Blue Ninja
I've never heard of this. Source?
It's just something I've noticed. As you're rising in level you'll come across some respawning dragons, those don't give you any souls.
I've never heard of this. Source?
Don't get me wrong, I liked the Soul Cairn and the new with the giant ice lake at the end of Dawnguard, but yeah, there was so much backtracking to already existing content before that point in the DLC that it was not really worth $20.
I think that's a bug, dude. All dragons are supposed to give you souls upon death.
I wouldn't feel too bad yet, the DLC isn't listed as being on sale at Major Nelson anymore:
Dragonborn definately has more content, in terms of areas, but I have felt that Dawnguard has been worth the price. (I realize this is a YMMV thing, so I'm not really arguing, just sharing my thoughts on it.) They do really different things, with Dragonborn adding landmass and content largely tied to it, and Dawnguard adding content that spans the entire game. If Dawnguard were just limited to the questline and new locations (I'm not through the main quest yet), I'd probably agree.
Outside of the questlines, Dawngarud adds lots of new high level enemies and gear, the werewolf perk tree, becoming a vampire lord (which my daughter loves) and the perk tree for it kind of round out the package. Even small things like being able to smith arrows, and the variety of new vampires and encounters with them in town/countryside. The side quest with the map, across the Dwemer ruins was fantastic. I encountered and/or used a lot of what Dawnguard had to offer before I ever started the questline.
Solstheim was a big, concentrated new experience, while Dawnguard sprinkles new content acrosss all of Skyrim, but for me at least I've found them to be a comparable value, in terms of what I got out of them. (Part of the reason I held off on buying Dawnguard is I didn't think the description was worth $20, but I've changed my mind after playing it. But then, I picked it up on sale and only paid $10, so I can't complain.)
I think that's a bug, dude. All dragons are supposed to give you souls upon death.
Yeah totally agree. I liked Dawnguard but the price was a bit high, IMO.
Rumor has it that the next DLC is named "Redguard" - hopefully that will take us out of province as well.![]()
I hope it includes a lot of stuff that is applicable to vanilla Skyrim as well, too. New things to make your remaining quests in Skyrim more interesting/improved, you know?
That or just make accessing the new area more seamless, rather than an isolated new area.
Fair enough.Absolutely, it's definitely a matter of opinion, but I do feel differently. I played Dragonborn first then immediately played Dawnguard right after (I've completed the main story already) and I just didn't feel Dawnguard added as much. Actually, the comparison video I linked earlier on this page goes over a lot of my points but I'll try to summarize a few here.
I hope it includes a lot of stuff that is applicable to vanilla Skyrim as well, too. New things to make your remaining quests in Skyrim more interesting/improved, you know?
That or just make accessing the new area more seamless, rather than an isolated new area.
Well, other than the very rare unique voice for important characters, there are only like 17 voices in the entire game.I think the only plus to having it be an isolated new area is that it only has to load cells from that world - so it's a bit more stable on consoles. I definitely would like something more seamless, though.
All I really know is that if it's Redguard themed, then I am psyched for what will hopefully be more RG armor and weapons and definitely more RG characters that have a voice other than the one used for Kematu. I swear that quest was so weird where him and all his buddy's had the exact same voice - lol
Well, other than the very rare unique voice for important characters, there are only like 17 voices in the entire game.
They all sound to English to me. I miss the slithery, gravelly dunmer voice of Morrowind.
The word wall at Shearpoint just taught me all three words of Throw Voice at the same time. Three words were glowing on the wall, then I got all three learned in sequence. No complaints....
You've never been to Shearpoint before, I take it? That's a natural part of the game.
Given Bethesda's track record, do we know when we MIGHT be able to expect a game of the year edition of Skyrim?
Trying to decide if I want to buy the PS3 DLC when it's 50% off or just wait for the GOTY edition.
The word wall at Shearpoint just taught me all three words of Throw Voice at the same time. Three words were glowing on the wall, then I got all three learned in sequence. No complaints....
Reminds me...I need to get that one for my thief Bosmer, and Aura Whisper too. The Greybeards should have compiled a map of all word walls by now, dammit![]()
Nearly all of my prior characters cleared it and got that shout. I guess I just never noticed before, somehow. :lol
Edit: Forgotten Vale. Holy crap, this place is enormous. First thing I do when I enter a new place is check the perimeters, and I was rewarded with a ton of loot for the trouble.Spent a few hours already in this place. It's mysterious, beautiful, massive and rewards exploration. I continue to be surprised at the volume of content in Dawnguard.Not sure if the side caves are needed or not. I found and mined a shellbug in the back of a small Falmer cave. I also snagged a special gem off a frost giant, which got me into a loot cache (gems!). I explored a massive Glacial Crevice, and came out in a big Falmer nest I'm still working on. Found a second one of those gems on the frost giants, too.
