Does anyone know at what point the horse saddle gets those bags? I'm upgrading my carry capacity at the stable and currently just at 10 and I really don't want those bags.
Yeah, stupid cosmetic complaint but they look hideous.
I believe all the cosmetic changes happen at 20 for each stat for mounts.
Does anyone know at what point the horse saddle gets those bags? I'm upgrading my carry capacity at the stable and currently just at 10 and I really don't want those bags.
Yeah, stupid cosmetic complaint but they look hideous.
Does anyone know if the DLC will work across platforms or would I have to buy it once for PS4 and once for PC?
Ahhhh! I guess it shouldn't be a surprise. Thanks for the answer!I wish! Everything is separate.
This ended up being the winner and our guild tabard, it could be found in the guild store under guild itemsWhat about..
Is there a strong US PS4 presence on GAF? I can't find any info about the guild in the OP and picked it up on Amazon today.
What about..
what's the fastest/easiest way to learn how to craft in different racial styles my friends?
The next patch will allow you to disable the mount cosmetics.
Dude looks like a serial killer with that mask.
Uhhh, I'm am primarily a console player and I care very much about WOW.Mainstream western console culture. Console players don't care about WoW.
This game feels like there's so much to do in it. I can just chill and work on crafting, or go looking for skyshards, or quest, or whatever. It's a living breathing world with tons of people
The first person mode is so slick, it makes the world feel even larger than it does. And it's already pretty damn large.
Awesome, this makes me happyLooks great, works well with my character's color scheme.
Unfortunately no. You're stuck with whatever you picked.Is there any way to change hairstyles or anything? I picked a pretty bad one (they're all bad, but this is particularly bad). I look like Zod in MoS.
If not, I'll just slap a badass helmet on and call it good.
Oh well, I was going for a Deathstroke look anyway. Thanks for the info!Unfortunately no. You're stuck with whatever you picked.
How many of you guys play in first person? I love the feeling of slashing dudes up close.
Can't play any other way really, the character moves so strangely in third person, and I'm used to playing Elder Scrolls games in first person. But then again, when having some effect on you (like the morphed mage guild ability), first person is annoying as well with the blue glow all around.
Can't get my head around the crafting in this game either, I can't seem to be able to craft anything near as good as the quest items I receive. When adding glyphs to the items I craft they always drop in quality.
Starting to think this game isn't for me, might drop it after I'm done with Shadowfen.
Our healer dropped just before the last boss on The Vault of Madness dungeon but we decided to try it anyway. It was... intense. Hahahaha.
How many of you guys play in first person? I love the feeling of slashing dudes up close.
Werewolves are awesome on PVE. We do a lot of damage. The howling ability for restoring health saved my ass lots of times on this fight too. The great thing about using the werewolf transformation is that we get a new set of abilities just for it, like using a backup weapon, so you don't have to replace your other abilities during normal combat.That looked like fun, i've not seen a werewolf fight yet either!
My only problem is you don't stay a werewolf nearly as long as you do in Skyrim. I ate 3 people in Skyrim and I would be in werewolf form for hours it felt likeWerewolves are awesome on PVE. We do a lot of damage. The howling ability for restoring health saved my ass lots of times on this fight too. The great thing about using the werewolf transformation is that we get a new set of abilities just for it, like using a backup weapon, so you don't have to replace your other abilities during normal combat.
Werewolves are awesome on PVE. We do a lot of damage. The howling ability for restoring health saved my ass lots of times on this fight too. The great thing about using the werewolf transformation is that we get a new set of abilities just for it, like using a backup weapon, so you don't have to replace your other abilities during normal combat.
How many of you guys play in first person? I love the feeling of slashing dudes up close.
How many of you guys play in first person? I love the feeling of slashing dudes up close.
How many of you guys play in first person? I love the feeling of slashing dudes up close.
How many of you guys play in first person? I love the feeling of slashing dudes up close.
Just got this last night on PS4. Had fun running around the starting zone with a friend. How do guilds work? Should I join up with a Gaf guild?
my best crafting daily so far (i got some equipment to destroy too)
The option is there so it's valid but damn this is so weird to me lolThird person for me I played Skyrim the same way.
My hireling stay bringin me those, just got three more today.
Im just stacking them for my templar legendary gear I want to craft.
But yo, I found a fast way to level up your crafting skills that involves deconstructing.
It was taking me FOR EVER to level up my crafting skills before, but when I started doing a lot of stealing to make some cash to buy the next bankspace upgrade(38k) I noticed my crafting skills bar was up a lot higher than I thought they were.
While I was deconstructing, I noticed the bar moving up a lot faster. I thought it was the items level, but some items of the same quality and level, werent even moving the exp bar, and some were.
So I took a closer look at the items, then I noticed, ok, some are stolen, some not. "I wonder if that makes a difference", I thought.
Deconstructed two of the exact item, one stolen, one not stolen, the one not stolen, didnt even move the exp bar. The one stolen, VERY noticable boost in the exp bar.
By the time I got done stealing for around two hours or so, my blacksmithing went up almost ten damn levels...........holy shit. Went from 37 to 45 in blacksmithing. Went from 28 woodworking to 33. Went from 32 to 38 with clothing.
by pure accident, I noticed that deconstructing items that are stolen gives multiple times more exp than items found/scavenged in the world.
I'd have to deconstruct around ten or so items to get the same exp I got from deconstructing one of the same item that was stolen.
The option is there so it's valid but damn this is so weird to me lol
I have been in some massive battles with over a 100 players and it was complete mayhem. Extremely fun though.I went to Cyrodil for the first time today. It was really fun and we took a keep. Not a lot of people were on, so the fights were only got up to about 10 on 10. It must be crazy druing peak times.
I switch back and forth. A lot of my travelling is done in third person, though. Easier to see enemies and harvesting nodes all around you.
What's the best way to find people to fight along side with in the crucibleI have been in some massive battles with over a 100 players and it was complete mayhem. Extremely fun though.