was messing around with Cheat Engine to get the shadow resolution higher on the PC version:
Anyone know what the ending is all about, seems to be hinting at a sequel (not movie related too)
But the real question I wanna ask is where Gwen Stacey? for such an important character in the film to not have her pop up even once is weird
What's up with the cursor of the PC version.
I'm assuming the console version have it as well. It's the cursor for the Web Rush mechanic.
I mean in the cursor that appear in the menu. Every time I move it, it keep flickering and lagging the menu for me.