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The CW's Crazy Ex-Girlfriend - created by Rachel Bloom, Mondays 8/7c


Man that was an awesome episode. So cathartic.

Also lol white Josh "I think I saw inside her". I had the same feeling watching that.

The West Covina reprise is so good.


i'm enjoying these reprises. makes the series feel like one long movie.

edit: ok rachels a little too good at the poledancing

oh shit they're actually keeping track of continuity. dat lie.
The exchange between Greg and Heather when Rebecca does her Desperate Dance of Diminishing Denial.

Greg: W-what's happening?
Heather: I don't know but I'm soooo excited...

It needs a gif.

Also, the ending of the episode. Any feelings from anyone else? Tears welling deep inside? ...Anyone?
Love this show and this episode. I'm glad it got real.

They are selling the shit out of West Covina. I kind of want to go check it out now. Only 30 minutes from me (2 hours in traffic). Will I be disappointed?
Love this show and this episode. I'm glad it got real.

They are selling the shit out of West Covina. I kind of want to go check it out now. Only 30 minutes from me (2 hours in traffic). Will I be disappointed?

Yeah, I thought to myself last night that if West Covina has a tourism board they should take whatever budget they have and give it to this show.
That other GIF was this shot from Face Your Fears, I don't know why, it just gets me every time.


The exchange between Greg and Heather when Rebecca does her Desperate Dance of Diminishing Denial.

Greg: W-what's happening?
Heather: I don't know but I'm soooo excited...

It needs a gif.

Also, the ending of the episode. Any feelings from anyone else? Tears welling deep inside? ...Anyone?


Could've added text but maybe later if needed.

Heather became one of my favorite characters on this show by her second episode. The deadpan just works so well with her. This show hits too close to home for me on many levels.
Yeah, I thought to myself last night that if West Covina has a tourism board they should take whatever budget they have and give it to this show.

My wife says it's not memorable in the least, which I guess is part of the joke. Her face was a mixture of confusion and anger when she heard that line about West Covina the best city in LA County.
My wife says it's not memorable in the least, which I guess is part of the joke. Her face was a mixture of confusion and anger when she heard that line about West Covina the best city in LA County.

Yeah, Rebecca's enthusiasm for the place in contrast to other characters that aren't Josh feel about it.

They already gave Rachel Bloom a key to the city :lol

Maybe it'll work at their banks and specifically their vaults?

Maaan back when I was little I always imagined those keys were actual working keys that would unlock anything in the city. I imagine some TV show aided in this misconception.
I'm getting confused... How many episodes have aired so far? IMDB is saying 9 episodes, and the text episode isn't airing until 2 weeks time. Have I missed two episodes somewhere?


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
This was the best episode... So good yet so sad. Goddamn the truth can hurt sometimes, i felt so bad for her. Ending was great though.

Rebeccas Poledance... Goddamn. Also Valencia in her Bikini...Damn.
Such a wonderful episode. The only thing keeping it from being the best one from the series is a rather forgettable Valencia's song. As for now, "I'm Going on a Date with Josh's Friend!" still wins, because it had nailed both the honest, emotional (while still funny!) story and fantastic musical numbers.

I'm not ashamed to admit that when "West Covina" reprise started, I teared up. It was such an emotional, cathartic scene when all that horrible, suffocating tension from the entire episode suddenly lifted and all that remained was golden light and happiness. I liked Josh since ep.3 so his reaction didn't surprise me, but still, him and Rebecca sharing this magical moment with stars in their eyes - that was overwhelming. He's falling for her and falling hard and I'm really rooting for them, at least for now. This relationship probably wouldn't be sustainable in long term, but dammit, I just want both of them to be happy.

I want every character to be happy. Even if Greg is showing his worst qualities right now, even if Valencia is still terrible, I like that whole "crew" and just wish them all the good and all the personal growth.


Heather is my favorite. Can we get a spinoff where her and April from P&R watch reruns of Daria and the Golden Girls?
I have to say as good as this episode was I feel a bit cheated. only one new number (albeit a very good one).

And yeah put me down as one of the delusional pervs, that is bummed hearing Rachel is married.


So i just caught up with my wife. Better show than I'd thought it would be. Its also nice to see a Filipino-American guy play a Filipino-American guy for once. In a lead role no less


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
The lack of a cold open in tonight's episode was weird. They're usually so good.
The songs weren't what I expected but I still laughed at Darryl's having a few people over, never mind him and White Josh paralleling Rebecca and Josh and Rebecca. She still hasn't figured out Blowie Point.


Why is this show so good

I almost started crying during that campfire scene
me too!

They land the dramatic beats so seamlessly without veering off tonally. The show has also completely endeared Josh as a wonderful, adorable character.

Another fantastic episode. While the comedy and songs weren't there as strongly as usual, the character work was in top form the whole way.

Josh continues to grow as a character, and you just know that letter is going to come back into play soon.

And totally on board with Daryl and White Josh hooking up.

I think my favorite quick visual gag was the Terry Richardson stand in during the photo shoot.
Another fantastic episode. While the comedy and songs weren't there as strongly as usual, the character work was in top form the whole way.

Josh continues to grow as a character, and you just know that letter is going to come back into play soon.

And totally on board with Daryl and White Josh hooking up.

I think my favorite quick visual gag was the Terry Richardson stand in during the photo shoot.

I laughed out loud when I saw that, Valencia is definitely going to find that letter and Darryl is more confused than ever.

Is this a Fast & Furious reference?

I don't know about that but it's the expression she gives after rattling off the specs of her new car to the homeless lady she "befriends" at the start of the "I'm a good person" episode.
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