dead souls
Great finale to an excellent season.
Leave it to The Expanse to close out this amazing season with an anxiety-ridden finale. Holden and crew face off against the protomolecule, and just when things look their bleakest, "Plant Guy," aka Prax, saves the day. Naomi comes clean about some stuff, and we know Fred Johnson is back. We wrap up the finale and the season with most of the Roci crew as Steven Strait, Dominique Tipper and Cas Anvar join us, along with a surprise guest.
My DVR cut off asWas that the end or did I miss something?Mei was being locked into that pod.
I saw that part as telling the viewers to have sweet dreams until season 3. Also wtf was that Venus shit, crazy.
Great finale except for the creature trying to dig through the ship. This supposed "super strong" creature look pretty damn weak as it struggled for 30 mins just to remove one panel from the floor.
Being super strong means having an ability to fold metal. It was enough.
That's how it was in the book too.I guess. But I just feel like they should have shown it making more progress tearing into the ship. I mean we get near the end of the episode and it's still not made it much farther than when it first started so the tension kinda disappears. At least it did for me.
Ok this episode I'm having a major problem with how slow the Proto being is digging into the ship, and is only concerned with digging into the ship.
Why doesn't someone just put on a suit and go get Holden out of there?
And then why the fuck would you give the nuke to Prax who has already stated on several occasions proto being could somehow be his daughter? He shouldn't have even been allowed to suit up.
When Amos was in there Protie was saw them more as a threat. He only ignored Holden when Holden was by himself and couldn't move. Having 1-2 people go in there to fiddle with the mag locks on that crate could have endangered more lives. Holden didn't want that.
Everyone's life was in danger at that point, even Prax's. Obviously too, this is TV, this part of the characters' arc was somewhat rushed this episode for sure.
This was an extraordinary season of television. Seeing the 0.16-range Nielsen ratings for it just slays me so hard. It should be taking in ten times that. On a bad day. In the rain. Uphill.
Yeah I guess, but Holden and Amos had just shot the proto as well. Seemed relatively harmless once the reactor was up again. Also how slow it was digging killed all the tension. With how slow it was digging you figure you'd send someone in there to help Holden because it seemed like he was dying on the comms. Like he could barely even breath talking to Naomi and she's just like don't even talk to me until we figure this out? What? I was like guys, at least try to send someone in to get him out. Amos mainly left because his suit was ruptured and he was running out of air.
Avasarala's wardrobe, presence and no fucks given attitude (actually, she blurts out quite a few of those) continues to sell every scene with her in it. And count me among the ones shocked by Errinwright's turn. It's not like he seemed the most ethical of the players, but the cowardly way in which he rationalised his treason as pushing the "Earth first" agenda as taught by Avasarala was low as hell. And very much unexpected. It totally caught me by surprise, not unlike Naomi's stabbing my poormurderousbaby Amos with tranquilizers. He looked so surprised. I wonder if this is going to affect their relationship. It'll probably do and I'll hate it.
I also loved this little shot with Bobbie shielding Avasarala from those goons while Cotyar (blessed be Nick E. Tarabay) did precisely what he was hired to do.
Space sci-fi is not very sexy without frequent battles and this is a show with so many warring factions and politics that it almost off putting for newer viewers. It's fantastic, but not really approachable.
As a side note, I had to do a double take watching the Battlefield II trailer because the protagonist looked so much like Dominique Tipper (Naomi) in this particular scene.
I don't think The Expanse is that complicated to get into at all. You have Earth, Mars, and The Belt. We're not talking about some far away planets in the galaxy. These are places that everyone is familiar with.
crap, it's going to be a long wait
After a stability-disrupting second season finale, SyFys epic has reached a crucial inflection point