That is true - Capcom had a bunch of betas to suss out problems. As long as they don't start NRSing us it won't be too bad.
That is true - Capcom had a bunch of betas to suss out problems. As long as they don't start NRSing us it won't be too bad.
Anywhere I can find a video or text guide on how to play Geese, Terry, or Athena? Thanks!
ThisThat is true - Capcom had a bunch of betas to suss out problems. As long as they don't start NRSing us it won't be too bad.
God I hope people aren't gonna let this shit fly. I'd love more input on this from other players and such, but not getting this fixed is how games die.He should just tag SNK accounts when he posts these things really. Too many people probably don't want to RT because they're worried about making the game look bad.
God I hope people aren't gonna let this shit fly. I'd love more input on this from other players and such, but not getting this fixed is how games die.
He should just tag SNK accounts when he posts these things really. Too many people probably don't want to RT because they're worried about making the game look bad.
Return Maxima's full body GP on his EX Double Vapor Cannon. Why does KoD have anti-sweep guardpoint on cr.C, yet Maxima doesn't even have it on an EXDM
His target combo was more reliable than his weak attacks into command normal actually, might want to give it back to him. Increase the use of come of his normals.
I'm happy with Zarina, lol. Everything she has as a weakness seems offset by some other really strong thing, and I like her normals more and more. Her Stand far C and B are a BIT too similar, but that's not really a huge issue. She's my favorite MAX / HD mode fisher in the entire series at this point, I accept all her weaknesses in order to maintain this fun strength, heh heh.
I have never heard of the rule of no cross ups in the corner for KOF.More character tidbits from the artbook by coder2121:
"'Without his success, there is no success for KOF.' Out of the 50 characters, he is the most time we've spent selecting the right voice actor. He's the self-proclaimed first KOF champion, but down-to-earth and relatable. The voice actor was able to really bring out Antonov's personality and nuances." - Asanaka
"Same with Terry, Geese is a character that has a special place in the hearts of the Fatal Fury staff. We meticulously worked on the design, movements, and model. Geese has a different face every series, so there was no one correct image to work from, which complicated things. The modelers and motion capture team all worked hard and we're very pleased with the results." - Kuroki
"The blades on Kula's shoes only appear during her dash and heavy kick. She was the first character that we implemented this technique in, being able to toggle part of her model on/off in the engine. At that time, I figured the game designers could just create such extra parts and we'd be able to implement them no problem - aside from weapon-wielding characters. But KOF has many characters with unique traits, so it wasn't that easy." - Ando
"We had this idea of making the character bilingual between Chinese and Japanese. In that sense, we had a hard time finding the right voice actor. But in the end, we found an awesome voice actor that was able to bring that character to life the way we wanted. Also, when we were working on him, we felt rather sleepy! Hehe." - Asanaka
"Mian's sound effects use a collection of ethnic instruments. It's not anything new, but I think it's the first time we were this diligent about it. Visually and audibly, she came out pretty unique." - Asanaka
"Like with Shun'ei, we had a younger designer create Sylvie instead of Ogura. I didn't mind that it didn't fit my idea of KOF, and I felt that the young designer was able to bring a fresh, new design to the table. It's really rare when we all agree on a concept, design, model, and animations of the character. But with Sylvie, I felt like that all came together. Kula and Sylvie's storyline is a must-watch. I enjoyed it." - Kuroki
Jeez, this guy is such a drama queen.
People post glitches and whatnot but from all the tournaments we have seen so far, has even one of them been a factor in real play?
The stuff needs to be addressed sure but lets not go overboard.
That EX super didn't have guardpoint at all in XIII, it had full body invincibility and a 3 frame start up though lol. Damn it was good there.
Lack of lower body guard point has been a deliberate aspect/weakness of Maxima for a while now. Even in XIII the only ground move to have upper and lower body guard point was the EX anti-air grab.
Dunno man, it's more reliable than a link and lets him follow up with pretty much anything after. Being able to use the overhead raw is also a huge plus over his XIII version. One thing that does throw me off is the loss of his high jump arc.
I'm very happy with her as well, she's often a regular on my team. She's really good but at the same time has very clear weaknesses. She and Kukri are my most used newcomers so far, and Meitenkun.
