Please, release the damn GOTY version already. I wants to play the mega awesome game with all DLCSSSSSS. But i will not buy digital. On disc only, like every other prior bethesda release. Wonder how many dlc they are gonna go before they do it.
I'm still surprised we never got this. Was hardcore mode disliked by many Fallout players? I loved it.
Me too, I was hoping they expand on it by:
-saving only in towns
-no fast travel
-make cooking useful
-make all caves/dungeons pitch black ( would make torches have a purpose )
It would also defeat the whole purpose of crossbows.
They didn't go blind because they were exiled to the caves, they were poisoned by the Dwemer so they could use the Falmer as slaves.I kinda laugh that the Falmer were supposed to have gone blind living down in the caves. How? It's so well lit down there!
Don't tell him too much since he hasn't played Dawnguard yet and will find out when he does.They didn't go blind because they were exiled to the caves, they were poisoned by the Dwemer so they could use the Falmer as slaves.
I just wanna get my inner Crackdown on and harpoon guys to walls, really.
There are other ways of finding that out besides Dawguard a lot of ways actually.Don't tell him too much since he hasn't played Dawnguard yet and will find out when he does.
They didn't go blind because they were exiled to the caves, they were poisoned by the Dwemer so they could use the Falmer as slaves.
I didn't know that. I thought I'd read they went blind for other reasons in one of the books in the game. Interesting.
Yeah, I really wish there was a hardcore mode in Skyrim. I kinda play one of my own, such as never using fast travel outside of wagons. I'd like to see sleeping become important, along with food, as you said. No fast travel. And I'd have loved for fire or the glowing mushrooms to be the only light sources. I kinda laugh that the Falmer were supposed to have gone blind living down in the caves. How? It's so well lit down there!
Something that has always struck me as odd about Skyrim's clothing and armor designs is how they're not really tailored to fit in with a wintery landscape. Guys in a snowstorm will be wearing a robe, or light armor, or just plain clothes. I kinda expected lots of fur coats and thick padding under armor. Maybe even a system where the where the cold mattered: the further north you go, the colder it is, and the warmer/heavier armor and clothes you had to wear, or your stamina regeneration would become stymied; but heavy clothing slowed movement slightly. (Something like radiation in Fallout 3.) The winter weather is often so pronounced, I just kinda felt like it should affect the gameplay somehow.
That seems like a really strange choice since the spears at least in the trailer are as big as the player race.
Please don't let this turn into one those threads. I feel bad for PS3 Skyrim owners but this thread has a specific purpose so lets try to keep it about Dragonborn.
I play pretty similarly to you, with one exception: once I buy a horse, I can use that for fast travel instead of carriages. Since the mounted combat mod was introduced I often just rode my horse to where I need to go, but when I didn't feel like traversing half of Skyrim I could still use it as a fast travel machine.
Need some help. Playing on PC with a save of around 100 hours and I've been experiencing some small freezing that lasts a few seconds. I used to be able to play fine. It doesn't appear to be a frame rate issue or anything, which is strange. Is there anything I can do to solve this?
Need some help. Playing on PC with a save of around 100 hours and I've been experiencing some small freezing that lasts a few seconds. I used to be able to play fine. It doesn't appear to be a frame rate issue or anything, which is strange. Is there anything I can do to solve this?
hey, since installing Dawnguard none of my mods have worked at all. I have them enabled but the effects don't show up at all.
Here are the only mods I have activated.
If you want the thread turning into "fuck Bethesda" and "Where's my PS3 dlc, Bethesda?!" then that's your right. I was just trying to help you out and keep the thread on topic.No, he's right. The Falmer that were taken in by the Dwemer were only taken in under the condition that they consume a poison every day, one that would slowly rob them of their senses. A lot of them refused, but obviously some didn't. Their descendents are the Falmer we see today.
Yeah, but we're talking about Bethesda here. I don't see them releasing something like that, even though I'd love for them to do so.
I play pretty similarly to you, with one exception: once I buy a horse, I can use that for fast travel instead of carriages. Since the mounted combat mod was introduced I often just rode my horse to where I need to go, but when I didn't feel like traversing half of Skyrim I could still use it as a fast travel machine.
I agree, but that's what I read. Maybe it'll be wrong, I hope so.
It's as much Skyrim's OT3 as it is Dragonborn's OT, though.
The night sky in this game is incredible. I've never felt compelled to stop and take a screenshot in any other game.
