Mornin y'all! I'm about to be an uncle for the umpteenth time come later today. One of my sisters is in labor, bringing in a healthy baby boy.
Mornin ya'll! I'm about to be an uncle for the umpteenth time come later today. One of my sisters is in labor, bringing in a healthy baby boy.
Congrats. Always good to see the family grow
Aw yeah man, thanks its good and all now till they grow up and come for my pockets.![]()
I feel you. Got my 7 year old niece and 4 year old nephew asking for iPadsAw yeah man, thanks its good and all now till they grow up and come for my pockets.![]()
if a grown ass person puts they hands on my child they getting fucked up period.
Shit, just found out my old job paid me early. I could've went ham in the mall yesterday. Hopefully, I can go back out there Saturday, but y'all know about that traffic.
I also went into a black barber shop yesterday and a white girl gave me a line up. It turned out good too. White girl had skills.
Ahhh shit, what happened?
Basically a 7 year old black kid drops paper, gets choked by grown ass white dude, mom calls cops, cops fuck it all the way up, mom gets arrested.
And Im a fucking victim blamer for saying keep the cops out that shit and handle it yourself....
Its not just GAF but the US has devolved into this fucking hypersensitive anti intellectual bullshit society. Im so tired of it....
GAF is the echo chamber, all they fucking do is post fucking stupid meme tropes, "Victim Blame, Race is Quantum Locked, Ludonarrative Dissonance!"
All recycled post concepts, no free thought, Its fucking stupid
Basically a 7 year old black kid drops paper, gets choked by grown ass white dude, mom calls cops, cops fuck it all the way up, mom gets arrested.
I need a internet solution. I live in Brooklyn and I desperately need some internet. What are more options guys help
I was reading that thread and how they were coming for you and just had to close the tab. They're a bit much. We take the L whether we call the cops or don't, it feels. If I'm gonna be arrested, I may as well be arrested for actually fucking some shit up, then, not for calling in hopes of help.
I was reading that thread and how they were coming for you and just had to close the tab. They're a bit much. We take the L whether we call the cops or don't, it feels. If I'm gonna be arrested, I may as well be arrested for actually fucking some shit up, then, not for calling in hopes of help.
I was reading that thread and how they were coming for you and just had to close the tab. They're a bit much. We take the L whether we call the cops or don't, it feels. If I'm gonna be arrested, I may as well be arrested for actually fucking some shit up, then, not for calling in hopes of help.
The US ain't shit
Basically a 7 year old black kid drops paper, gets choked by grown ass white dude, mom calls cops, cops fuck it all the way up, mom gets arrested.
We can't win. We don't win. So I don't even play the game with them anymore. Cops aren't perfect. This situation was handled ALL WRONG. Now let our liberal allies scold us on how to better handle things. They're still our allies right?
Def something low cost.Beyond free hotspots I'm assuming. You looking for something low/no cost or just recommendations?
Hmm... something up with my ps4 pro then.Online. My downloads are all still going.
And Im a fucking victim blamer for saying keep the cops out that shit and handle it yourself....
Its not just GAF but the US has devolved into this fucking hypersensitive anti intellectual bullshit society. Im so tired of it....
GAF is the echo chamber, all they fucking do is post fucking stupid meme tropes, "Victim Blame, Race is Quantum Locked, Ludonarrative Dissonance!"
All recycled post concepts, no free thought, Its fucking stupid
There is no point because many are not there to discuss, they are there to "win".
Def something low cost.
I just can't with that 7 year old thread. This is me transparently changing the subject.
I'm gonna have a heart to heart with you BCT simps and potential simps.
If a woman leaves you, and down the line you find out she's with another guy and getting married. Leave her alone.
Just let it the fuck go.
Don't fuckin show up at her wedding.
Don't have multiple pictures blown up and displayed at her wedding.
Especially if those pics are of her showing you what the mouth do.
You will come off as petty and lame as hell.
Thank you
I don't know much about getting an ISP without a contract(installation fees + First month pay+Renting/buying their router or not), I do know if you can game the system, buy at the right time it can be cheap. After two years obviously the price will go up, but that's when you pull the second hustle cancel the service and sign up as a new customer. Heres a website with providers available around your area and average pricing.
Same feeling here. My blood boils when it comes to shit like this and I just want to believe everything's alright and that man will drop dead. Switching tunes.
Dam isn't this the 2nd time in a row the first day back girlfriendofagamer post in here and gets banned the same day
Nier demo is up, get your Platinum combat and Gothic lolitas while they're hot.
really how would that work? wouldnt i have to pay cancellation fees?
I'm gonna have a heart to heart with you BCT simps and potential simps.
If a woman leaves you, and down the line you find out she's with another guy and getting married. Leave her alone.
Just let it the fuck go.
Don't fuckin show up at her wedding.
Don't have multiple pictures blown up and displayed at her wedding.
Especially if those pics are of her showing you what the mouth do.
You will come off as petty and lame as hell.
Thank you
Were you the unfortunate bystander of the third act of a horribly-written romcom? o.o
Kenyon and Carmelo carried two big burdens: all that money and no father to show them how to act like a man, George Karl wrote [in his new book].
We'd be some fighting mothafuckas.
Kenyon and Carmelo carried two big burdens: all that money and no father to show them how to act like a man, George Karl wrote [in his new book].
We'd be some fighting mothafuckas.
ohhh nice.When the contract ends, whether it be 1 or 2 year contract you don't have cancellation fees, because what they're going to do is revise one up with a higher price point.
Take for example. When I was in college me and my roommates got internet, but only one of us could have it under our name. It was a two year contract. After that contract was up they wanted to raise the price $20.00 making it expensive as fuck for college kids so we canceled the service.
Probably a week later a different roommate called back, said they were moving in the building and wanted internet service activated, they got a two year contract for the new customer rate. So we were still paying the same amount, just under a "new customer".
Kenyon and Carmelo carried two big burdens: all that money and no father to show them how to act like a man, George Karl wrote [in his new book].
We'd be some fighting mothafuckas.
Hey guys just a quick question. Should artistic freedom continue to exist, or should the evil SJWs force diversity down people's throats?
Hey guys just a quick question. Should artistic freedom continue to exist, or should the evil SJWs force diversity down people's throats?
Just respect the story. If the setting is 1960's Wisconsin, there's probably going to be 99% white people.
If it's set in ancient Egypt, there are no damn white people!!!
Mornin all!
Morning morning.Morning BCT
Noice.Shit, just found out my old job paid me early. I could've went ham in the mall yesterday. Hopefully, I can go back out there Saturday, but y'all know about that traffic.
I also went into a black barber shop yesterday and a white girl gave me a line up. It turned out good too. White girl had skills.
Morning morning.
The Nier demo is pretty great.
I get that, but the camera shifts where one of my favorite elements of the original I'm so glad they keep them.I can tell it is a great game but I'm not a fan of the camera angles. I'm passing on the game for sure.