been a long time here we go
Looks amazing. Can't wait to play this on PS4.
been a long time here we go
Eh, I'm starting to get turned off by Zenimax's handling of the Crown Store already.
Having certain items "available for a limited time" on a cash shop is just a shady and scummy thing to do to the player base. People who are completionists will have to pony up 2,500 Crowns for an item available for a week or else they can never attain it again, which I am sure is Zenimax's entire intent behind doing so, but of course they would never say that.
And now we're entering gameplay shortcuts with potions, soul gems, repair kits, motifs, and the Pledge of Mara. Like I said in the past, if the Crown Store was 100% cosmetic items only, I really wouldn't have a problem with it, but it's clear Zenimax is slowly putting things on the Crown Store that go beyond that and they'll keep doing it and see how far they can take it.
Down the line I wouldn't be surprised at all if instant level 50's, crafting mats, weapons, armor, etc. make it into the Crown Store.
Repair kits you can either purchase from vendors or get from doing daily crafting quests. Potions you'll get plenty of from just killing stuff in the world, though the best quality potions are crafted by alchemists.
Repair kits you can either purchase from vendors or get from doing daily crafting quests. Potions you'll get plenty of from just killing stuff in the world, though the best quality potions are crafted by alchemists.
How come health/magicka/stamina values have inflated so much since beta? I know it's all relative, but that seems like a weird thing to have thousands of health at low levels.
How hard to come by are potions, repair kits and the like just by just by playing the game?
Anyone know where I can find this sweetfx preset? It looks like it's been taken offline. It looks SO nice!
used SweetFX preset:
"Perfection!" created by Sekta
Eh, I'm starting to get turned off by Zenimax's handling of the Crown Store already.
Having certain items "available for a limited time" on a cash shop is just a shady and scummy thing to do to the player base. People who are completionists will have to pony up 2,500 Crowns for an item available for a week or else they can never attain it again, which I am sure is Zenimax's entire intent behind doing so, but of course they would never say that.
And now we're entering gameplay shortcuts with potions, soul gems, repair kits, motifs, and the Pledge of Mara. Like I said in the past, if the Crown Store was 100% cosmetic items only, I really wouldn't have a problem with it, but it's clear Zenimax is slowly putting things on the Crown Store that go beyond that and they'll keep doing it and see how far they can take it.
Down the line I wouldn't be surprised at all if instant level 50's, crafting mats, weapons, armor, etc. make it into the Crown Store.
It annoyed me they kept spamming out, in game, to buy the items. This weekend they sent out 3 messages, in 3 languages, that it was "National Pet Day" and to buy the lion from the store. Felt super cheap.
Wow, are you serious? What a joke...
Sekta has a post here
found this older version? via google!NsJSFJwR!R6ciaCAbZV2STSqUF5jdYkrZIxVH4td0kgXIE34riVQ
I'm kind of an elder scrolls fan. I loved the hell out of Morrowind, played it for countless hours. Played Oblivion some but not nearly as much as Morrowind. Skyrim I think I've played maybe 5 hours of, I had no complaints really but got sidetracked and just never came back to it. I've never played ESO despite having been selected for the beta and totally ignoring this recent free weekend event. I have a friend that keeps ranting and raving about how awesome the game is now and how all my old guildmates from another game are now playing together so I'm tempted. All the buzz I heard when ESO first released was mostly negative so I'm extremely hesitant. I'm also hearing that this new update that's taken ESO from subscription based has also made the game heaps better somehow, but I'm sorely lacking in any details. Can anyone with actual game experience chime in on the overall progression of the game so far. Was ESO actually crappy to start or is that the usual gamer nerd elitist garbage? If so, has this recent patch made things somehow inherently better in every way? I really have nothing to go off of here, so looking for information and impressions I guess.
Fixed an issue where you could get blocked on a loading screen.
Absolutely serious, I love this game and have 488 hours just for my main character, but this is the kind of thing they kept sending out (this one to all North American customers, begging them to buy a tiger in game (in german!)):
Also for those of you who were upset over the in game messaging of the cash store, dev's said they heard loud and clear and will no longer be doing in game advertisements like they did over the free weekend.
thank the heavens
Just started to get into this game and I was wondering if there was anything I need to know?
I'm still only level 6 right now, should I just not worry about crafting until I'm a bit higher level and stick to the gear I find out in the wild?
Yeah, you're better off just wearing what you loot. You're going to loot a ton of clothing and armor as well as acquire them by completing quests so anything extra or old just use to research and deconstruct for the crafting XP, never sell for gold.
I know how to decontruct but how do I use them for research?
So I am not an MMO guy but I am a HUGE Elder Scrolls guy. I am thinking of giving this a go on the XB1. Is it a game that I can play by myself and only dabble in the MMO features or will I be missing out on too much by playing this way?
Is the NA guild still going? I sent a message to the leader in the OP bit never got a reply.
It wasn't that awful, just really buggy. I was one of the ESO defenders at launch and the game was a blast then too. There just was a shitton of bugs and many gamebreaking ones in the final zone. Then you hit the VR endgame and that's a gigantic buzzkill for your standard MMO player.Well, I mean, I'm just been playing for a month, maybe less, but apparently the game was actually very bad at launch? I just think the legion of people who got it then, should just give it a try now. I know I'm absolutely loving it. I honestly did not expected to like it this much.
GAF NA guild is either dead or I'm in the wrong one. lol
GAF NA guild is either dead or I'm in the wrong one. lol
It wasn't that awful, just really buggy. I was one of the ESO defenders at launch and the game was a blast then too. There just was a shitton of bugs and many gamebreaking ones in the final zone. Then you hit the VR endgame and that's a gigantic buzzkill for your standard MMO player.
The typical bullshit hatred the game got was pretty much bullshit:
It has a sub? Gross.
We never asked for a Elder Scrolls MMO!
You have to PAY FOR A HORSE?!
The combat is awfully sluggish.
Typical theme park MMO.
The last one is the most plausible to me, but this game is the least themeparky of theme parks. The game greatly rewards, and encourages, exploration. I agree it overpenalizes too much exploration (going to another zone too soon may make it too tough), but each zone is filled with so much shit to see and do that I don't know why you wouldn't explore it completely.
At the end of the day it's a MMO and the only one of those GAF likes is FFXIV. Even WoW gets shit these days.
Anyone can invite to the current GAF NA guild. At least the one I have guildmaster on. I'll need to give it to someone here since I don't play it.
Well, I mean, I'm just been playing for a month, maybe less, but apparently the game was actually very bad at launch? I just think the legion of people who got it then, should just give it a try now. I know I'm absolutely loving it. I honestly did not expected to like it this much.
pc got controller support yet? i can't use kb/m (surgery)