Edit 2: Forgotten Vale lands up there with the Soul Cairn and Blackreach among the incredible, massive and beautiful environments Bethesda has made. What an incredible place. I can't get over how beautiful the environment is.I crossed the bridge to the Inner Sanctum on a clear night, the moon nestled in the valley, blue sky lights waving, mist rising off the waterfalls.
The boss fight was, um...Arch-Curate Vythur starts to attack...Fus-Roh-Dah! Over he goes. A few seconds later....mission completed. I had to toss on Become Ethereal and then back track all the way through just so I could loot the bastard. :lol
That aside, I officially no longer understand any complaints about Dawnguard's price. It added a huge amount of content, both vast and detailed.
Glad you finally made it to the later half of Dawnguard; that's where it gets really interesting to me.
It's a constant stream of surprises:Though everyone is entitled to their opinion, I do wonder if some of those were from those that either didn't finish the campaign, or didn't play it at all and based their opinion on others and/or the trailer alone.beautiful Ancestor Glade, collapsing bridge, Snow Elves!, Portals!, Forgotten Vale!, Double Dragons!, Snow Elf Temple!, Boss Battle!
Personally, the Dawnguard questline, including those two locations, was worth the price of admission. The array of higher level enemies, new armor and gear, side locations (I tumbled through the added skooma den on my romp), side quests (Ancient Technology string of quests, Lost to the Ages), that was all gravy.
Question: I smithed theShellbug Helm, which I assume is unique. Other than looking cool and parking it on my mannequin, is there anything else tied to it? It was cool to find and make, and that is enough, just not sure if that is all.
I ran into a problem on 360 where if I was hit bythe harmful darkness while in a book world, the sizzling damage sound would continue indefinitely, requiring me to restart.
That's what its supposed to look like in the ash lands.Is my Dragonborn bugged? Playing PC version (No mods on right now) and the nights on Solstheim are super bright. The sky is basically constantly orange, even if it is 2 am. Is it supposed to be this way cause of the Red Mountain erupting? Cause it kinda makes night time look like shit.
Why couldn't they make her marriageable?
Wait, people like Serana? I found the characters, including her, in Dawnguard to be bland and boring.
That said, i don't remember really anyone from Skyrim anyway...
I'm having a real third wind with this after platinuming it last April. Wanting to finish everything in Dragonborn has turned into resolving to getting to level 81 so I can fight the Ebony Warrior. I'm at level 65 now! Grinding all the skills is sort of fun, since I'm really heavily using mechanics like smithing and pick-pocketting that even after Platinuming it I barely used.
EDIT: a question about Dawnguard, gathered from the official release blurb, but I assume the answer would be a big spoiler. I quite want to do the vampire side, but if you complete that, does it do anything dramatic like permanently blot out the sun, as the publicity suggests is their plan? That would probably make me side with the Dawnguard instead!
You.get the ability to blot out the sun at will (lasts through the current day). So it's not a permanent thing at all. Can't think of anything else that would be a permanent change like that
Siding with the Dawnguardgives you the ability to use sunbeams to attack your enemies, though, which is cool.
Though, if you want to be really specific,both sides can use both abilities.
On a Dragonborn-related note, finished the main quest again, and went on to tackle Karstaag. Took me a few tries, even with my beefed-up level 55 badass. At one moment Karstaag knocked me straight into the tunnel that leads away from the ruins. That fucked up my third-person view: even though I looked normal while running around in first-person, my character model in third would look like a corpse gliding over the floor. It was hilarious, and yes, I taped it.
Afterwards, I engaged in fisticuffs with a werebear which had already transformed, but somehow still was stuck to his human animations.
That would be Florentius Baenius and Sorine Jurard, respectively. Sorine is great, in particular.I liked her, she had a cool vibe and had a lot of interesting situational dialogue. I liked that she did more than just hang around as I adventured, but would start doing things along the way. My daughter visited High Hrothgar with her, and during conversation she knelt down and meditated to one of the shrines. I've seen her sit down cross legged on the ground to wait, start mining, and a bunch of other stuff. The combination lots of branching dialogue, good voice acting and situational responses made her feel much more like an authentic character than most in Skyrim, IMO.
And I get a kick out of the side characters in the Dawnguard. I'm bad with names (not just in games, but in life), so I can't remember their names offhand. But the dude that thinks he can (or can he?!) be in constant communication with Arkay is pretty funny. (His responses when you ask him what he has for sale are great.) And I love the woman that feeds the Ancient Technology quests, she cracks me up. ("There are at least 30 different ways to be attacked and killed in your own home at any given moment." She offers that up as if she's observing the weather.)