heh random musings of a chinese american reading this black code thingy.
I grew up in an upper middle class neighborhood in Texas, and my experience is that what you wear means far more than your skin color. My HS years were during the grunge/hip-hop late 90s and the duo of speed-walking soccer moms will swerve and walk on the opposite side of the street from you if you wore supper baggy pants with pockets everywhere and an oversized hoodie no matter what your skin color was.
In fact our neighborhood pariah was some white trash family who bought a foreclosed house for super cheap in order to fix it up and flip it and was driving down the property values with their trailer park ways and trash. Your perceived economic status and education level matters far more than your skin color in my experience.
Strange, I got the same talk from my very Asian parents. Who would have thunk it, not being a belligerent asshole to people who have an effect on your life and who carries a weapon might be a wise thing to do? Of course that goes for waiters, customer service reps, salespeople; the whole golden rule thing. Humility is something more parents should teach their kids, too many self-entitled lil pricks running around nowadays.
heh my parents taught me that it doesn't matter if you were born in Houston, non-asians see your face and will never think of you as one of them. No one will ask a white or black person what part of Europe or Africa they are from, but every new person you meet will ask you and be puzzled when you say "Texas" and will want to know where you are from originally. Fuck what other people think, concentrate more on bettering your own life and your family's. And I will teach my kids the same thing.
Excellent point, friend.
It's actually a common misconception that bears want to eat you. They don't, they just want to know if you know any good parties. I'm Canadian, which means I live in the wilderness, which means I meet a lot of bears, so you can trust me on this.
One day, I'm going to combine every hot topics of GAF in a single one masterful monster of a tornado of a thread. The drama will be epic. The self-rightous posters, the offended drama primadonas and those-who-like-to-read-their-own-posts will
He also forgot religion, politics, occupy wallstreet, and gun control. Nintendo's more for Gaming side.
I'm frankly tired of people making these types of asinine, dismissal posts about their life experience being Not Bl- err Asian in America. Strangely enough I also get the scared looks over the shoulder when I happen to be walking behind a young female late at night. Only I don't get all offended, I don't blame them for being nervous when a young male might be following them. I do the sensible thing and cross the street and put some distance between us and brush the whole thing off. I also get nervous when some one is walking behind me at night.. so what? If the person happens to be black will I be labeled as a racist in their mind? Fun times, drama.The problem is that this is simply not true for black males, no matter how much people attempt to dismiss it. When I'm walking home from school at night and there's a white woman ahead of me, she's going to constantly look behind her shoulder constantly no matter what casual clothes I'm wearing. When I walk into a gas store at night I can sense the tension in the clerk's change of behavior within seconds.
Yes, clothes play a major role in how people are perceived. But it is not more important than skin color, and I'm frankly tired of people making these types of asinine, dismissal posts about their life experience being Not Black. I doubt police slow to a stroll when they see Asian guys in hoodies at night.
Come on humanity, it is 2012 already, does still matter what color your skin is?
It also means that you're a moose, or have moose blood in your family, and therefore cannot be trusted as a reliable source in matters relating to nature. You'd lie to protect your ursine brethren. I've seen it.
Come on humanity, it is 2012 already, does still matter what color your skin is?
The problem is that this is simply not true for black males, no matter how much people attempt to dismiss it. When I'm walking home from school at night and there's a white woman ahead of me, she's going to constantly look behind her shoulder constantly no matter what casual clothes I'm wearing. When I walk into a gas store at night I can sense the tension in the clerk's change of behavior within seconds.
I doubt police slow to a stroll when they see Asian guys in hoodies at night.
