do the waterfalls not look like ass anymore? i really wanted to increase my draw distance in vanilla skyrim without mods too
Game has a really soft, low res look while maxed out.
Yeah Bethesda said the Special Edition textures are higher quality than the original High Res pack so it's weird someone said they are the samePeople saying the textures aren't better don't remember vanilla skyrim. They're for sure better than even what the hi-res pack had.
Turn off windowed mode, exit the launcher, open Explorer, go to "My Documents\My Games\Skyrim Special Edition", open SkyrimPrefs.ini in Notepad and change "iSize H" and "iSize W" to match your resolution.>no 21:9
Thanks Bethesda
Game has a really soft, low res look while maxed out.
Yeah Bethesda said the Special Edition textures are higher quality than the original High Res pack so it's weird someone said they are the same
Many people on GAF were claiming the game lost its original color palette and is more orange now, but that's bs
The game is more orange in the evening than before, but morning and daytime look close to the original colors
Game has a really soft, low res look while maxed out.
980 Ti here, been a totally locked 60 throughout the intro out to Whiterun.
Looked fucking ace, as an aside. Pretty massive upgrade over vanilla, especially the lighting and shadows. Holy cow.
Edit - BTW that "softness" is the TAA, just like with Fallout 4. You'll notice it is worse when moving your camera, and seems to go away when still.
Meh the graphical upgrade is barely noticeable maxed out compared to the vanilla old pc version. No point of installing this version.
I have many hundreds of hours into the vanilla PC version of this game and am talking about the PC version of SE. It's not even close without mods.
I have many hundreds of hours into the vanilla PC version of this game and am talking about the PC version of SE. It's not even close without mods.
Meh the graphical upgrade is barely noticeable maxed out compared to the vanilla old pc version. No point of installing this version.
Meh the graphical upgrade is barely noticeable maxed out compared to the vanilla old pc version. No point of installing this version.
Is this 30 or 60fps on console (PS4)?
So, i'm on a 980 Ti & i7 4790k.
I'm getting horrible fps drops down to 8 fps. Like one time when you get out into the open world for the first time. I walk down that road and it goes 8 fps for like 15s while i run in circles looking around. Then all of a sudden goes back up to 70+ fps for a bit, then back down to consistant 8. Does this less indoors it seems.This is very weird. This game should run no problem on ultra on my rig.
Not seeing anyone else having this issue anywhere on the internet that i've seen. About to drop some settings and see if that helps.
So when does this unlock in the United States? It's 9:37pm eastern. I see others are playing already. Thanks!
So when does this unlock in the United States? It's 9:37pm eastern. I see others are playing already. Thanks!
So when does this unlock in the United States? It's 9:37pm eastern. I see others are playing already. Thanks!
My steam copy is live (west coast)So when does this unlock in the United States? It's 9:37pm eastern. I see others are playing already. Thanks!
So how do you get the special edition to show up? I have the game and all DLC and its not showing up in my library.
9 PDT on PSN (midnight for you). It's available on PC already.
It should be in your Steam library. Make sure you check your other non installed, non favorite game areas. If not, go to your Skyrim steam page and again make sure you have ALL the DLC purchased.
If you're on W10, see if that Xbox Game DVR shit was turned on with the anniversary update. I had some fuckery going on with games like Diablo 3 until I figured out they did me a "favor" installing that garbage and enabling it without saying so.
Xbox app -> Settings (gear icon left sidebar) -> Game DVR tab -> disable entirely.