Reading stuff like that, it makes me wonder why they didn't just pull a Tekken & hire voice actors appropriate to the characters' respective nationalities (Ex: Portuguese for Team South America, English for Team Fatal Fury & South Town, Japanese for Team Japan, Chinese for Team China, etc.). I suppose it's for the sake of tradition (which I can understand), but still.More character tidbits from the artbook by coder2121:
"'Without his success, there is no success for KOF.' Out of the 50 characters, he is the most time we've spent selecting the right voice actor. He's the self-proclaimed first KOF champion, but down-to-earth and relatable. The voice actor was able to really bring out Antonov's personality and nuances." - Asanaka
"Same with Terry, Geese is a character that has a special place in the hearts of the Fatal Fury staff. We meticulously worked on the design, movements, and model. Geese has a different face every series, so there was no one correct image to work from, which complicated things. The modelers and motion capture team all worked hard and we're very pleased with the results." - Kuroki
"The blades on Kula's shoes only appear during her dash and heavy kick. She was the first character that we implemented this technique in, being able to toggle part of her model on/off in the engine. At that time, I figured the game designers could just create such extra parts and we'd be able to implement them no problem - aside from weapon-wielding characters. But KOF has many characters with unique traits, so it wasn't that easy." - Ando
"We had this idea of making the character bilingual between Chinese and Japanese. In that sense, we had a hard time finding the right voice actor. But in the end, we found an awesome voice actor that was able to bring that character to life the way we wanted. Also, when we were working on him, we felt rather sleepy! Hehe." - Asanaka
"Mian's sound effects use a collection of ethnic instruments. It's not anything new, but I think it's the first time we were this diligent about it. Visually and audibly, she came out pretty unique." - Asanaka
"Like with Shun'ei, we had a younger designer create Sylvie instead of Ogura. I didn't mind that it didn't fit my idea of KOF, and I felt that the young designer was able to bring a fresh, new design to the table. It's really rare when we all agree on a concept, design, model, and animations of the character. But with Sylvie, I felt like that all came together. Kula and Sylvie's storyline is a must-watch. I enjoyed it." - Kuroki
Jeez, this guy is such a drama queen.
People post glitches and whatnot but from all the tournaments we have seen so far, has even one of them been a factor in real play?
The stuff needs to be addressed sure but lets not go overboard.
That EX super didn't have guardpoint at all in XIII, it had full body invincibility and a 3 frame start up though lol. Damn it was good there.
Lack of lower body guard point has been a deliberate aspect/weakness of Maxima for a while now. Even in XIII the only ground move to have upper and lower body guard point was the EX anti-air grab.
Dunno man, it's more reliable than a link and lets him follow up with pretty much anything after. Being able to use the overhead raw is also a huge plus over his XIII version. One thing that does throw me off is the loss of his high jump arc.
I'm very happy with her as well, she's often a regular on my team. She's really good but at the same time has very clear weaknesses. She and Kukri are my most used newcomers so far, and Meitenkun.
It would even be more fitting for KOF than Tekken since these are teams who are straight up named after countries and regionsReading stuff like that, it makes me wonder why they didn't just pull a Tekken & hire voice actors appropriate to the characters' respective nationalities (Ex: Portuguese for Team South America, English for Team Fatal Fury & South Town, Japanese for Team Japan, Chinese for Team China, etc.). I suppose it's for the sake of tradition (which I can understand), but still.
Jeez, this guy is such a drama queen.
People post glitches and whatnot but from all the tournaments we have seen so far, has even one of them been a factor in real play?
The stuff needs to be addressed sure but lets not go overboard.
I have never heard of the rule of no cross ups in the corner for KOF.
Slightly off-topic-ish, but Terry's Death Battle preview is up:
Looks like they're focusing more on the anime stuff, which shouldn't hurt his chances against Ken.
Whether or not it's related is anyone's guess, since it'd have to be replicated. More people should talk about this to get the conversation started about how big it'll impact the scene, but either way, attention should be brought to SNK.
It's always been a thing, the only exception that wasn't some bug used to be backturned knockdowns, but we don't even have those anymore. Other than that if you moved even one pixel out of the corner you could get crossed up but never if you're actually all the way back.
There were also special situations like Mai, King etc. being able to cross up the opponent in XIII after a regular throw into the corner and then rolling. Maxima could also do funky cross ups with his EX air vapor canon after the wall slam of his command throw in XIII (did it in real matches, felt so good).
Slightly off-topic-ish, but Terry's Death Battle preview is up:
Looks like they're focusing more on the anime stuff, which shouldn't hurt his chances against Ken.
I remember the rolls for King and Mai but that only worked for a particular player side IIRC. File that under bugs imo.
Didn't wall slam leave them close to but not all the way in the corner if you didn't do the follow-up?
