I'm loving the new things Dragon Ball is doing nowadays.
That Powerpuff Girls thread sure went places.
An amazing tone shift.
Starts off with video about Powerpuff girls, then some info on the creator of said video is revealed:What happened? I don't feel like going in there.
Starts off with video about Powerpuff girls, then some info on the creator of said video is revealed:
Starts off with video about Powerpuff girls, then some info on the creator of said video is revealed:
Nah, I don't think I'll ever get a Pro. Like FFXV doesn't really bother me too much like it somehow bothers others.Ge-Zus...wow...
Anywho to scrub that scum from my mind, anyone got the PS4 Pro yet? I'm saving up for one of the PS4s and the future KH releases but I've been seeing alot of vids about jet engine level fan sounds and random shutdowns from the Pro.
Anywho to scrub that scum from my mind, anyone got the PS4 Pro yet? I'm saving up for one of the PS4s and the future KH releases but I've been seeing alot of vids about jet engine level fan sounds and random shutdowns from the Pro.
Just a curl sponge and I'm still on the lookout for good moisturizing products. I was using Cantu but I'm trying to find something without as many chemicals in ti.Do you use a curl sponge and any specific products?
Starts off with video about Powerpuff girls, then some info on the creator of said video is revealed:
Starts off with video about Powerpuff girls, then some info on the creator of said video is revealed:
About right. There is no Youtube personality that isn't touched in the head.
I assume every one on twitter and youtube is 2 seconds from some fuckshitAbout right. There is no Youtube personality that isn't touched in the head.
Just a curl sponge and I'm still on the lookout for good moisturizing products. I was using Cantu but I'm trying to find something without as many chemicals in ti.
Speaking of shit humans who have the ability to draw, I wonder how the Sleepy Cabin crew is handling that thing that happened.
You mean Shad and his genuine pedophilia pandering?
Starts off with video about Powerpuff girls, then some info on the creator of said video is revealed:
Fuck it.
Rolling the dice on the SE Holiday box.
Watch buffy the musical then the Native American Roseanne episode stat!I have been on a High School Musical binge, someone fucking help me
The pro is cool and the redone Ds4 is great for battery life, it just doesn't act right in certain games ala MLB the ShowGe-Zus...wow...
Anywho to scrub that scum from my mind, anyone got the PS4 Pro yet? I'm saving up for one of the PS4s and the future KH releases but I've been seeing alot of vids about jet engine level fan sounds and random shutdowns from the Pro.
Ironically the one that worked best for me was a cheap 2 pack sponge that was made in China. Black Ice Magic Twist Hair Brush Sponge. It's falling apart now so you pay for what you get.Can you name a good brand for your sponge? I'm on Amazon now about to pull the trigger
The Black Culture Thread |OT17| - Blacker than my cousin Femi.
I still cast my vote for
The Black Culture Thread |OT17| Bish Pls
I also have a gif for the title
That Powerpuff Girls thread sure went places.
Odds of getting something KH-related?
If Marvel vs Capcom can comeback, anything can happenKH 3 is never coming out
If Marvel vs Capcom can comeback, anything can happen
an abstract deity fighting a school girl makes more sense than any KH storyline
Actually up untill the time travel bit, it was fairly simple to explain.
This evil asshole, or the ghost of the same evil asshole wants to use peoples souls to thanos the universe in darkness.
That's the plot of KH actually. Everyone likes to joke, its actually super simple.
Also when people loose their souls they turn into a demon, when they do that their body leaves them. Bam.
Did they talk about him amping it up to drawing porn of a preteen Youtuber, posting a picture of her and then linking one of her videos on the page? Or just the old questions stuff?Yes that bundle of fuckery. It also has yet to stop, from what i've investigated. Members of the Sleepy cabin are not pleased.
What the actual fuck that guy. From what I've investigated, he's gotten into legal trouble with his art before. For the exact same shit, but he's still doing this fuck shit.
Did they talk about him amping it up to drawing porn of a preteen Youtuber, posting a picture of her and then linking one of her videos on the page? Or just the old questions stuff?
I wanted to talk about the episode Speed Demon but nooooo because that video was made by an asshole.
Odds of getting something KH-related?
I thought about it but I own way too many SE games on PC. I still might in hopes of getting something like DQ.
Right? I got to the last part and it stopped. I'm like, 'this is bullshit'
I thought about it but I own way too many SE games on PC. I still might in hopes of getting something like DQ.