I'm frankly tired of people making these types of asinine, dismissal posts about their life experience being Not Bl- err Asian in America. Strangely enough I also get the scared looks over the shoulder when I happen to be walking behind a young female late at night. Only I don't get all offended, I don't blame them for being nervous when a young male might be following them. I do the sensible thing and cross the street and put some distance between us and brush the whole thing off. I also get nervous when some one is walking behind me at night.. so what? If the person happens to be black will I be labeled as a racist in their mind? Fun times, drama.
edit: and my friends and I have been stopped by police for walking around late at night.. so what? You think they say "oo their eyes are round/slanty and non-black so we have to leave them alone.." A group of young males are wandering down the street of a nice neighborhood at 2 in the morning, don't be surprised if you get stopped. Am I supposed to be offended?
It's not me being dismissive of his situation, it's an honest comment on the nature of stereotypes. Am I offended when it happens to me? Honestly no, nor did I say I was.
And yes, a male walking behind a woman at night can indeed lead to them having the same nervous reaction. I'm not arguing this is something mutually exclusive to black guys. The point is that these stereotypes effect black males more than other males in this country, just as an Arab American has to deal with more stereotypes than other races at an airport regardless of whether other people get treated with suspicion as well.
You realise it is the same poster that you are replying to, right?
So he is saying that all asians look alike and he couldn't tell us apart, I'm offendedYou realise it is the same poster that you are replying to, right?
He just sold out his 12 year old son about sleeping with stuffed animals. Ice cold.
Very true.Avatarless posters may as well be anonymous.
So he is saying that all asians look alike and he couldn't tell us apart, I'm offended
edit: suppose I need to get an avatar
Avatarless posters may as well be anonymous.
So he is saying that all asians look alike and he couldn't tell us apart, I'm offended![]()
It's not me being dismissive of his situation, it's an honest comment on the nature of stereotypes. Am I offended when it happens to me? Honestly no, nor did I say I was.
And yes, a male walking behind a woman at night can indeed lead to them having the same nervous reaction. I'm not arguing this is something mutually exclusive to black guys. The point is that these stereotypes effect black males more than other males in this country, just as an Arab American has to deal with more stereotypes than other races at an airport regardless of whether other people get treated with suspicion as well.
I think you guys are taking Sexism and trying to make it into racism.
I get all the stuff you get when I walk behind girls at night and I"m white. I hate when they look at me like i'm going to kill them but i'm just trying to get to my car and I hate when they cross the street . I would never hurt someone like that , but its what they do.
I'm also tired of getting looks when I take my nephew and niece to the park. I've have the cops called on me before because I was a white male alone in the park with my 1 year old niece or two year old nephew.
in my younger days i've been arrested and had to have restraining orders put on cops because I was a metal white boy who they liked to blame the towns problems on.
I remember one day after a bad storm my friend and i decided to walk for pizza. We had pizza and walked back home the whole thing took an hour or so. We get back and there are cops outside my friends house and htey start harashing us telling us that they had reports of a teenager passed out in a persons yard. They kept questioning us about what we were doing. I finally told one of the cops that the ground is soaking wet from the rain the last few days and we are all dry , so how can any of us be the one that was laying in the grass and mudd. I then told him that I was calling the county sheriff to come and make sure my rights aren't voliated ( The sheriff was a family friend) I got restraining orders put on all of them .
I've also driven home from the shore with friends and were pulled over and then surrounded by cops who had dogs chopping at the bit ready to find drugs in my car so they could cart us off to jail. I've had plenty of bad experiance because i was a teenage male in america.
While my female friends would get off of tickets cause they cried or flashed some boobs , i'd get speeding tickets left and right.
Its a very sexist world. As I've said in other thread , there may be many things that black males have to deal with in this country that those of other backrounds don't , but i don't think the things in his talk or in that other list are black only problems.
"Well, as a white person, I don't confine myself to these silly arbitrary classes like race and stuff like that. Just ignore the racism and it'll go away. As long as you are aware of racism, people will be racist to you."
are we done now
lol white liburul guilt
rule # 1 of The White Male Code is we do not talk about The White Male Code, Satchwar
As a black woman she can talk about it though
Seems to work on hungry bears. You might also try to stand on your toes, so as to appear larger than racism, then it'll just run away.
tattered hoodie? torn jeans? those are in now?
if I'm at school until 12 at night working on a painting or design I usually perfer to wear something that i dont care about since i'm probably tired and it's going to get dirty. Being in canada, shit gets cold.
so basically, when you wear your dirty old clothes and get them even dirtier from hard work and walk into walmart, you get treated like minority?
ok, sure.
