Gordon Shumway
Y'all playing any games today? Been a minute.
Been all addicted to that Let it Die shit..we'll definitely set up a meet this week.
Y'all playing any games today? Been a minute.
Been all addicted to that Let it Die shit..we'll definitely set up a meet this week.
OverwatchY'all playing any games today? Been a minute.
Online warrior boys
Been all addicted to that Let it Die shit..we'll definitely set up a meet this week.
Too many Black guys buying Bevel shaving kit only to post reviews on YouTube of them shaving their head. C'mon fam I want to know about face shaving as it relates to Bevel.
Too many Black guys buying Bevel shaving kit only to post reviews on YouTube of them shaving their head. C'mon fam I want to know about face shaving as it relates to Bevel.
The Tomorrow ChildrenY'all playing any games today? Been a minute.
...even though they agreed to helping Trump track and hunt down brown people not too long ago.
Unless you're referring to a different thing than I am thinking of, they explicitly said they would not.
Really, something I missed?
In relation to the hypothetical of whether we would ever help build a muslim registry we havent been asked, of course we wouldnt do this and we are glad from all that weve read that the proposal doesnt seem to be on the table.
IMO that dude got banned for just straight up saying he didn't watch the video yet he still wanted to argue.
Feel free to watch the video and disagree but c'mon son. I had time to watch the video, do a second round of groceries, and post my responses to you. You got guys prepping for orgies but still taking the time to make a thread but you don't have enough time to watch a video?
Also because of anime avatars and white supremacists I changed my avatar from one of the few Black characters in Naruto. .it was a sad day when an avatar I've been using for years felt tainted.
Black characters are few and far between in anime/manga, but when they show, they're always appreciated. Case in point, one of the few good things about Bleach;
Hey look, a thread about Japanese creators and diversity. I'm sure this will turn out well!
Hey look, a thread about Japanese creators and diversity. I'm sure this will turn out well!
Been playing Pokemon Prism for the past two days. Been addicted to it while also a little frustrated.Y'all playing any games today? Been a minute.
When we going to get an article tearing down Fresh Prince?
Dust of your cable boxes and reintroduce yourself to your Syfy channel numbers. The Expanse is about to start season 2 come Feb 1st.
How's SFV going? Heard the latest patch reintroduced some launch issues they had already fixed. Thoughts on Akuma, too, if you got any.
Big Trouble in Little China feels like the series finale of an adventure show we didn't get to see. Jack Burton isn't the hero, he's the side character that got super popular so they increase his role in the finale.
Lmao still the most random pairing I've ever seen. They shared not one conversation together, heck not even panel I think. Their daughter is pretty cool though.
I'm already hyped for more Expanse, but I'm also kind of worried about where the series is going to go, based on the ending of last season.
Thread been mostly fine so far though "is this (obviously Black/SEA/etc.) person ganguro?" is always a question that grinds my gears a bit :/
So Ethan from H3H3 is going to act like White men get discriminated against because of a MTV video.
White guys across the nation are now getting ready to victimize themselves after claiming other groups have done nothing but self-victimized during this last decade.
No surprise seeing how he took a "both sides are evil" look on the election. Same with Phil (Philly D) Defranco, and Boogie. All of them got hit with that unsub button.
So Ethan from H3H3 is going to act like White men get discriminated against because of a MTV video.
White guys across the nation are now getting ready to victimize themselves after claiming other groups have done nothing but self-victimized during this last decade.
No surprise seeing how he took a "both sides are evil" look on the election. Same with Phil (Philly D) Defranco, and Boogie. All of them got hit with that unsub button.
At least with Phil he kinda realized how dumb he was being when people on Twitter and YouTube called his ass out. Only reason I'm still subscribed is because he realized how much of a dumbass he was being.
That shit is worse then a KKK member saying nigger. Folks just don't want to think
Boogie was problematic in the past.
Where/when did he realize he was being a dumbass (do you mind linking)? Unsubbing from him actually was hard since my gf and I would watch his show every day during dinner. If he owned up to his shit I'm down for resubbing.
Also I'm glad that he got so much shade by not getting the Youtube confirmation for the 2016 video--I seriously laughed out loud when I heard.
I'm really ashamed that Boogie received such a warm welcome for his award. The dude is terrible. A fake ally is more harmful. People that care more about order than justice are scum.
Shit I may be wrong, all I can find is Phil being a dumbass saying that Casey Neisat was violating YouTube ToS by asking other YouTubers to share who they were voting for because they have influence.
I don't think I have it in me to unsuscribe from SourceFed though
Damn well he'll stay unsub now. Even if it is only for 3 months or so, I just can't bring myself to click on his videos and hear his voice.
I've been searching for other YouTube daily "news" channels to watch so if you have any suggestions send them my way
I only watch YouTube for Xavier Woods, old music, and cat videos
I don't know none of the people y'all be talkin about
Me eitherI only watch YouTube for Xavier Woods, old music, and cat videos
I don't know none of the people y'all be talkin about
Yeah, I always feel old when people bring up youtube people. Only thing I subbed to is this woman that plays 4x games and has a seductive voice
Lemme get a name, fam. Always looking for more female YouTubers to support
Same here. I heard of them, just not subscribed. I stick to pet vids, mondo media and a couple youtubers I know personally.I only watch YouTube for Xavier Woods, old music, and cat videos
I don't know none of the people y'all be talkin about
Add Game Grumps to that list, and you basically got my subs.I only watch YouTube for Xavier Woods, old music, and cat videos
I don't know none of the people y'all be talkin about
I need animator youtubers to follow, because I keep thinking I'm subbed to them all.
Hey look, a thread about Japanese creators and diversity. I'm sure this will turn out well!
Check out mondo media and Cartoon hangover for animators. They'll lead you to the animators who's shows they air.I need animator youtubers to follow, because I keep thinking I'm subbed to them all.
I need animator youtubers to follow, because I keep thinking I'm subbed to them all.
Add Game Grumps to that list, and you basically got my subs.
Speaking of this and Game Grumps, there was a video where Arin and Ross talked about how animators on Youtube kept getting boned over how monetization in general works against animators. I wish I could find the video, because it was a good talk.
That shit is worse then a KKK member saying nigger. Folks just don't want to think
Boogie was problematic in the past.
That shit is worse then a KKK member saying nigger. Folks just don't want to think
Boogie was problematic in the past.
Arin being absolute ass at following directions led to me unsubscribing from em
May lead to me leaving Super Best Friends too
Can't handle people who don't read shit but ask why something isn't happening or how to do something.