The vibe in here has drastically changed and I'm not about that life. Neither should you be.
First of all...
Good Morning,
My fellow blacks and browns, my mixed PoC, my nonblack PoC, my white allies. We need to take a step back and look at these results with realism. Racism is not gone, is far from gone and America hasn't done much to fix it, we KNEW this, but gave them the benefit of the doubt. We have to rise up to this occasion with dignity. We've always had to work twice as hard than the average white man, be twice as smart. We can not let this toxic hate, defeat us, we can not let this destroy OUR black history. Our ancestors have been through too damn much to let this break us. We had a black president that did his BEST to fix the fuck ups of the white man. And IMO he was as successful as he could have been in his situation.
Trump is NOT a failure. If you did not vote for him, he is NOT a failure. We did our part. We did what we had to do. We are not the problem with this country. We have to build communities to make CHANGE real change. Social change. We have to stop the divide and become brothers and sisters again. We have to protect our black youth, we have to protect our black children. We have to protect our BLACK WOMEN. We have to stand strong with our Muslim Brothers and Sisters. We have to get behind our immigrants looking for a better living. We have to get INVOLVED.
The KKK ain't shit and ain't been about shit ever. Half of these undercover racist whites ain't that bold. Their numbers are strong, but they're also dwindling.
All those racist coworkers, racist bosses they ain't about shit and they're cowards.
Man, that's all I have to say, all this negativity ain't worth it. And has to stop, now is the time to move forward. Its not the time to admit defeat. Take some time to yourself, dust off and come back. Who we elected did not become president. ITS OKAY. Its happened in the past. We've survived republican presidents. And I know Trump is the least experienced president elect there ever has been. But we need to rise and watch this white fool burn.
I love you all, I know some of ya'll don't know me or what I'm about, but I have always had the best intentions for my people. We'll pull through, we are stronger than this.