I think this is a bunch of bs.
To me it sounds more like the "dont dress like and act you're a ganstah code".
As a 23 year old white male, if I walk into a walmart wearing a tattered hoodie, some torn jeans, and strutting like I think I own the place or I'm doing something wrong then, then i get looked at and treated the exact same way.
If I walk around in a gated community looking like a robber/vandal/arson then I expect people to be weary.
and for women it's the same way, if you dress like a hooker, act like hooker and talk like a hooker, don't get pissed for being treated like a hooker.
I think this is a bunch of bs.
To me it sounds more like the "dont dress like and act you're a ganstah code".
As a 23 year old white male, if I walk into a walmart wearing a tattered hoodie, some torn jeans, and strutting like I think I own the place or I'm doing something wrong then, then i get looked at and treated the exact same way.
If I walk around in a gated community looking like a robber/vandal/arson then I expect people to be weary.
and for women it's the same way, if you dress like a hooker, act like hooker and talk like a hooker, don't get pissed for being treated like a hooker.
I think this is a bunch of bs.
To me it sounds more like the "dont dress like and act you're a ganstah code".
As a 23 year old white male, if I walk into a walmart wearing a tattered hoodie, some torn jeans, and strutting like I think I own the place or I'm doing something wrong then, then i get looked at and treated the exact same way.
If I walk around in a gated community looking like a robber/vandal/arson then I expect people to be weary.
and for women it's the same way, if you dress like a hooker, act like hooker and talk like a hooker, don't get pissed for being treated like a hooker.
People trying to say they understand what it is like because they've been out wearing hoodies are fuckin' idiots.
It's like talking to a man who has walked around with first degree burns on his face his whole adult life and claiming you know what it's like to be stared at because you suffered from acne!
It's disingenuous, and bordering offensive.
And maybe it's because I dont live in the us, but I honestly doubt the racial profiling claims are as bad as people act/say they are.
edit: I think that a lot of african american culture propagates these negative sterotypes and a lot of black kids are unfortunately brought up into them and idolizing them.
actually, a lot of people with acne get treated like that, so yeah, i think it is pretty fair compairson.
shit's hard man.
And maybe it's because I dont live in the us, but I honestly doubt the racial profiling claims are as bad as people act/say they are.
edit: I think that a lot of african american culture propagates these negative sterotypes and a lot of black kids are unfortunately brought up into them and idolizing them.
And thats just kind of sad with all the subtle racism that gets a pass here.
The reason things like this happen is because people dont want to address the prejudices and preconceived notions that still exist in America,
I remember a couple years ago at 3pm in a McDonalds parking lot I was eating my lunch, when my car was surrounded by 6 plain clothes detectives. They dragged me out of the car and searched me and the car at gunpoint. They claimed they were looking for drugs but all I was doing was suspiciously eating some chicken nuggets.
And maybe it's because I dont live in the us, but I honestly doubt the racial profiling claims are as bad as people act/say they are.
edit: I think that a lot of african american culture propagates these negative sterotypes and a lot of black kids are unfortunately brought up into them and idolizing them.
Always pay close attention to your surroundings, son, especially if you are in an affluent neighborhood where black folks are few. Understand that even though you are not a criminal, some people might assume you are, especially if you are wearing certain clothes.
Never argue with police, but protect your dignity and take pride in humility. When confronted by someone with a badge or a gun, do not flee, fight, or put your hands anywhere other than up.
Please don't assume, son, that all white people view you as a threat. America is better than that. Suspicion and bitterness can imprison you. But as a black male, you must go above and beyond to show strangers what type of person you really are.