All in all I've already played over 40 hours of The Division. Between the closed beta 25 hours and 15 in the open.
When I logged in first time today, I saw that I got a reward of sort, but the message went away before I understood what it was.
How did you end up with so many weapon skins? I got one from my first NPC interaction and then nothing else for the duration of the beta.
DZ is the worst. Had 6 guys camping one entrance. I went to the other entrance, had 6 other guys camping there as well. This game is full of it!
Still don't like the whole wait for someone else to go rogue meta, too much of a penalty to initiate so everyone just ends up trying to trick each other, they need a true PvP mode.
It takes way too long to kill other players in the DZ. I throw a grenade at people's feet and they don't die? PvP is a borefest.
grenades can be kinda weird in this game.. it seems like they don't do shit half the time
There are several kinds of grenades in this game.
Perhaps you threw the non-lethal ones when it 'doesn't work'.
It takes way too long to kill other players in the DZ. I throw a grenade at people's feet and they don't die? PvP is a borefest.
Edit: Never mind, I give up. There's no point in trying to explain certain aspects of the game because some people are too obtuse to understand that it's an TPSRPG and not a third person COD.
played the beta, and I think I did everything... but I want to make sure before I put it down and wait for release.
I did the two story missions, one side mission, a bunch of blue and green triangle mini quest things, and then ran around the DZ killing some named mobs, extracting gear, and fucking around with rogue status.....
that pretty much covers it until release right? Game is looking pretty good. The beta was a lot of fun.
It really seems like the first big budget day-z-a-like.
DZ is the worst. Had 6 guys camping one entrance. I went to the other entrance, had 6 other guys camping there as well. This game is full of it!
You can replay the hospital mission on hard (makes for a better experience) but that's about it.
2 weeks and 1 day hnnnng
Me too.This is a myth.So is the proximity chat on PS4 working? I haven't heard a single person even once.
So is the proximity chat on PS4 working? I haven't heard a single person even once.
Playing this on PC I have an issue where I cannot see player names, Rogue status (I'm just assuming this is a thing, as like I said, I couldn't see anything) and health bars above them, besides my own team members. This made Dark Zone a little more difficult to me. I didn't see any UI way to turn off player nameplates. Anyone else experience this or have a fix?
yeah i knew about holding the d pad to select the throwables but there have been times where the enemies appeared to be in the radius of the explosion and nothing appeared to have happened
I've had the same feeling when using the stick bomb at times too.. maybe its just a flukey thing idk
Sometimes you just have to clear out the campers yourself.
edit: Found that stacking health was a really good tactic for killing players. It throws them off when you can just soak up clips.
GG on owning those campers, but that video is also brilliant example on how broken that build is. 3-4 Liberators unloading on you mag after mag, and your HP barely move downwards. Devs really need to look into main stat and armor scaling :b
There must be a way(s) to counter this. Incindieary ammo, perhaps, or some skills later on.
Every pvp rpg like this should have a counter for every build, or it'll fail.
Sometimes you just have to clear out the campers yourself.
edit: Found that stacking health was a really good tactic for killing players. It throws them off when you can just soak up clips.
Yes, I'd imagine being invincible is a very effective strategy in a PvP game. Nothing throws off your opponents like them being completely unable to kill you. Loledit: Found that stacking health was a really good tactic for killing players. It throws them off when you can just soak up clips.
Sometimes you just have to clear out the campers yourself.
edit: Found that stacking health was a really good tactic for killing players. It throws them off when you can just soak up clips.
There are definitely ways to counter a build like this. The fight linked was a rarity because most people aren't as dumb as that group.
Incendiary ammo / grenades decimate, and the sticky launcher with flashback renders me pretty much useless.
Time is short!I have to buy a new PC until then, my 8 year old rig is on its last breath with this game.
Playing this on PC I have an issue where I cannot see player names, Rogue status (I'm just assuming this is a thing, as like I said, I couldn't see anything) and health bars above them, besides my own team members. This made Dark Zone a little more difficult to me. I didn't see any UI way to turn off player nameplates. Anyone else experience this or have a fix?
Anyone got the orange gear? I don't think they were in the closed beta a while is tempting me but I only have 1 friend to play with
Time is short!
Better start tinkering agent!
Yes, I'd imagine being invincible is a very effective strategy in a PvP game. Nothing throws off your opponents like them being completely unable to kill you. Lol![]()
Stamina scaling is still too good when compared to firearms or tech. You can stack so much HP and Armor that even 6.5-7k DPS Liberator doesn't do shit to your HP, and any actual impact requires mag after mag. Best weapon against such tanks is M1A which is just lolz and so out of balance :b
Incendiary and flash stuff are good for blocking you from healing, assuming you don't have... was it energy bar that removes all negative effects [burning, blind etc.]. Can be used while under influence of said effects, naturally. Pop one of those suckers and then heal up.