I can't deal with the "respect the views of racists" sentiment. While this site is predominantly American, I don't see people calling to respect the views of someone like Duterte just because he's a president.
Man fuck maybe I'm out of touch. I'm salty af and it's not even my own life I'm afraid for.
Nope, not out of touch. A certain subset on this board has been emboldened by Trump's victory, so they're wildin.
As a minority, I am not responsible for trying to educate the ignorant, mostly because education doesn't work on the unwilling. Only when he/she who lacks knowledge desires to transcend his/her state of ignorance can progress be made.
If some blue-collar white man in North Dakota can't find decent work and thinks it's because brown people are stealing his job prospects, I have no business with him, because as long as his mind is closed, reason will bounce off his skull. We have actual studies that show that taking hard-line, extremist stances actually causes changes in brain chemistry and rearranges the brain structure. Literally set-in-your-ways science here.
We're the folk who are systematically discriminated against, blamed, murdered, disenfranchised, ostracized, and marginalized. We have to shoulder all this, walk twice as straight, keep our noses twice as clean, and STILL we have to put on gloves for disreputable people who prefer their own narrow world view to the truth?
No. And again I say, no.
When folk are interested in the truth, that's when we'll let the mutual respect and education begin.