Today I saw Mononoke Hime. Superb movie, I'm so very lucky to have gotten it on DVD and watched it with subs. After the film ended I started watching the featurette included and OH GOD THE ENGLISH DUB...I DON'T EVEN.
Howl being Christian Bale was a bit iffy, Kiki's was okay, Porco could even say it was good. But listening to Ashitaka and San's voices in english...ugh.
The film itself is very well-thought and not targeted towards children, that's for sure. The animation is mind-blowing. The themes and open-endedness of Mononoke were quite surprising. Now, I have set this this goal of watching all of Miyazaki's films before the summer ends. I wish I had this quality of movies growing up, if it weren't for Pixar I would've been mercy of the brain-dead messages from Disney.