Weird. Is not showing up for me on the iOS app.
I remember seeing those first impressions and staying the fuck away from this series. But maybe I should give it another chance...
So i try to avoid 99% of anime, because I really really dont like high school drama bullshit or 12 year olds tasked with saving the should i watch this?
You should probably try not to be so narrow-minded.So i try to avoid 99% of anime, because I really really dont like high school drama bullshit or 12 year olds tasked with saving the should i watch this?
This is high school drama bullshit. It's just a bit different than most because it's rotoscoped and has a pretty damn oppressive atmosphere. If that sounds appealing, go for it.
You should probably try not to be so narrow-minded.
There are sundry anime that have nothing to do with your prejudiced conception.
To be fair every big serialized anime people tell me to watch fall neatly into those categories
I did just finish Mindgame recently and that was just fucking amazing and would love more stuff like that (i like adult stories but Ive run out of Sataoshi Kon to watch and I really dont like crazy anime violence)
I'm just like you, I only like serious animes geared towards adults. I'd say go for it. Aku no Hana has a high school setting but has nothing to do with the usual mainstream crap.
This is a shounen adaptation. It isn't geared toward adults.
I don't know wth that means, all I know is it has an interesting theme and style, far away from the usual stuff. In my opinion of course, technically I might be wrong.
This is a shounen adaptation. It isn't geared toward adults.
I disagree.
Episodes 10-13 (END)
I finally got around to finishing this up. The final few episodes were really strong, but the ending just left me scratching my head. Overall I'll say the series was pretty effective at what it wanted to do, but it's a real pity they couldn't decide on a way to make the anime feel conclusive and self contained at the end. I really liked how the series built up to various climatic points in Kasuga's development - his first date, his wild night at the school with Nakamura, the confrontation at the mountain, and finally his decision to set things right with Nakamura.
There are many emotions and relationship points in the show which are extremely realistic and yet mostly absent in most dramas featuring teenagers. Often the preference is to rely on exaggerated comedy or misunderstandings to create more "entertaining" scenarios, but here the tone is dry and bleak, and the focus very much on the psychological aspect of growing up in a mundane town and feeling like the world holds no possibilities or joy. It's a really risky show which I suppose will only ever pay off creatively, and not commercially.
My issue with the way the show ended is that it's simply not satisfying. A finale which recaps much of the earlier show to show how things have come full circle is perfectly fine, but the decision to also include incoherent flash forwards of stuff which seem to take place later in the manga only serves to make the show on a whole feel more incomplete and draws attention to how it is an adaptation of an incomplete work. I found that disappointing when they could simply have ended it with a "they have come to terms with who they really are" conclusion and left the rest of the it open ended. Oh well.
Still, I'll be interested if somehow they managed to get funding for another season. They seem to want to make it, with the "end of part 1" stuff and all. I just don't see where the money would come from though!
Would your opinion of the ending change if they confirmed a second season was coming?
yesssssssssssssssssssssssssss i've been waiting for this
so fucking good. lots of haunting, atmospheric tracks here and lmao @in the bonus trackthe random-ass dubstep
Well I can't disagree there. A thoroughly bizarre choice.Episodes 10-13 (END)
My issue with the way the show ended is that it's simply not satisfying. A finale which recaps much of the earlier show to show how things have come full circle is perfectly fine, but the decision to also include incoherent flash forwards of stuff which seem to take place later in the manga only serves to make the show on a whole feel more incomplete and draws attention to how it is an adaptation of an incomplete work. I found that disappointing when they could simply have ended it with a "they have come to terms with who they really are" conclusion and left the rest of the it open ended. Oh well.
Still, I'll be interested if somehow they managed to get funding for another season. They seem to want to make it, with the "end of part 1" stuff and all. I just don't see where the money would come from though!
yesssssssssssssssssssssssssss i've been waiting for this
so fucking good. lots of haunting, atmospheric tracks here and lmao @in the bonus trackthe random-ass dubstep
I'm upto date on the manga, waiting the painful month or so between each chapter.. I think it must be over soon
the manga is finished. the last chapter has been printed.
Yes, read the manga. It's all out in English and concludes the story: I just watched episode 13... what was with the flashback to things you didn't actually experience as a viewer? Was that just a fantasy he was having while she was sitting on his chest? And it says at the end "End of Part 1" or something to that effect... Is there more?