qwerty2k said:this game is just so infuriating at times. There just isn't enough feedback to let you know if you are landing your punches and if you are how hard they are and how much damage they are doing.
Any tips for fighting against glass jaw? he is absolutely murdering me.
qwerty2k said:every stat is minimum 10, 20 for technique and 15 for strength i believe all others are 10.
qwerty2k said:every stat is minimum 10, 20 for technique and 15 for strength i believe all others are 10.
Freshmaker said:Just got this game and played around with it a bit...
Freshmaker said:I was wondering about the online play. I tried to find a match, but I just ended up pounding the guy in the waiting room to a pulp and I never got a bite from another player. Do you specifically have to invite someone?
That'd be neat.UntoldDreams said:I think a basic fight club could be setup pretty easily though as long as it was run correctly allowing people to learn from each other and improve.
** Let's get a few more people in the thread and I'll setup the Tournament/Fight Club
Freshmaker said:I was wondering about the online play. I tried to find a match, but I just ended up pounding the guy in the waiting room to a pulp and I never got a bite from another player. Do you specifically have to invite someone?
Maastricht said:When I tried I found someone fairly quickly in the Ranked Match section, but the other one nothing. The ranked match guy kicked my arse seriously though, knocked me out in less than 10 seconds I think.
I'm hoping there will be a Fight Night game that'll bridge that gap a bit better. I think a boxing aficionado would be interested in learning how to box at the very least.EDIT: Freshmaker, that manual is awesome. They should have worked that into the game somehow. Perhaps they should just reskin this game and offer a kid-friendlier version where you box with gloves and helmets, and with loads more tutorials ...![]()
UntoldDreams said:However, the game forces you to start with a career mode character who has very low stats (he's out of shape).
IGN played the game wrong. They kept pressing Circle button to try to block or some stupid shit but that just resets your stance or what not. Something tells me all the reviewers played it wrong.CartridgeBlower said:Do we have some viral marketers in this thread???
That's the only way I can rationalize the positivity in this thread against the almost universal negativity from all the reviews.
Either that, or the reviewers are really Kinect viral marketers...hmm...
Cruzader said:Waiting for transparency patch but fear of getting sore so I dont wanna play it!! WTF!
Cruzader said:Waiting for transparency patch but fear of getting sore so I dont wanna play it!! WTF!
CartridgeBlower said:Do we have some viral marketers in this thread???
That's the only way I can rationalize the positivity in this thread against the almost universal negativity from all the reviews.
Either that, or the reviewers are really Kinect viral marketers...hmm...
Afrikan said:its weird..well not really...but if you look at Metascore's scores....you could see that reviewers are averaging about a "48" score....where as the user's score is "8.2" out of 10.....that is a pretty big difference.
but more importantly if you visit most forums about The Fight..most if not all the posters who own the game disagree with the reviewer's scores...and are enjoying the game, or trying to.
The Fight is a $39.99 with no T.V. marketing..and little online marketing... I doubt it would be worth it for Sony to have viral marketers for this small title.
If you have the Move, you should rent it if you are curious.
Main addition is the transparency toggle. We've fixed some minor issues, nothing really gameplay related and the patch also gears the game up for the forthcoming duke playable character pack. This pack will also allow you access to fight as the boss characters you have unlocked in online battles.
He said the patch will be out beofre the end of this month.Hi guys,
We have a new patch lined up in january as we have another dlc pack for the new year, I can't go into specifics but what I will say is it will work you hard to shed those excess pounds you pile on over the holidays)
Maastricht said:I just wanted to show how well this game tracks your movement, so here's me in the target practice ignoring the mits and just fooling around. I think it's pretty amazing and very cool.
Afrikan said:can't believe Motion gaming has taken over my life...lol.
been playing this and the John Daly Golf Demo....GT5 is coming in a couple of days..but these motion games are a good switch up from my other gaming.
really fun and their cheap, and I swear I'm learning things that I can use in real life.
UntoldDreams said:The first thing is people need to put up their stats and basic fighting technique.
I'd be curious to learn how people go about it.
