Gold Member
Everyone's got different thresholds, the Viessa one is fucking nasty though. She looks like a Sony 30th Anniversary purse come to life.Yeah the new skins arent like UGLY... but yeah not very interesting.
But! The spawn effects, especially the lepic one, hoooo boy fucking badass.
And yet, its only locked to him. Great thanks nexon. Really classy. Never change.
I'm warming up to the Ultimate Gley pack-in cyberdemon skin, but for the price, no fucking way.
Figures right as soon as I get my Bunny to solo invasion levels, they launch co-op invasions. Fucking A. Co-op makes it a breeze anyways, so whatever. And now I have at least 1 properly built character. Might skip finishing my Viessa for now and work on Gley as a boss killer, Bunny doesn't do well in most of those and it's becoming more glaringly obvious that bossing is my big account weakness currently, particularly in Interceptions.