I bet Henry wrote that for him.I appreciated the clown joke
I bet Henry wrote that for him.I appreciated the clown joke
Dan unwinding after a long evening of classes...
PS: Amusingly, a gif search for "Keri Russell vein" brings you back to this thread.
I'm okay with Tuesday nights. Just as long as they don't move it to Sunday night like every other cable drama on the planet, I'm good.
Though critically acclaimed, The Americans has existed mainly as a ratings sleeper since its premiere in 2013, but emerged as a true contender in its fourth season, earning both Emmy and Golden Globe recognition. The show has maintained a steady sense of urgency and excitement even as the stakes are raised for the Jennings. The confession by the couple to their inquisitive daughter Paige (Holly Taylor) of their true identity and Paiges betrayal of her parents by telling her church pastor that her parents are Russian spies could have been disastrous for the shows momentum (see the second and third seasons of Homeland), but instead has taken the drama to another crackling level. The Jennnings fascination and growing affection for the American way of life brings another layer that makes the drama even more complex. Cant wait for the new season.
I recorded the second showing of Taboo that night... it wasn't on that either. Only the first-run. So I still haven't seen it! Starting to question whether it even happened!I find it a little mind boggling that the teaser still isn't available online.
That was awesome! OK FX community manager who clearly just started, go back-fill the other promos on YT.I think they heard us:
- New teaser/promo: School's Out
Same concept as the one that aired during the Taboo premiere, but this one has Paige.
I think they heard us:
- New teaser/promo: School's Out
Same concept as the one that aired during the Taboo premiere, but this one has Paige.
"Video not available in your country"...
great... :/
Prepare for the all new season of TVs most acclaimed drama. The Americans returns March 7th on FX.
That was awesome. One month to go!- Quotes | The Americans Season 5 Official Trailer | FX [HD] (please spoiler tag discussion as appropriate)
Poster version:
Man, just finishing up S4 and I really don't like the whole Young Hee plot line -- just so sad. At least Elizabeth hates doing it. Man, just ick.
Man, just finishing up S4 and I really don't like the whole Young Hee plot line -- just so sad. At least Elizabeth hates doing it. Man, just ick.
Man, just finishing up S4 and I really don't like the whole Young Hee plot line -- just so sad. At least Elizabeth hates doing it. Man, just ick.
New thread will be up later this week.The Americans is a period drama about the complex marriage of two KGB spies posing as Americans in suburban Washington D.C. during the Reagan administration.
The arranged marriage of Philip (Matthew Rhys) and Elizabeth Jennings (Keri Russell) grows more passionate and genuine by the day, but as the pressures and demands of the job grow heavier, the personal toll becomes almost too exhausting to bear. Having revealed their true identities to their teenage daughter Paige (Holly Taylor), Philip and Elizabeth's ability to protect their cover and their family's safety has become even more tenuous.
Even as Paige pushes her parents to bring her deeper into their confidence, Philip and Elizabeth struggle to maintain normalcy in their family, especially around their son, Henry (Keidrich Sellati). Paige's budding romance with Matthew, the son of their neighbor, FBI Agent Stan Beeman (Noah Emmerich), further complicates matters since Stan – Philip's best friend – remains the greatest threat to the Jennings' safety. He and his partner, Agent Dennis Aderholt (Brandon J. Dirden) are on the task force that seeks to uncover the Soviet illegals living among them.
After Stan's KGB lover/asset Nina was sent back to Moscow and executed for treason, he cultivated a relationship with KGB officer Oleg Burov (Costa Ronin), who, torn between duty and conscience, shared top Soviet secret intel with Stan that allowed the FBI to avert a potentially catastrophic loss of life. Disillusioned with the KGB, Oleg returned home to Russia, but he is finding it harder to escape his past transgressions than he had hoped.
As the Cold War rages on, paranoia on both sides reaches new heights, making Philip and Elizabeth's work increasingly vital – and eminently more perilous.
This is trimmed down a fair bit form previous seasons since there's no Arkady, Martha, Gaad, etc...