Fixed1979 said:I'll probably be grabbing this regardless of the answer but I'm wondering if enemies drop any items or if it's all from chest. Also how long is a single play through?
Flunkie said:So has anyone confirmed that using CCleaner in a normal way wipes your save? That's pretty fucking scary.
Jasoco said:VVVVVV was reprogrammed to no longer be in Flash. I hope this game gets treatment like that too. I mean, is SMB Flash?
Thanks. I was on Windows but I found it. Also I think my game crashing might have something to do with steam. As soon as the news update popup appeared it crashed.Jasoco said:It'll be in your Steam Common folder. Are you on OS X or Windows?
well the game was made with so i guess they did most of the work lol.mrgone said:They're using the flash cache for progress saves? Really? Reallly? Disappoint.
I've put like 5 hours into this awesome little game. I don't want to lose my preciouses.
I was fearing that. Well, at least it's a game you start over anyway, but the unlockables potentially being lost would really suck.mrgone said:They're using the flash cache for progress saves? Really? Reallly? Disappoint.
I've put like 5 hours into this awesome little game. I don't want to lose my preciouses.
xelios said:I got to Mom with 4 hearts but I didn't make it.Seemed more difficult than people made it out to be.
hurr hurr hurr... No.DMPrince said:well the game was made with so i guess they did most of the work lol.
Jasoco said:Okay, I really hope an update that fixes achievements is up soon.
Also, anyone else notice that Steam doesn't count play time correctly for this game? At least on OS X? The reason is when you launch the game in Steam, it launches an app called "binding_of_isaac" which launches a separate application called "Isaac", which contains the game, and displays a splash screen while it loads. Which usually takes about a minute. So Steam is only counting the amount of time the "binding_of_isaac" process is running. But not when the actual game is running. Smooth move, Valve. Not that it's directly their fault. They probably didn't take into account some games might need to launch separate processes.
Anyway, Achievements, please. Thanks.
I got to the womb for the first time. Died in the second room.SalsaShark said:aaghhh the fucking wombbb
that's where the game really starts
I think exploring every level is probably a good thing to do so that you don't miss any upgrades. I think a lot of the difficulty just comes down to how lucky you get with what you are able to find.tjohn86 said:Am I doing it wrong by completely exploring every level?
Fuck this game is hard.
You need to be "doing well" to have them open. Empirically, I've found that having full health is necessary but not sufficient.Jasoco said:So, what's the secret to the iron bar doors? Sometimes they're opened, sometimes they refuse to. Once I started in a room with four doors and all were open including the iron doors, but I didn't have a key to the chest in the room so when I left and found a key, by the time I got back, the bars were down again. Is there a secret to these doors? I even tried coming back after defeating the boss.
SalsaShark said:you guys saying you beat it aint beating shiiiiet
the womb is where its at
tm24 said:OK, what does it mean when it says <X> has appeared in the basement? Does that mean there's a secret room or something? I also just realized blue rocks and rocks near holes do things. Awesome!
That's for when you get an achievement, there is no steam overlay recognition of them. It also means that <X> is now in the item pool and will randomly appear in dungeons from now on. It does not mean that it is currently in the dungeon you're on and you should go search it out, which was how I interpreted it at first.tm24 said:OK, what does it mean when it says <X> has appeared in the basement? Does that mean there's a secret room or something? I also just realized blue rocks and rocks near holes do things. Awesome!