So guys, is the Dragonborn expansion worth getting if I really like Skyrim and its 2 (well 1 really) other expansion?
Can somebody please explain the % increase perks in armor and wepons?![]()
what exactly do you not understand?
Totally get Dragonborn, I enjoyed it. The only issue I had with it was lack of powerful gear. I have full Daedric and didn't find anything worth using over it. Though crappy loot is an issue with Skyrim in general.
So what do you think the chances are of Skyrim being ported to PS4...?
So guys, is the Dragonborn expansion worth getting if I really like Skyrim and its 2 (well 1 really) other expansion? Is it just one small island that you go to or is it more? Sorry if I'm asking stupid questions. I haven't read so much about the expansion :O
Slim to none.
There's no history of them doing anything like this and it makes no sense for them to when Skyrim will be two years old by the time new consoles come out. They've already said their focus is on their next project, so wasting time and resources on a game everybody has already played really doesn't do them much good when they could be using it to create something new and exciting.Why do you say this? There are other rumors that current gen consoles games will be ported to PS4 (such as Metro Last Light).
There's no history of them doing anything like this and it makes no sense for them to when Skyrim will be two years old by the time new consoles come out. They've already said their focus is on their next project, so wasting time and resources on a game everybody has already played really doesn't do them much good when they could be using it to create something new and exciting.
I suppose, but honestly I would think if they would do something like this they'd obviously contract it out...
I mean, it's not Jonathon Blow putting the Witness out for PS4...
Must be the seasons (Winter here) or Game of Thrones, but I'm getting obsessed with Skyrim again. Just created a new "ultimate" character, a Dunmer spellsword who uses anything and everything. Currently running around in the Skaal armour that makes me look like a Wilding.
But anyway, I'm noticing a lot more freezes and lockups this time around (360 version). Might be Dragonborn, the new patch, or just putting a hell of a lot more hours into that I used to, not sure.
Do you think there's a market for it?
That's a good question. There certainly was a market for all the HD remasters that Sony put out this generation...
Must be the seasons (Winter here) or Game of Thrones, but I'm getting obsessed with Skyrim again. Just created a new "ultimate" character, a Dunmer spellsword who uses anything and everything. Currently running around in the Skaal armour that makes me look like a Wilding.
But anyway, I'm noticing a lot more freezes and lockups this time around (360 version). Might be Dragonborn, the new patch, or just putting a hell of a lot more hours into that I used to, not sure.
Also, please tell me theres a way to get my follower out of his Blades Armor.
Stormcloak or Imperial?
If I level up and never spend the point, does my XP stop?
Holy shit, for the love that is god, will anyone be able to help me? I have a serious case of modding woes.
Skyrim Version: Steam,
SKSE:, has the 1.9.32 DLL file. Copied both DLL's and exe in main directory.
BOSS program: Ran the program
TES5Edit: Edited the files BOSS said needed editing. No errors left and everything is able to load in this program
MODS used -
ENB: MATSO, installed original ENB first. Followed instruction for MATSO
Loading mod list:
(0 -> 0) Skyrim.esm
(1 -> 1) Update.esm
(2 -> 2) ApachiiHair.esm
(3 -> 3) ClimatesOfTamriel.esm
(4 -> 4) SPIKE.esm
(5 -> 5) Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp
(6 -> 6) Unofficial High Resolution Patch.esp
(7 -> 7) StaticMeshImprovementMod.esp
(8 -> 8) Birds.esp
(9 -> 9) Chesko_WearableLantern.esp
(10 -> 10) Radiant and Unique Potions and Poisons v2.0.esp
(11 -> 11) skyBirds - Airborne Perching Birds.esp
(12 -> 12) Skyrim Flora Overhaul.esp
(13 -> 13) SkyUI.esp
(14 -> 14) iHUD.esp
(15 -> 15) Cloaks.esp
(16 -> 16) hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp
(17 -> 17) XAC.esp
(18 -> 18) Dr_Bandolier.esp
(19 -> 19) BetterQuestObjectives.esp
(20 -> 20) EnhancedLightsandFX.esp
(21 -> 21) Crimson Tide - Blood.esp
(22 -> 22) 3DNPC.esp
(23 -> 23) WATER.esp
(24 -> 24) WATER Plants.esp
All mods were installed with NMM. All mods activated and in the plugin columns, all mods ticked. I launch skyrim directly from NMM using the "SKSE" exe.
I am able to start game, but only 3 mods seem to have loaded, found in the "Mod Configuration" when i pause the game. The mods are Sky UI, iHud and the bird one. I know for a fact that the other ones are not working because textures suck and i don't have the hair mod i downloaded. What could be causing the mods not to load? I have googled and tried a shit ton of fixes to no avail.
I already put "bEnableFileSelection=1" in the SkyrimPref and the plugins are clickable via launcher, but this shit just won't work!
If anyone has any idea as to how i could get this working i would much appreciate it >.<
From my limited knowledge, I think that's the problem. If I recall, Skyrim loads mods in sequence, and it it discovers one doesn't have the neccesary files, it might just stop and not load the rest. I could be horribly, horribly wrong, though.
I think a clean reinstall would be best.
Serana, stop breaking my heart.![]()
Sure.Would any of you be interested in seeing me do a sort-of Let's Play about a console player's first time playing PC Skyrim? Because I'd love to try and do something like that.![]()
What sort of mods? I dont think a console player is going to be as impressed as you think if its just a slight visual upgrade.Would any of you be interested in seeing me do a sort-of Let's Play about a console player's first time playing PC Skyrim? Because I'd love to try and do something like that.![]()
I have a list. I think I'm nearing a 100 mods right now. From Frostfall to Immersive Armors and Deadly Dragons to Morrowloot.What sort of mods? I dont think a console player is going to be as impressed as you think if its just a slight visual upgrade.
I've always toyed (and actually filmed a little) with the idea of going back to do a Lets play of Morrowind, to give people an idea of what started many of us on our Elder Scrolls journey, and let them see first hand the definitive game of the series (for me, personally). Alas, life gets in the way and there are plenty of other Morrowind play throughs on YouTube. I'd have to do something different, maybe a tresure hunting series. Never got tired of looking for new stuff.
But I'd watch it, BlueNinja. Would be nice to see how Skyrim plays on the PC from the perspective of someone that spent alot of time on the console version.
Just got Legendary Edition for PS3 (originally played on Xbox, but my Xbox died). Playing a Khajit stealth archer/assassin. Haven't played since all these patches and DLC came out. What's the best way to level smithing now that they patched out the old steel dagger exploit? Also, what's the best level/gear to start the DLCs with, I'd like to head off and do those as soon as possible.
Just got Legendary Edition for PS3 (originally played on Xbox, but my Xbox died). Playing a Khajit stealth archer/assassin. Haven't played since all these patches and DLC came out. What's the best way to level smithing now that they patched out the old steel dagger exploit? Also, what's the best level/gear to start the DLCs with, I'd like to head off and do those as soon as possible.
Does your follower eventually return if you lose them? Lydia is always getting lost but when i fast travel she shows back up. This time it's not working. The last time i saw her she was following behind me up a hill then when i turned around she was gone. Usually that means she took another direction or she's just going to load at my location. But nothing.
I hope i didn't lose her. She carrying so much stuff.