Oh, and then there's the 12" versions of his singles.
"Kiss" becomes a completely different song after the 3 1/2 minute mark. Like, he slid across the mixing console to the edge of the board, hit a switch that said "exponentially funkier" and then pushed all the dials up.
And then it goes like that for another 4 minutes.
and perhaps an intended side effect. they'll need to go buy his physical records.
The couple of Jazz albums he did were great too.
The Academy said:Thank you, Prince.
Yes you and I can be friends as well. That time period for him was amazing and I hold it in such a high regard that today just hurts.
I didn't even know about the Madhouse shit until I looked up the samples to Hip Hop Doll by Digital Underground and was like "He's got a JAZZ BAND?"
Google Play has some.
I'm listening right now.
I loved Chappelle's story about this cover.
"That's a Prince judo move. You make of Prince in a sketch then he'll just use you on his album cover. What am I going to do? Sue him for using a picture of me dressed up like him? It's impossible!"
I didn't even know about the Madhouse shit until I looked up the samples to Hip Hop Doll by Digital Underground and was like "He's got a JAZZ BAND?"
Heh, I was just out at a thrift store the other day and came up on Around The World in a Day, What Time is It, and Controversy in an As-Is vinyl bin.
Couldn't snatch that shit up fast enough.
He was young, did they say what happenned?
Why is his music not on iTunes. ;_;
Why is his music not on iTunes. ;_;
I couldn't agree more with Mr. Oizo.
Blows my mind how his music is like so hard to find online
This video made me smile. All star line up and Prince just slays it whilst being the coolest motherfucker, throws his guitar in the air and walks off.
I'm fairly certain this is all about to change pretty soon here.
Blows my mind how his music is like so hard to find online
Prince said:The internet's completely over. I don't see why I should give my new music to iTunes or anyone else. They won't pay me an advance for it and then they get angry when they can't get it.
"The internet's like MTV. At one time MTV was hip and suddenly it became outdated. Anyway, all these computers and digital gadgets are no good.
"They just fill your head with numbers and that can't be good for you."