I just don't get it
he ran on a platform of pure hate, no dog whistles, no ambiguity, just blunt loud hate
and we as a nation just looked at all that and said: sounds good, lets do it!
I just don't understand
This was long overdue.
I'm ready for this. We are in for a fight you guys. Obama being in office suffocated a lot of the hate that was already boiling. These racists have been mad for a while. So now, we all are going to fight.
It is going to have to get bad before it gets better. This had to happen. USA has been pretending to be this accepting and progressive environment long enough for the deplorables taste. Now they want to be reinstated with power and the only thing we can do is fight back.
I repeat, this had to happen. It was long overdue. With all the hate crimes excused by the justice system and gun violence ignored for faux-fear, we have to make a stand and that time is now.
I'm too lazy for this shit tbh. I would rather read a damn book but if I have to demand my rights as a woman and a minority to survive, I sure will.
Don't be scared everyone. If these bitches want their country to thrive they need us. But they are not going to thrive off our suffering. This goes for ALL minorities. We got this.