Cataferal said:For those who've just joined the thread, this gif summarizes everything you've missed thus far:
Welcome. And enjoy![]()
Is that from Dead Or Alive?:lol
Cataferal said:For those who've just joined the thread, this gif summarizes everything you've missed thus far:
Welcome. And enjoy![]()
nofi said:Why? Did Starbreeze comment on the motion blur omission in The Darkness?
nofi said:It's a moot point, it doesn't matter to Joe Gamer.
cyberheater said:I'm not so sure. Every board i've been to has someone commenting on it.
Cataferal said:Close (same actor). It's from Battle Royale II.
GrayFoxPL said:Where are the geometry and texture comparsions of trash cans?
Gaf failed me.
DCharlie said:i don't mean this to come out the wrong way, but i've seen several people say this as a reason to get the Ps3 version or to not get something on the X360 or whatever.
If you are really afraid to play games on your X360 - then sell it.
It's worthless to you.
use the cash to buy PS3 games.
Seriously - what IS the point of owning a games console if you aren't going to play it?
i can give you a guarantee - when your X360 breaks, it'll break. It'll have to go back, but it will come back to you at some point. That might not even be the last time. But refraining from playing a games machine? shesh, that would drive me crazy and , as i say, if it's gonna break, it's gonna break.
PuppetMaster said:He updated his images
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
Words cannot describe how hard he got pwned.
Iseewhatyou etc etcDCharlie said:what is to say your PS3 won't break? for a lot of people , GTA4 might be the first stress test !
Dabanton said:Bravo,magnificent.
Is that from Dead Or Alive?:lol
nofi said:It's (presumably) blown out of all proportions. As I've said before, I've not played the 360 version, so I'm only guessing.
Kabuki Waq said:so marginally or whatever can we all agree that ps3 version has better graphics?
Kabuki Waq said:so marginally or whatever can we all agree that ps3 version has better graphics?
Kabuki Waq said:so marginally or whatever can we all agree that ps3 version has better graphics?
Hehe OK I get it. I guess subconciously I was playing my role too replying to that post.cyberheater said:I'm leaning towards the light hearted...
(I hope folks aren't taking this thread too seriously. Surely it's designed for gentle interplay between sonybots and xbots. No?)
f_elz said:looks the same, aside from the softness of the ps3 version.
f_elz said:looks the same, aside from the softness of the ps3 version.
cyberheater said:er..... No.
We've just got started.
Some questions that need answering first:-
1. We know that the 360 version is native 720p. What about the PS3 version
2. The PS3 version looks softer. It that due to the above, lower general texture resolution or something else.
3. Framerates. Seems the 360 framerates might be smoother.
cyberheater said:er..... No.
We've just got started.
Some questions that need answering first:-
1. We know that the 360 version is native 720p. What about the PS3 version
2. The PS3 version looks softer. It that due to the above, lower general texture resolution or something else.
3. Framerates. Seems the 360 framerates might be smoother.
Cataferal said:It's because the people with the game are too busy enjoying it to care. You'll be joining them shortly.
nofi said:It's (presumably) blown out of all proportions. As I've said before, I've not played the 360 version, so I'm only guessing.
At page 49?Kabuki Waq said:so marginally or whatever can we all agree that ps3 version has better graphics?
cyberheater said:er..... No.
We've just got started.
Some questions that need answering first:-
1. We know that the 360 version is native 720p. What about the PS3 version
2. The PS3 version looks softer. It that due to the above, lower general texture resolution or something else.
3. Framerates. Seems the 360 framerates might be smoother.
cyberheater said:er..... No.
We've just got started.
Some questions that need answering first:-
1. We know that the 360 version is native 720p. What about the PS3 version
2. The PS3 version looks softer. It that due to the above, lower general texture resolution or something else.
3. Framerates. Seems the 360 framerates might be smoother.
Surfheart said:It's totally a non issue on the 360 version. I guess if you are looking for it, it's there but to be honest I was having far too much fun to notice.
cyberheater said:er..... No.
We've just got started.
Some questions that need answering first:-
1. We know that the 360 version is native 720p. What about the PS3 version
2. The PS3 version looks softer. It that due to the above, lower general texture resolution or something else.
3. Framerates. Seems the 360 framerates might be smoother.
omg rite said:I guess that could be interesting and a reason as to why the thread is so big, but is there really anything to back that up? (I'm not reading through 50 pages.)
cyberheater said:At midnight tonight. The question is. Dun dun daaaaaaa. What version?
omg rite said:Whaaat.
I thought it's been confirmed by multiple reviews that PS3 DOES have a slightly better framerate.
omg rite said:Whaaat.
I thought it's been confirmed by multiple reviews that PS3 DOES have a slightly better framerate.
