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The Division Open Beta Thread: Is it out yet?

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I really don't understand people saying the game looks bad. Okay, I don't play a lot of AAA games, but this looks pretty good to me:

joke post?

of all the things you could have linked, you show something that has borderline no visibility outside of fog/snow and some colors.

the game looks fine, but it honestly is a disappointment after the reveal. It really, REALLY depends on the lighting at the time. The game can look rad, nothing special but definitely very nice, but in overcast lighting everything looks flat and if not for the asset density on screen it almost seems like there's nothing but diffuse textures on. The asset density and worldbuilding itself though is super impressive, as is the world destruction, etc. They knocked it out of the park with that. It's just the lighting is really hit or miss at showing off what a great job they did.

If you are in a group and one player goes rogue, you all go rogue.

this was my least favorite part about the DZ. We had a group member that kept shooting others when we werent looking and marking us all as Rogue. It was really fucking annoying :(


Three complaints. No jump. No crouch when not in cover. Wish transitioning cover or vaulting over objects was quicker and smoother.


It could be quicker but that can be argued either way, but smoother? I feel it's pretty smooth, man.

I guess by smooth I mean not having pauses when going around corner cover or how you can't really snap to cover and vault over instantly like in gears if war. I guess that's under quicker but they're a bit of the same to me.


So are the number of players per DZ staying the same after release (DZ map will be about 3 times of the size)?
Because I'd prefer it not being so smushed together


Where is Alex?



Tried the Beta on PS4 and the game looks and plays amazing. Didn't want to ruin the experience for myself so I quit pretty early (right after I unlocked the Base of Operations).

Think I will be buying this day 1 now.


I thought they said they were going to add more NPC enemies in the Dark Zone for the open beta?...I don't see any difference...it gets boring constantly running around with nothing to do except kill the same group of respawning NPC's...plus with less people going Rogue it makes the Dark Zone boring at times

no one else finds the Dark Zone boring because of the semi-long periods where nothing seems to happen except NPC respawns?


So where is the purple stuff? in containers?
Got everything remotely useful from the vendors, and it seems they restock once a day.
Also so far i haven't seen a single purple drop from an enemy.


So I just played the beta on my PC at 60fps and on PS4. Obviously I want to play on PC but I'm worried about the player numbers. I ended up double dipping on Battlefront because of that.

Those of you with gaming PC's and PS4, what is your plan?

Leaning towards PC right now. Controls feel better this time around and the community looks promising (60k currently playing on Steam).


I still cant believe how a open world game that is not even out yet looks so bad. Ubidowngrade ftw.

It looks bad even compared to last-gen GTA 5.

And it is really repetitive.

I pass, have fun with it everyone.

I agree but it at least looks better than fallout 4.... so there is that
no one else finds the Dark Zone boring because of the semi-long periods where nothing seems to happen except NPC respawns?

There are definitely more npcs in the darkzone, they spawn more often, are more aggressive, and hurt more.

I don't find the dark zone boring as I find there's always something to do if I just keep moving around the map.


Why is it too hard to find any skin mods?

I think some will be up for purchase at the shops after release. Others might be collectibles for doing certain missions. And since you can remove them again and put them on a different weapon it would be weird if you get thousands of these


So I just played the beta on my PC at 60fps and on PS4. Obviously I want to play on PC but I'm worried about the player numbers. I ended up double dipping on Battlefront because of that.

Those of you with gaming PC's and PS4, what is your plan?

Going to go with PC.
Keyboard and mouse controls.. and 'ideally' better graphics.. but we'll see about that.
Anyone know the settings for Console Visuals on PC? I've been having a bit of lag but I really don't enjoy the Analog stick aiming on PS4. Mouse and Keyboard aiming felt so much better.


I am enjoying the hell out of this game.

The graphics are beautiful and the two missions you get to play are very addicting, I like how you can replay them with matchmaking at different difficulties.
As for weapons I think I have a nice combo going on right now, M4 Police or M249 combined with the M14. Delicious.
The incendiary grenade is especially cool.


Cant wait to dive into this game. It shows great promise.


I am enjoying the hell out of this game.

The graphics are beautiful and the two missions you get to play are very addicting, I like how you can replay them with matchmaking at different difficulties.
As for weapons I think I have a nice combo going on right now, M4 Police or M249 combined with the M14. Delicious.
The incendiary grenade is especially cool.


Cant wait to dive into this game. It shows great promise.

I love the fire effects. Especially how it sprays out of the blowtorches that the cleaners carry. This engine is great on effects and the little details.
You get loot in the Dark Zone (from AI and/or other players) but it's contaminated, so you have to extract it in order for it to be decontaminated for you to actually use.

You can rank up by taking out rogues, killing AI, going rogue and killing players, etc.


I got 1 item out. How do I actually access it?


My Dz is effing dumb, it seems they are all groups that like to kill people with no loot.

It can be fun at times, but with so much agressive behaviour the only thing I can do is: get close to the group that killed me previously, and clap in their
(Its hilarious)

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
joke post?

of all the things you could have linked, you show something that has borderline no visibility outside of fog/snow and some colors.
What that screenshot showcases is something that's still relatively uncommon, volumetric fog that are dynamically affected by lighting. The fact that it completely changes the look of the game is pretty impressive as wel, completely changes the atmosphere, especially if you're alone or when you're chasing a rogue who's using all the fog as cover.
Well, thus far i'm liking it.
Wow at the amount of stuff in this world. Hard not to appreciate. Such a detailed world.
Looks great but i hope the gameplay will be a bit more respnsive on PS4. It feels a bit slowish.


=( Dark Zone NPCs feel way more bullet spongy now. I am not having good time on my own; constantly killed by rogues and can barely do damage to NPC. I'm using a 3900 dps assault rifle too ;/ I can't get past level 9 because I keep leveling down from dying.
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