If you want the thread turning into "fuck Bethesda" and "Where's my PS3 dlc, Bethesda?!" then that's your right. I was just trying to help you out and keep the thread on topic.
I'll leave you guys to it then.
hey, since installing Dawnguard none of my mods have worked at all. I have them enabled but the effects don't show up at all.
Here are the only mods I have activated.[IMG][/QUOTE]
You could check the descriptions for each mod on the Workshop or Skyrim Nexus to make sure the version you're using is compatible with Dawnguard.
The other thing that springs to mind is a load order issue. You could try adjusting it to:
Unofficial Skyrim Patch
Unofficial Dawnguard Patch
Chopping block / Wood fires FIX
HD Plants + Herbs
Followers Dont Die!
Faster Vanilla Horses
Invulnerable Unique Horses
Decon's Shadowy Shadowmere
This game is kinda built around the ability to fast travel, though. I travel on foot for a large majority of the time, but I pretty much NEED to fast-travel on occasion at least. Quests will have you trek the entire length of the map and back sometimes, which takes quite a long time to do on foot. After you do it enough times, it starts getting tedious. Also, its hard not to fill up your inventory on the way to somewhere sometimes, especially if you fight a dragon or something. I'll be damned if I'm turning back around to go home and free up inventory, especially if I'm like halfway there. It wouldn't be so bad if it were easier to sell stuff, but everybody in Skyrim is poor as crap and can rarely afford to buy up all my loot. Its very convenient to be able to just pop back home real quick with fast travel and then go back to roughly where I was.Yeah, I really wish there was a hardcore mode in Skyrim. I kinda play one of my own, such as never using fast travel outside of wagons.
Plus, Derrick's banned. :lol
This game is kinda built around the ability to fast travel, though. I travel on foot for a large majority of the time, but I pretty much NEED to fast-travel on occasion at least. Quests will have you trek the entire length of the map and back sometimes, which takes quite a long time to do on foot. After you do it enough times, it starts getting tedious. Also, its hard not to fill up your inventory on the way to somewhere sometimes, especially if you fight a dragon or something. I'll be damned if I'm turning back around to go home and free up inventory, especially if I'm like halfway there. It wouldn't be so bad if it were easier to sell stuff, but everybody in Skyrim is poor as crap and can rarely afford to buy up all my loot. Its very convenient to be able to just pop back home real quick with fast travel and then go back to roughly where I was.
If it's not out for the holidays this year (and we'd know by now of course) I'm guessing, no sooner than fall of next year.
I just started regular Skyrim. What's the quickest way to make money and buy a house? I have a billion things I have to put into storage. I'm constantly having to throw things away as I explore but inventory gets full really fast.
I just started regular Skyrim. What's the quickest way to make money and buy a house? I have a billion things I have to put into storage. I'm constantly having to throw things away as I explore but inventory gets full really fast.
Please, release the damn GOTY version already. I wants to play the mega awesome game with all DLCSSSSSS. But i will not buy digital. On disc only, like every other prior bethesda release. Wonder how many dlc they are gonna go before they do it.
I just started regular Skyrim. What's the quickest way to make money and buy a house? I have a billion things I have to put into storage. I'm constantly having to throw things away as I explore but inventory gets full really fast.
This game is kinda built around the ability to fast travel, though. I travel on foot for a large majority of the time, but I pretty much NEED to fast-travel on occasion at least. Quests will have you trek the entire length of the map and back sometimes, which takes quite a long time to do on foot. After you do it enough times, it starts getting tedious. Also, its hard not to fill up your inventory on the way to somewhere sometimes, especially if you fight a dragon or something. I'll be damned if I'm turning back around to go home and free up inventory, especially if I'm like halfway there. It wouldn't be so bad if it were easier to sell stuff, but everybody in Skyrim is poor as crap and can rarely afford to buy up all my loot. Its very convenient to be able to just pop back home real quick with fast travel and then go back to roughly where I was.
If you're a magic user, gain entry to the College of Winterhold. They give you a dorm room on entry, which is effectively a house, AND is free.
Night sky, or aurora sky? I don't feel the regular night sky is anything special.
The problem with going that far north that early is you encounter far more of the games major side quests at one time then I think Bethesda intended. It gets overwhelming and mess with the players flow.
So day 31 it is.Pete Hines on Twitter said:Happy to announce that Dragonborn DLC will be available on PS3 (HOORAY!!!) and PC (also Hooray!) early next year.
And were still not done we look forward to sharing more Skyrim news next year!