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Did you finish theUnusual Gem quest?
Did you finish theUnusual Gem quest?
"After returning with the Crown, you will receive the permanent effect Prowler's Profit, which significantly increases the chance of finding gems in randomized containers."
How did I not see that. Still, this is some absurd shit. I have almost 400k in gold just sitting in my wallet.
There should be some crazy awesome stuff to spend tons of money on, like diamond chandeliers in our house or something
I enjoy using Clear Skies to make a rainy day gloriously clear....then summon the storms. Controlling the weather so convincingly is really amazing.That would be so fantastic.
On the brightside I am madly in love with the Call Storm shout. The effect looks incredible.
You either have to spend hours selling gems or hours putting them in chests/dropping them.
How does Skyrim fare on 360 these days? I only scratched the surface when I got it on PC back at launch which is now out of commission.
I know mod support is obviously missing but is anything broken or otherwise unplayable?
Hi guys, I've got the house in Dawnstar with Hearthfire and I've added all the rooms available, but I want to adopt a child and still don't have the option to build a child's room - any ideas?
I don't seem to have any letter about this, just the "Consider Adoption" letter. Thanks!
You should have the option to add a couple of beds, usually upstairs, at one of the work stations. There's doesn't need to be a separate bedroom. One you have added those beds, you can adopt kids, either at the orphanage or by talking with some of the homeless kids in the main towns.
Alternately, if you had already bought a home in one of the towns, you can talk to the steward and the option to convert a room into a kids room will be available. (Though I prefer the built rooms, more space for loot.)
My character is nearing the end, she's hit level 78 and I'm prowling for a Legendary dragon. Last night I killed six dragons, three in Skyrim and three in Solstheim, no luck. Today I wandered aross half of Skyrim and didn't find a single dragon. Are they super rare or something?
I think that's when autosave takes place.And it will freeze up in the menus for like 5 seconds sometimes.
I want a tropical Elder Scrolls after this. Just imagine getting lost in those dense jungles.
Nah, that age-old adagio of "if you're looking for something, you won't find it" just holds true in your case.
Is there a jungle province in Tamriel? Maybe certain areas of Hammerfell or Elsweyr.
I hate tropical settings in video games. I hope TES VI gets multiple province treatment so I don't have to endure only one climate.
Is there a jungle province in Tamriel? Maybe certain areas of Hammerfell or Elsweyr.
I hate tropical settings in video games. I hope TES VI gets multiple province treatment so I don't have to endure only one climate.
Replaying the game after long hiatus as a bosmer archer thief build, it's great to be playing again. Using fast travel very little as before.
I encountered a scenario where I accidentally stole a book in front of a guard in falkreach, I used my thane influence to get him off my back. Days later hired thugs come to kill me in Falkreach, I run to guards in the town for aid and they just back away and don't do anything. I kill the thugs, and find out it was the damn guard who hired them because he saw me steal the book. is it normal for guards to never help in that scenario or was my case special?
Also is there any way to make werewolf form more powerful?
Cyrodiil was also supposed to be a jungle, but they retconned it in ES IV: Oblivion.
You can make it more powerful if you have the Dawnguard expansion as it comes with a perk tree. The way you earn perks is by eating the heart of someone who is dead whilst in werewolf form.
I can't remember if there are any conditions other than being a werewolf and having the expansion though.
And Black Marsh is a jungle/swamp.
Alright that's good to know, and yeah I did get Hircine's Ring (uncursed), but I still feel much stronger out of werewolf form than in it. Especially if I ever want to change during battle which is useless because as I'm transforming I'm vulnerable to attacks.
Oooh. I didn't know it was part jungle. I thought it was just a giant ugly swamp.
Cyrodiil was also supposed to be a jungle, but they retconned it in ES IV: Oblivion.
Xbox users, Skyrim DLC is going to be on sale next week:
Dawnguard: 800
Hearthfire: 200
Dragonborn: 800
EDIT: Speaking of the patch, is it ok for PS3 users? I've been sticking with patch 1.05 since it was released for fear of Bethesda re-breaking the game.
If you have Dawnguard, Dragonbone weaponry is the best weaponry in the game at legendary. Daedric Armor is still the best Heavy Armor, while Dragonplate Armor is the best Light Armor.Is enchanted legendary deadric stuff the best gear you can get in the game? If yes, what is an easy way to farm deadra hearts?
I am lvl49 now, I will step out onto the plains of solstheim once I'm 50.
I'm running the latest patch. It's fine.
Is enchanted legendary deadric stuff the best gear you can get in the game? If yes, what is an easy way to farm deadra hearts?
I am lvl49 now, I will step out onto the plains of solstheim once I'm 50.
Is enchanted legendary deadric stuff the best gear you can get in the game? If yes, what is an easy way to farm deadra hearts?
I am lvl49 now, I will step out onto the plains of solstheim once I'm 50.
Ugh, how do I stop the flickering?
Im using AMD, wish I knew it was such an issue.
Ugh. Thank god i'm back.
Is there no way around the bug for this quest?-!
I already found the book......PS3 version.
I've been playing for over 70 hours and only at level 23, only did about 4 or 5 main quest, haven't been to major cities like Falkreath, Riften, Winhelm, Markarth, Mothal, and a bunch of smaller towns like Rorikstead, Ivarstead and others. Still haven't seen not one dragon either. Am i crazy? lol.
Game is ridiculously good.
That wiki entry states that bug was fixed in the lastest pc patch, fingers crossed once it hits consoles that'll be fixed for you.
Have you done the dragon quest in whiterun? If not, maybe that's why you don't encounter them.
1200 points bought and awaiting the last DLC. Wonder when we'll see it?
Hoping they role the new patch out soon.
You bought Microsoft points for a DLC that hasn't been announced, nor even hinted at?
Have some faith man.
EDIT: DLC or not they'll get spent on something.
I have faith.
Faith that the DLC will cost 1600, like the others.
You make a good point, I will amend that.