The results are... in? Join me on the fun look at my heritage.
Looks like that East Asian is about as small as I thought. In other words, non-existent.
So why then, do my eyes look "Chinese?"
I can only guess and use random articles found online, but I pointed quickly in this direction (source:
some Chinese likely originated from West Africa, which shares the "slanted" eyes look. (Dark Skin Asians, amirite? no? okay.)
So there goes the whole "Cuban" heritage I was wrong about. Well, at least from a DNA standpoint.
What my Mum doesn't have an explanation for, and is confusing to me also? The fact that Carribean doesn't show up.
Well, it's because it will show up as West African (23andme issue, but it makes sense, Jamaican girls on YouTube have the similar result).
My Mum's father's grandfather was some Greek dude (apparently) and his descendants all live in Jamaican. They've mixed a bunch (inc. half Japanese cousins). I'll get her to a similar test at some point.
I got more to look into but, there has to be something because people keep thinking this Cuban dude at work is my brother (same hair, skin tone, etc.) and I get mistaken for a different race each week. I guess I'm like water.

Anyway, that was fun. EDIT: Turns out I don't know where countries in Africa are but nvm.