Jeez, this guy is such a drama queen.
People post glitches and whatnot but from all the tournaments we have seen so far, has even one of them been a factor in real play?
The stuff needs to be addressed sure but lets not go overboard.
Atma is a really smart player at dissecting mechanics and stuff.
It's a shame he dropped KOFXIV![]()
That EX super didn't have guardpoint at all in XIII, it had full body invincibility and a 3 frame start up though lol. Damn it was good there.
Lack of lower body guard point has been a deliberate aspect/weakness of Maxima for a while now. Even in XIII the only ground move to have upper and lower body guard point was the EX anti-air grab.
Dunno man, it's more reliable than a link and lets him follow up with pretty much anything after. Being able to use the overhead raw is also a huge plus over his XIII version. One thing that does throw me off is the loss of his high jump arc.
I'm very happy with her as well, she's often a regular on my team. She's really good but at the same time has very clear weaknesses. She and Kukri are my most used newcomers so far, and Meitenkun.
Reading stuff like that, it makes me wonder why they didn't just pull a Tekken & hire voice actors appropriate to the characters' respective nationalities (Ex: Portuguese for Team South America, English for Team Fatal Fury & South Town, Japanese for Team Japan, Chinese for Team China, etc.). I suppose it's for the sake of tradition (which I can understand), but still.
EDIT 2 : Athena needs to lose this dumb invulnerability on command grab, what the hell ?
S++ k'
S+ Athena Leona Mature Mai
S Robert Kim Geese Beni Kula Iori Kensou Zarina Luong Iori Yuri King Terry Andy Shun hei
I don't think he can build meter too well. Projectiles don't give much so you'd mostly just use his buttons at point. I could be wrong though, I'm sure someone else can go into more detailIori so good he's SS tier.
Speaking of which, how bad is Iori as a battery? The reddit thing has him primarily as an anchor but I'm not sure if it's like 98 Iori where he works wherever the heck you want him to.
I deleted and re-downloaded this game and it still crashes all day, everyday online. It's pathethic.
I know he had the full body GP bubble on something else other than his DP. I'm pretty sure it was on some variety of Double Vapor Cannon. Been a while since I played XIII though, I played 2k2UM and 98UM to prepare for XIV.
She's my non-Leona Anchor. I love that full Jump B crossup up way better than you'd think it should from odd distances, and hop D is a very confusing-looking hop normal that works as a good opener. In a year that tells me I'll probably never see Elena in SFV, Zarina is such a welcome addition, she might be my FG character of the year.
I don't think he can build meter too well. Projectiles don't give much so you'd mostly just use his buttons at point. I could be wrong though, I'm sure someone else can go into more detail
I deleted and re-downloaded this game and it still crashes all day, everyday online. It's pathetic.
I haven't had any problems since the update. Maybe you guys should try rebuilding your PS4 database?
If some just mean the game freezing online, that was happening before the firmware update. It's been much less frequent since they patched the game, though.
I don't think he can build meter too well. Projectiles don't give much so you'd mostly just use his buttons at point. I could be wrong though, I'm sure someone else can go into more detail
Hmm alright, thanks. As I've somehow forgotten how to do his 98 bnb in the last ten years I might experiment with Kula or something instead. Thanks!It's not so much that he can't build meter well but rather how much better he is at using it. He can work in any position.
I haven't had any problems since the update. Maybe you guys should try rebuilding your PS4 database?
If some just mean the game freezing online, that was happening before the firmware update. It's been much less frequent since they patched the game, though.
I hope they don't nerf Mai or Mature. Leave Mian alone too. I'm actually able to win matches in a KOF game.
I haven't had any problems since the update. Maybe you guys should try rebuilding your PS4 database?
If some just mean the game freezing online, that was happening before the firmware update. It's been much less frequent since they patched the game, though.
Just did this and it didn't fix shit. I even deleted and redownloaded the game. This shit is SFV launch bad right now.
Just did this and it didn't fix shit. I even deleted and redownloaded the game. This shit is SFV launch bad right now.
Are you the one hosting? I remember the last time we played you were dropping a lot but when I hosted it seemed to run fine at least on my end. Are you on a wired connection? Because the PS4's wifi is pretty awful. Also are you leaving your PS4 in rest mode and then playing? If so, reboot it. I've heard rest mode can mess up things for several games(Bloodbourne multiplayer used to get messed up for me for example).
Just for information, I just heard that several PS4 games got crashing problems since the last firmware update.
Just for information, I just heard that several PS4 games got crashing problems since the last firmware update.