I feel dumb, because this question kind of doesn't make sense to me. What makes me feel most like a gamer is the fact that there is a PS5, XSX, and 2 Nintendo Switches in my house.
The console that gives me the most warm fuzzies and made me feel like video games could do almost anything is a different and more complicated answer. The Playstation gave me that feeling like
they could make a game do almost anything. I spent so many hours just driving around the levels in Twisted Metal and Vigilante 8. Need for Speed was actually fun. Earning the licenses in Gran Turismo 1 & 2 felt monumental. Everybody in the house competing for highest scores in Cool Boarders 2 felt on par with winning the gold in the winter olympics. Wrestling games WERE ACTUALLY FUN. Mortal Kombat 4. Tekken 1 & 2. I mean holy crap. Tomb Raider 1 & 2.
Strangely, I did not end up with a PS2. I eventually bought a GameCube where I would finally experience OoT and MM. Wind Waker and Mario Sunshine gave me those same feelings that video games could do almost anything. Smash Brothers Melee rekindled a lot of the past nostalgia for Nintendo games. Metroid Prime was sublime. Eternal Darkness
plays you. RE4 - dayamn, wow.
Which one made me feel most like a gamer? Probably GameCube because that's when I began to get political about video games, and I don't mean
woke BS. The industry had a smell to it that was unmistakable, and Nintendo was getting bullied by a good chunk of the game development business. Bullied. Ridiculed. Called names. Even Nintendo customers were being ridiculed and labeled. And for its part, Nintendo would lose longtime fans for not fighting back but actually embracing shit labels like "for kids" and "kiddeh!!" I never felt more like a gamer than in those moments when I would fight to defend a brand not because that brand was infallible but because everyone else was stupid. lol
Then the Wii came along and I said fuck these guys. They're too kiddie!