The Callisto Protocol 2 Plans Discussed by Former Director; Mentions Cut Bosses & Enemies, How They Wanted More Time

Chuck Berry

Gold Member
The Callisto Protocol could be a prominent horror franchise.

Season 3 Flirting GIF by The Office


I liked the remake (never played the original, only the sequel which i loved) but man, its just so samey and lacking in story. Not that callisto was any different, but it felt fresh in a way the DS remake didnt. The combat in DS remake felt literally 1:1 with DS2. The story just took forever to get going. im now 5 hours in and nothing has happened. Like i said, callisto isnt much better, but it is just that little bit better paced and the new combat options like melee and force abilities made it feel a bit more fresher than DS1.

Callisto's biggest issue is tying a lot of the best abilities behind skill trees. It makes the first couple of hours a bit of a slog unless you know what to upgrade. The game becomes a lot more fun mid way through as you have way better melee abilities and can clean an entire room with just force abilities like a jedi.

Samey to what? Are you saying DS remake is samey to DS2? Dead Space (OG) reinvented the wheel on a lot of areas. Anything you think is "samey" was probably created in the first game. They are such good ideas that Schofield keeps rehashing a lot of it in Callisto, that's the biggest problem with it, for me. Of course DS remake is samey to DS2, it's what started it. Because you experienced it completely out of order you come out with the incorrect conclusion that Callisto is better than DS1. Or are you saying DS is samey to Callisto? Because that is absolutely the case, but it's the other way around.

Me = triggered, (insert joke about cutting self or something else equally bat shit crazy)

I guess it's fine for younger kids that weren't around for the original Dead Space, because they didn't experience these ideas in one place for the first time. But you have the experience ruined by other games that have taken various DS methods for their own games and get spoiled on that.
Nice excuses. The game was bad and clearly not a rush job. It's mechanically flawed from its core and they relied heavily on Dead Space fans to carry it but failed miserably.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
Samey to what? Are you saying DS remake is samey to DS2? Dead Space (OG) reinvented the wheel on a lot of areas. Anything you think is "samey" was probably created in the first game. They are such good ideas that Schofield keeps rehashing a lot of it in Callisto, that's the biggest problem with it, for me. Of course DS remake is samey to DS2, it's what started it. Because you experienced it completely out of order you come out with the incorrect conclusion that Callisto is better than DS1. Or are you saying DS is samey to Callisto? Because that is absolutely the case, but it's the other way around.

Me = triggered, (insert joke about cutting self or something else equally bat shit crazy)

I guess it's fine for younger kids that weren't around for the original Dead Space, because they didn't experience these ideas in one place for the first time. But you have the experience ruined by other games that have taken various DS methods for their own games and get spoiled on that.
Samey to DS2. If you are remaking a 16 year old game then you have to do more than just copy paste. You have to bring new ideas. be it from other games or invent new ones. They didnt. Its a fairly competent remake but doesnt exactly do anything new. Especially with the combat. I was bored with the limb cutting combat within an hour. The new weapons they unlocked after that simply dont feel as interesting or fun.

Played the RE4 remake soon after the DS1 remake and fell in love immediately. Beat if over 7 times in a row. They didnt just do a simple copy paste but incorporated two decades of improvements in the RE formula while expanding upon the ideas of the original.

Calisto felt like a true spiritual successor to DS1. It's not a particularly great game, but it kept my attention because it didnt feel samey. I beat it three times whereas im still stuck on my first playthrough of DS1.


Linux User
It's unfortunate this game sucked. I wanted nothing more than to have a new favorite horror game, but Dead Space(the original by Schofield) is still the gold standard.

I wish he could have stuck with Dead Space and not have to be forced to try and differentiate this new product from his original ideas. I think that made this game suffer because his horror game ideas ran out with the Dead Space franchise.
Dead Space had a pretty underrated story and the Ishimura was a cool setting.


I was fooled into thinking it would be very very Dead Space-ish, basically Glenn Scofield's original idea for "Rancid Moon" that was gradually polished into Dead Space 2008 by the rest of his team at EA Redwood Shores aka Visceral.

But as a video game, CP barely seemed like a vertical slice internal demo. It felt more like a bare kernel of something that might one day become an actual game.


The nicest person on this forum
The game had its good point and but its low was really low.

The level design was bad, the amount of crawling you do through out the game just got ridiculous and it was shame because the prison was great setting for horror game.

Enemy/boss variety wasn't great. Enemy changing form was great idea but its execution was severely lacking, even they do change form it doesn't change their behaviour, they even still have same animation.

I like the combat was much melee focus instead of just shooting but because how dodging works, once combat starts it becomes turn based, you wait until enemy finish attacking then you start attacking, in my opinion the dodging should have been much more free flow like in RE3Remake.
if nothing else, this thread has gotten me to re-download it & give it another shot. i think i made it most of halfway through last time before getting tired of it...


I thought the game was great and got better as it went on. You really got some good weapons towards the end. Being released around DS Remake did damage I think to both properties. Now we have none…
Im going to sound a bit of an arse here but Schofield completely bungled up the project and his scope seems all over the place. Not to mention how he just up and bailed from the company so … yeah not a fan of the guy and the way he acted.


Gold Member
I got bored of the game and dropped it way before the enemy and boss variety became an issue.
Just found the gameplay loop really boring with bland level design and an awful combat system.

Didn't even find the graphics particularly impressive. I guess maybe on PC? On PS5 it looked good but nothing crazy outside of the main character model (Not even in quality mode)


Gold Member
This game did a lot right but for me personally the combat was so bad it took down the whole ship. Super weird design choice to go with it like that. 3rd person survival horror combat has already been done well so many times... just do it like that.

Feel like they tried to reinvent the wheel and made it square.


Lol yeah the issue wasnt lack of enemy variety and bosses, those are issues sure but the biggest problem was the braindead,dogshit gameplay…
It was such a boring game to play through….


There is arguing this. The fact that some people think the game is melee focused (especially the second half) proves that most people didn't know wtf they were doing.

They probably dropped the game before getting to the late portions, but melee will get you through the majority of the game.


So wait! He said he was rushed, and that the game would have had another three months had they not rushed him?
Would we really have three more bosses if he was given three more months?

And if so, then why didn’t we get more boss types in the DLC a year later?
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It's a shame but also probably for the best, it'll remain a little hidden gem people will grab on cheap and be surprised by.

If it carried on as a franchise it would of battled to really get better. It already had a huge budget and plenty of dev time behind it and they only really got a 7/10 out the door.

Pumping more of that wouldn't have worked out
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So wait! He said he was rushed, and that the game would have had another three months had they not rushed him?
Would we really have three more bosses if he was given three more months?

And if so, then why didn’t we get more boss types in the DLC a year later?
as david byrne would say, 'srop making sense'...

ps: well, having re-downloaded it wednesday, i played it thursday & yesterday - & then bailed again. just about right where i did the first time, right after you free whatsername. this game is just a big, tiresome, drawn-out slog...


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
Wasn't a fan of the DLC but the main game was rather enjoyable.
Obviously playing the PS5 version I didn't have all the problems people bitch about with performance etc, plus I'm a rocket scientist so the dodging system didn't hinder me and felt more like second nature, I felt like Mohammad Ali.
It's biggest crime was how linear it was, which I think would have been fix in a sequel.
But the Telekinesis pull & baton swing
James Franco GIF

Also, good look fucking game.
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Chuck Berry

Gold Member
Dunno if this is the interview or what but it’s good insight into how Schofield works /thinks etc

Super cool dude it seems. Sucks what happened. Would love to discuss shit like Alien and The Thing with him 🙏🏻
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