I guess that could be interesting and a reason as to why the thread is so big, but is there really anything to back that up? (I'm not reading through 50 pages.)
fortified_concept said:kotaku bullshit, don't take it seriously. Btw I don't know your sources but I don't think anyone said PS3 version has better framerates. All sites are saying framerate is locked at 30 with both versions having slight hickups here and there.
fortified_concept said:kotaku bullshit, don't take it seriously. Btw I don't know your sources but I don't think anyone said PS3 version has better framerates. All sites are saying framerate is locked at 30 with both versions having slight hickups here and there.
fortified_concept said:I don't know. But if the expert on this important and not fake at all matter -andrewfee- hasn't concluded with his findings yet, noone will. I bet his unsurpassed screenshot and video capturing abilities will shine a bright light on this dark secret.
fortified_concept said:I don't know. But if the expert on this important and not fake at all matter -andrewfee- hasn't concluded with his findings yet, noone will. I bet his unsurpassed screenshot and video capturing abilities will shine a bright light on this dark secret.
From a MAJOR British newspaper:Opera-lovers may not know it, but the cultural event of the coming week is not the opening of The Merry Widow at the Coliseum on Monday. It is the launch, on Tuesday, in formats to suit all consoles, of a long-awaited video game that casts the player as a criminal fleeing from a violent past into an even more violent present.
The game is Grand Theft Auto IV. The result of three years' work by 150 developers, it will draw tens of millions of users into an urban dystopia modelled closely on New York and realised in such staggering detail that the protagonist can relax between sessions spent prowling the city's virtual streets by walking into virtual cybercafés and logging on to the game's own version of the internet.
Previous editions of this game have prompted furious claims that they glorify crime and encourage real-life mimicry. This version will be no exception.
But demands for wholesale censorship should be resisted. Grand Theft Auto, which already carries a certificate banning its sale to children, is at the cutting edge of social acceptability, but also of the fastest-growing sector of the entertainment industry - a sector that comprises arcade-style banality, intensely creative story-driven fantasies and astonishingly realistic sports-based games that can bring Arsenal fans closer than any generation of their forebears to playing with their idols. The latest games designed for the Sony Wii console can even force players to break sweat.
British talent is at the forefront of this creative explosion. As a territory the UK is the world's fourth-ranked game developer by revenue, but that excludes the contribution of the Grand Theft Auto creators, based in Dundee, Rockstar Games, whose US owner is now contemplating a $2 billion takeover bid.
Rockstar is as inventive as it is controversial. It has earned its creative freedom and deserves to go on flourishing as long as it retains the knack of testing social limits without breaking them.
Hollywood has long since recognised that console-based games can rival its films for production values, mischief and wit. But even without these qualities they would have forced their way into the pop cultural mainstream through sheer turnover.
The global games industry is worth £18 billion a year and rising. Grand Theft Auto IV is expected to make $400 million in its first week. It may prove unsettling and even addictive, and controlling youngsters' access to it raises vital questions for society and, above all, parents. But these questions are secondary to the larger issue of such games' right to exist.
They are journeys of the imagination, more detailed and perhaps more shocking than previous equivalents, but in the same broad genre of escapism as comic books, westerns, Bond films and watching James May reach 250mph in a Bugatti Veyron on Top Gear.
The mind has always been diverted by fantasy and the forbidden. It cannot - should not - be controlled by officialdom or cowed by fear of the new. But individuals need to know the difference between digital games and real life. And they must ask themselves, now as much as ever, the essential question: how do you want to spend your time here, in the real world?
Cataferal said:Heads or tails, mate![]()
omg rite said:Oh, I just thought that the IGN review said that the 360 one hiccups more.
Maybe I'm wrong.
Which, if I am, is even more of a WTF WHY IS THIS 50 PAGES.
Okay, I'm off to cash in the thousand dollars I won this week on a scratch off. Later.
sure. because the games are so close that it seems that any fan boy can see differences that make their platform of choice the superior version.omg rite said:Can someone explain why this is 50 pages long?
I've actually seen the term "game breaking" used while skimming over it. :lol
Guys, they're almost fucking identical. If this thread seriously manages to get bigger and bigger when the game is out at midnight, I'll feel sad for gamers everywhere.
They're the same game pretty much. Just play it and enjoy. :\
Apollo said:I would take you more seriously if I didn't see Xbox written a hundred times under your name.
plagiarize said:the main thing to take away from this thread if you're genuinely trying to decide which version to buy, is that the PS3 and 360 versions are very very close. if all else is equal (ie, you don't want DLC, don't already have friends on either platform) then PS3 is surely the way to go.
Apollo said:I would take you more seriously if I didn't see Xbox written a hundred times under your name.
MrPing1000 said:PC wins. *waits 8 months*
cyberheater said:There's a PS3 in there somewhere... You just need to look for it.
pswii60 said:There's now a brand new console to add to the mix:
From a MAJOR British newspaper: