Dot50Cal said:So heres a god damn tree (this spawns like this every time).
and heres the city spawning in after visiting the hospital.
Keep in mind, this is running off a 360 hard drive, not the disc.
This is a final build that you are playing? Because such things didn't occur once while I was trying out the final 360 copy. I did not get that horrible load after visiting the hospital. I know I've driven in the general area where that tree was, but I really can't say where specifically that is so I can't speak on that incident there.
If that isn't a final build of the game then whether it's running off the disc or on a hard drive is the least of the problem. The 360 version of GTA isn't built to take advantage of the hard drive in the same way that the PS3 version is so going based on what we see from the game running off a hard drive doesn't exactly seem accurate. On a disc we know that things are structured in specific ways for background loading and better access times. Since I didn't see something like that after visiting the hospital I'm going to go ahead and assume the reason I didn't spot such a delayed loading of the environment is because the necessary data was loaded in the background off the disc in time before I could spot it.
In the non final ps3 build that I beat I would drive right into a wall and actually be stuck there permantly and if I toyed with the camera I could drive right through the building as if nothing was there or a pedestrian that was walking on the sidewalk would suddenly be teleported from the sidewalk and placed right in the middle of the street. Not being final is a big deal so if that isn't final it's a bit deceptive to be showing such things on the pretense that since it is running on a hard drive this is the best case scenario people who play the 360 version can hope for.
Not saying it's you're intention, but the insinuation that things may be worse when running off the disc is definitely there.