Afrikan said:can't believe Motion gaming has taken over my life...lol.
been playing this and the John Daly Golf Demo....GT5 is coming in a couple of days..but these motion games are a good switch up from my other gaming.
really fun and their cheap, and I swear I'm learning things that I can use in real life.
onken said:Fantastic review, TTP.
Well damn, just makes me think what a shame. The 1:1 stuff looks excellent but the distance and camera issues just seem like too much of a game-breaker. Also I don't know if I could stomach a whole game of just this, seems like it could get pretty repetitive.
You never know, may pick it up at some point after the transparency patch if I see it cheap.
Freshmaker said:Speed 39
Str 45
Sta 45
Hrt 39
Chin 40
Tec 48
Rep 98
W/L 90-1
So far, I've have the best results with a very brawly kind of style. (Which is why the videos I posted mainly have me wading in with a constant barrage of 1-2 punches) Wait for them to start to close, then pummel them with straights hooks, (and uppercuts if they look like they're interested in my junk) for a bit until my stamina starts dropping, then I move to reset my position.
I've also been playing around with a more technically oriented style where I'm relying more on movement and my left jab. I've KO'ed two guys with doubled up jabs already. Definitely trickier. I'd think it'd work better against a human since you can set up mind games and combs with that while the AI will just constantly wade in throwing elbows.
I've had rough results with set your feet and swing a defensive style. (Not terribly surprising since this is a stupid way to fight IRL too.) I've found it leaves me wide open for dirty moves. (My one loss so far was a direct result of this.) Your guard usually doesn't help you too much against such attacks, and if they do hit you, your stamina shoots into the toilet for a time. I also tend to rack up more injuries that way vs if I keep mobile and look to counter.
Amp your speed up, and follow a jab in to set up the counters. The game really likes to automatically drop your guard whenever you punch, so there's invariably an opening on brawlers after their first swing.UntoldDreams said:Yeah this game certainly guides people into becoming brawlers at first.
Since its hard to judge distance people will quickly learn they need to throw 5-6 punches and possibly miss the first one to two punches.
I'm debating the best way to make counterpunching effective. Basically, I'm trying to exploit the fact that I know 90% of the people will be straight line attack brawlers.
A few counterpunch encounters and most of the people out there will be completely thrown off their game. The trick will be making it work somewhat repeatably within the game mechanics.
leehom said:Finally picked up the game and it seems like it could be decent...but I'm having a bitching time trying to calibrate this thing. When I do the punching motions forward, it takes a couple of minutes to calibrate. The one I have the most difficultly is the one where you hold the two moves under your chin. I tried it a million different ways and it doesn't register unless I tilt the moves forward.
If I can ever get the calibration right on this game it wouldn't be bad...but seeing as how difficult it is for me to get it calibrated...I can see why a lot of reviewers are giving this game a bad score.
UntoldDreams said:I wanted to re-iterate for all the newer players.
The motion tracking in this game is outstanding... Its high speed 60 FPS gameplay and when you go at it (at high levels) its a frantic back and forth boxing match. As good as any Fight Night game at high speed.
However, the game forces you to start with a career mode character who has very low stats (he's out of shape).
This means even if you are punching like mad with energy "the character" you are using to fight with will not be able to keep up. This is where IGN and other reviewers were completely WRONG about the game.
** Until you increase your stats the character will do less damage, his speed will lag, he will flail wildly and screw up punches even though you punched perfectly.
Going into the gym and training him (which requires you to get a workout too) will give you points to increase the character's stats. After the stats increase you will notice the precision which the game's tracking actually has.
Its outstanding.
leehom said:Finally picked up the game and it seems like it could be decent...but I'm having a bitching time trying to calibrate this thing. When I do the punching motions forward, it takes a couple of minutes to calibrate. The one I have the most difficultly is the one where you hold the two moves under your chin. I tried it a million different ways and it doesn't register unless I tilt the moves forward.
If I can ever get the calibration right on this game it wouldn't be bad...but seeing as how difficult it is for me to get it calibrated...I can see why a lot of reviewers are giving this game a bad score.