Quick thoughts on the American PS3 version after having been playing the Japanese 360 version since last Wednesday:
-Nice packaging! Full color manual, LE box is thin and houses the two blu-ray disc cases nicely.
-Is there no install option on PS3? Please tell me I missed this; the load times aren't really long, but are noticeably longer compared to the (full-installed) 360 version. :/
-Did an online match and it was fairly laggy; I have not had a match like this on 360. This is disappointing, and combined with the pre-fight load times, it felt longer than usual compared to the 360 version. Hopefully the guy I played just had a crappy connection and/or was downloading or something. EDITL The second match started out great and then got really bad in the second round, but I think the guy was "cheating" and making lag happen since it only got laggy when I was on the offensive. I won anyway. :lol
-The stock PS3 controller works perfectly with this game. Even with the Mad Catz 360 fight pad, I sometimes have problems getting Iron Tager's 360s out. Did not have any problems on PS3!
-The ranked match I played did not have blind character select, but 360 does. Confusing! :lol
-There are less people playing compared to the 360 version.