I have a Xbox one S and a PS4 Pro. I can't decide which version to get? I'm interest in mods and my tv is only 1080. Any help would be awesome.
Xbox. Sony still can't use external assets for their mods.
I have a Xbox one S and a PS4 Pro. I can't decide which version to get? I'm interest in mods and my tv is only 1080. Any help would be awesome.
Thanks for the tip. Can you explain to me what that means? Im pretty new to mods.Xbox. Sony still can't use external assets for their mods.
What were you doing to level?Was starting to lose my nerve near the end lol. 70-78 is a slog!
What were you doing to level?
Yeah I have been doing that, at 191 with Archery/Smithing, 150 with Light Armor, about to prestige One-handed, Two-handed, and Enchanting. Still only at level 63 though so it is definitely a slog.You can prestige your main weapons/magic to keep leveling up at a decent rate.
Yeah I have been doing that, at 191 with Archery/Smithing, 150 with Light Armor, about to prestige One-handed, Two-handed, and Enchanting. Still only at level 63 though so it is definitely a slog.
Haven't used Oghma Infinium yet, though. I know they fixed the main glitch with that, is there any other way to use it multiple times?
Will try it out, thanks!I remembered the Oghma glitch from 360 (use it with LT+RT+A) and it worked fine on PS4, giving me +5 to everything (and 4 levels in the process)
So this is basically a no no on ps4 right? Lack of interesting mods is pretty deal breaking.
So this is basically a no no on ps4 right? Lack of interesting mods is pretty deal breaking.
From what I understand, there are over a 1000 mods now on PS4, but I am not sure which mods are available.
As for a 'no go', if mods are what is important for you, then you will have a better selection with the 360, and especially PC version. With myself, I have never played Skyrim before now, so there is plenty for me to do with the vanilla version.
Any deals on this for Xbox digitally? I see its on sale for 35.99 through the xbox store but just thought i'd check if its cheaper anywhere else.
It takes it down to 30 if you have gold. I did the gold for a dollar thing to get titanfall 2 and this on the cheap. I think it's going to be the best digital deal.
I have a Xbox one S and a PS4 Pro. I can't decide which version to get? I'm interest in mods and my tv is only 1080. Any help would be awesome.
Can I buy the legendary PC version and get this special edition update free or was that something you had to do before release?
There was a cutoff for this a couple weeks ago, so you're out of luck.
So this is basically a no no on ps4 right?
It's not a no go, you can still have a good time on the PS4. Just not as good as you would on Xbox, if you can't game on PC that is.So this is basically a no no on ps4 right? Lack of interesting mods is pretty deal breaking.
So... I'm on the fence here. I've decided I'm going to pick up Forza tonight at Best Buy and I'm considering picking up Skyrim as well. I played the shit out of this game on the 360 (probably put a couple hundred hours into it) and the visual upgrade has me intrigued. The problem is I also have since played the shit out of The Witcher 3 and loved that game, and so I'm now worried that Skyrim will feel underwhelming in comparison. Do you guys feel the game is worth revisiting considering I've already spent so much time with it? Also, how does it hold up to TW3?
I'm sorry if this has been asked and answered before, but I'm struggling to decide if I should buy this game.
imo the game "aged" perfectly well with the facelift. i'm enjoying it just as much as i did 5 years ago
witcher 3 is such a different game it's kind of irrelevant. especially if you enjoyed skyrim before
What were you doing to level?
I'm torn between getting it on Xbox One for the better mod support, or the PS4 Pro for the better resolution. Xbox One/PS4 version look a bit soft with things in the distance seeming a little blurry, but on the PRO due to 4k it is a lot clearer with the negative of not have as a robust MOD support. Decision, decisions....any suggestions?
Is there a darker night mod on Xbox? I've searched and couldn't find one.
Does using mods disable trophies on the Ps4?
Would you guys recommend purchasing the SE or original for PC?
Would you guys recommend purchasing the SE or original for PC?
I'm torn between getting it on Xbox One for the better mod support, or the PS4 Pro for the better resolution. Xbox One/PS4 version look a bit soft with things in the distance seeming a little blurry, but on the PRO due to 4k it is a lot clearer with the negative of not have as a robust MOD support. Decision, decisions....any suggestions?
Damn this game is still like crack to me after all these years. Just started a new game on ps4 with a Khajit. Plan on going stealth bow with a little magic.
I have a Xbox one S and a PS4 Pro. I can't decide which version to get? I'm interest in mods and my tv is only 1080. Any help would be awesome.
Thanks man. Which one did you decide on?I decided to answer this since I had the same question. I rented both versions and IQ wise the PS4 Pro hands down, even with a 1080p set. There is a slight blur in the distance on the Xbox One and PS4 version, on the Pro things in the far distance are clearer. For example in the first town you come into, there is a fence that looks like it is made of sticks and on the Pro from a distance it is defined and not blurry, but on the PS4/Xbox One it is fuzzy/blurry. So on a purely technical level, I think the Pro version is the best.
If you are into Mod's however and you are ok with a little blur in distance objects, the Xbox One Mod support is far superior. Sony does not allow external assets for the MOD's so any MOD that is made for the PS4 uses whatever assets that are in the base game where on the Xbox One external assets can be used so better textures, better character models etc. can be created and used.
So after my testing it comes down to one version being cleaner and much better IQ or one with way better MOD support.