I'm conflicted because I want Dems to resist but also think purity tests are terrifying and a one way ticket to losing even more power. A Democrat that works for 50% of the things I believe in is far better than any Republican. And we should probably wait until the GOP starts attempting to pass actual legislation rather than getting angry over a bunch of votes that are ultimately meaningless because these guys are going to get confirmed anyway.
Seriously this shit scares me more for 2020 than anything. A bunch of people on the left are going to crucify anyone that worked with Trump even once, even if their policy stances are better than the "pure" candidate.
To be clearer, I don't advocate for
ideological purity tests, either. The blessing and curse of the Democratic Party is that we're a big tent. We represent a much more diverse demographic than Republicans ever worry about, and as a party we are strongest when this is recognized.
I don't give a flying fuck if you're a hard left progressive Democrat, or a moderate, or a blue dog. I don't care if you believe in grassroots activism, or if you're more adept at appealing to the pockets of those who are no less benevolent, but have more to give than the average person. I don't care if you prefer to rage at the local level, or if you're more adept at national politics. These are all incredibly petty squabbles, when the fact of the matter is that Democrats have lost over a thousand elected seats in the last 8 years. We need more Democrats,
My problem with the current roster of Democrats isn't a lack of purity. My problem with this party is the lack of
goddamn sense. Time and time again, Democrats stick their noses out to work with Republicans, only to get decked in the nose. Our party has been DECIMATED because Democrats tried fruitlessly, then refused to learn their lesson and
tried again, to govern with a party that would rather be a cancer to our democracy than a functioning part. This current Republican party is shameless, deplorable, and they have no interest in working with Democrats. There comes a point where reaching across the aisle stops being noble and starts being fucking foolish. Democrats reached that point ages ago.
Democrats who don't get it, who refuse to get it, need to fucking go. And I don't care if you're a member of the Warren wing or the shilliest of neoliberal shills. There can be no room for dumbasses.
And if Democrats are smart, they'll realize that soon they won't have a say in the matter. See those hordes of angry liberals protesting around the country? Mark my words, if they don't start seeing action from their leadership, pretty soon they'll start looking inward.