As someone who works in a pharmacy in the Florida panhandle I can only imagine the shit I'm going to have to blink and monotonously talk through trying to get these people their meds.
Store pharmacy or like in a hospital or clinic?
As someone who works in a pharmacy in the Florida panhandle I can only imagine the shit I'm going to have to blink and monotonously talk through trying to get these people their meds.
Need a Black Dynamite 2 right about now
Store pharmacy or like in a hospital or clinic?
They won't see it that way.Maybe I am just crazy, but I am starting to see it this way. Minorities are use to the struggle, and I think everyone else will now get to experience it.
Morning, y'all.
You don't want to come here, that's for damn sure.I'd talk to Shy, Young Magus, TheBlackMarvel, Duck, DY, etc... about "greener grass" across the oceans before gun talk, especially with the police still being crazy right now and probably getting crazier in the next 4 years, but I understand the feelings in here.
Don't forget to take lots of pork buns with you.Less Metal Gear and more Sleeping Dogs. I can do it
How is it.Thank you God, Buddha, Vishnu, Zordon for this heavy games month. Dishonored 2 is a godsend for me today.
I heard there are some new IPAs
Fucking lol.
Retail pharmacy. 😇
Need a Black Dynamite 2 right about now
I hope all the money MJW gets for those direct to video movies he does is being but toward the sequel.
Finally properly read Old Man Logan, it was better in my head.
That's what is for, makes dreams come true.I wonder about MJW, dude seems cool and he is talented. But he is stuck making shit you would see opening at Blockbuster or Hollywood video.
Probably because you imagined thesex scenesHulk and She Hulk
I actually still need to play Uncharted 4. I bought it at release and Ive never taken the disc out of the case.
I actually still need to play Uncharted 4. I bought it at release and Ive never taken the disc out of the case.
I have yet to play an uncharted game.
That's certainly a combined set of interests.
Though I ask why furries because from my understanding, trump doesn't really help them much. A lot of furry folk are lgbtq.
Uncharted 4 is really well made and I enjoyed my time with it but I don't have any intentions of going back to it for a long time.
Seems like one of those games where it si 10 minutes of action, then set piece rinse and repeatGames I borrow from gamestop.
You don't miss much by watching someone else play it
So Us-1 the game?I'm waiting for Naughty Dog to make a game about space trucking, I feel like that's where everything is leading.
No villains, no combat, just trucking.
Y'all need to show trump the same respect he showed Obama
It's the only thing I've ever wanted.Seems like one of those games where it si 10 minutes of action, then set piece rinse and repeat
So Us-1 the game?
I still can't get over the fact that we're going to have Trump as President. Like it's going to take me until next election to process this shit.
He won with less votes than Romney lost with because Americans are too damn lazy or fuckin' stupid to care. Like it's just baffling to me that "you have to get people energized" to keep a guy that unqualified and unethical out of the Whitehouse. He and his party want to disregard the constitution and the rights of millions, and 46% of the country didn't care enough to show that they agree or disagree with it. But I bet they would love to tell me and you what the fuck to do now. -_-
Oh, I think I might be getting a job soon.
Got a portfolio set up already, just need to figure out this whole application thing. My first job, gotta work hard for the family.
For me, it's all about GameCube games this Christmas. I'm already looking at Battalion Wars, FZero GX and Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction. Also a memory card and maybe another controller.
As for what I have right now, it's:
Def Jam Fight for NY
Custom Robo
Resident Evil 4
Ultimate Spider-Man
Kirby Air Ride
Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door
Spyro: A hero's Tail
Mario Kart Double Dash
Pacman World 2
Retail pharmacy. 😇
You wanted to practice for living in America in 2019.It's mind blowing that of any election to disregard some people chose this one. Trump us legitimately a threat to the principles of this country.
Why did I buy Fallout 4 again?
Wolverines soloing the X-Men was and still is the dumbest thing ever.Finally properly read Old Man Logan, it was better in my head.
It's mind blowing that of any election to disregard some people chose this one. Trump us legitimately a threat to the principles of this country.
If you like Custom Robo you should check out Gotcha Force. I'm not sure how much it goes for but I got it sealed on eBay for $5 a few years ago
there are a lot of people that subscribes to the notion of f*** you got mine. At the end of the day lgbtq people are People and there are going to be certain ones within the community are despicable. Most LGBT people realize that supporting for someone like Donald Trump it's not in their best interest and voted against him. But every once in a while you get that one black or gay person who has lost touch with reality and has decided to vote in a manner that isn't in their interest. Take for instance Caitlyn Jenner. She thought it was a good idea to support Donald Trump despite the fact that his running mate openly believes in gay conversion therapy. And now we have an outbreak of trans suicides thanks in part to the election of Donald Trump. It can only be summed up as f*** you got mine.
while I have yet to notice any correlation between furry avatars and the alt-right I won't be shocked if I do see it. I remember seeing Nazi My Little Ponies fan art before they had the modern redesign. I've seen Bronies spout off MRA talking points before. I hope that I am wrong and that these guys are just tiny outliers.
Depends on how you view the world, I suppose. Being unarmed hasn't stopped black men from getting murdered, why would legally owning a gun be any different?Saw lot of minorities need to start conceal/open carry in ot threads. You guys think this is the best choice we minorities can make with how trigger happy pd's have been? I usually carry a knife on me, I don't think I want to carry a handgun too much liability.
Searched gotcha force on eBay...and almost did the Fred Sanford routine to the T. Goddamn at those prices. I could get more games for those prices.
Ya'll don't believe do you? Look 'em up on eBay. Your eyes will fly outta your skull.
"Niggas play with Playstations, they buildin space stations"
Get ready for an increase in police released videos of black people acting up, and more poorly timed BLM protests to make black people look as bad as possible.
Holy shit!!! Lmao
There must of been some increase interest in the game 'cause it was dirt cheap years ago. I'll have to look up and see if I still have the receipt for my purchase but it was definitely $5-$15 bucks and it was sealed
Counting on a Uncharted 4 deal since I recently finished the entire collection. Why does the third game get so much hate? I thought it was fun outside the final QTE boss fight.
True enough, I can't believe how messed up things are going to get for POC.Depends on how you view the world, I suppose. Being unarmed hasn't stopped black men from getting murdered, why would legally owning a gun be any different?
Plus it's not just the cops.
I had a minority studies class this morning and a few people were choking tears back. You could just hear it in their voices. We all gotta stay strong and take care of each other. Much love from your Mexican American brothers and sisters.I pretty much broke down in my African American history class.
It's rough.
These "They are both evil/both parties are the same/he's not really racist/the Illuminati controls who's president" aka the "So woke they need to get some sleep" voters never see the big picture. If the candidate isn't doing exactly what they want in a president, they won't vote, even if it means the collapse of the whole country, whether it was at the hands of Bush in 04, and eventually Trump.