Is there a reason why Skyrim saves are so damn big? My save folder is 800+ MB.
Is there a reason why Skyrim saves are so damn big? My save folder is 800+ MB.
You keep making new saves? My save folder is 140 megabyte.
Save files get bloated the longer you play, especially with heavily modded game.
The more you've done, the more data must be recorded.
My folder takes 100 MB, with six saves plus autosaves.
Note : This quest can be impossible if you have done the quest The Forsworn Conspiracy and you get the bug which makes the guards and Raerek hostile.
Also, I think I'm fucked.
Serves you right for siding with the Stormcloaks, rebel scum.
May Talos guide you
Serves you right for siding with the Stormcloaks, rebel scum.
I'll never be sold on the Civil War issue. On one hand, the Stormcloaks are racist assholes and I don't want them in charge of the whole province. On the other, the Thalmor are rampant and no matter what the Imperials want you to believe, the Dominion can be defeated without their help - Hammerfell is proof of that.
If the war for independence in Skyrim were led by a more enlightened man like Brunwulf Free-Winter I would undoubtedly be on their side. As it is you're basically just choosing one horrible faction over the other.
To be fair, the Redguards are the most badass warriors in all of Tamriel, and they'd rather scorch their entire province than let the Thalmor boss them around.
Meh, if I'd had my way, we'd be going to visit mainland Morrowind next. One can dream, right.![]()
I reckon the Nords and Orcs dispute that. That is, when talking about individual warriors.
Me, i'd be careful of the Dunmer too, never know when one might sling a spell at you in addition to hitting you with a blade. Though the Dunmer are not "badass" like the Orcs and Nords are.
Not badass.
They're each badass in their own way.
Redguards are badass in that they'd keep on fighting even with all their limbs removed, and still would have a shot at winning.
Orcs are badass in that they'd probably tear your spine out of your back and beat you to death with it.
Nords are badass in that they'd fight you, and never even put down their mug of mead while doing so.
Dunmer are badass in that they'd set your house on fire if you looked at 'em funny.
Dunmer are badass in that they'd set your house on fire if you looked at 'em funny.
And they would lose their land to their former slaves because they're a bunch of losers.![]()
I'd be careful, or your house is going to burn.
And to be fair, the Argonians are kinda badass too.
Yeah, no. They're not. Wimps. I'll go burn their houses.
You'll have to find their houses, first. I heard they live in swamps, with mudcrabs.
I'll cast mass frenzy on the mudcrabs... and light 'em up. Burning frenzied mudcrabs. That should burn the whole damn swamp.
The fact that the Dunmer are still alive as a people considering all that's been thrown at them is proof enough of their badassery.
Least badass TES race? Breton?
You guys are all a bunch of milk drinkers.
You guys are all a bunch of milk drinkers.
With Realistic Needs and Diseases I will literally drink the milk straight from a cow's teet.
You guys are all a bunch of milk drinkers.
I got rid of RND because it meshes with water splashes, which is absolutely ridiculous. I miss some of it features, like waterskins and being able to eat food one piece at a time, but that was just too stupid a problem for me to keep the mod running.
Is that another mod? Once I installed RND I can't go back. It's a feature that Skyrim always desperately needed.
Look out Alduin, my Wood Elf is coming for you.
Level 48 and I'm rocking this armor set. I really dig the look.
Fits the persona I'm going for.[IMG][/QUOTE]
The Banded Iron armor is really good looking. And with enough Smithing, it is good enough too.
[quote="strafer, post: 98239529"]I also went with this armor build for a while.