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I'm on chapter 8 Trails: SC, will I finish in time?
Depends on how much time you have to play and how much optional stuff you do. It's definitely doable though.
I'm on chapter 8 Trails: SC, will I finish in time?
Just happy I can fish again for the first time in like 10 hours, so my approach is probably pretty slow. Darn it, SC is almost twice as long as the first game.
It's the penultimate chapter iirc
It'll obviously depend on how much time you have available but can be done
Trails SC chapter 8 spoilersIf true, GRRRRRRRRRRRR.......... Wasted space on the Notebook! There's room for one more chapter tab after 9! I hate poorly spaced menus.
Speaking of Ch8... I'm not sure if I should find it hilarious or sad thatthe Ruan bridge is stuck in the upright position. No engineer in real-life would sign off on such a massive Single Point of Failure like that without way to manually control that bridge in case of a power outage or emergency.
Especially funny since everything else seems to have had a "Stay Open in Case of Orbal Shutdown" failsafe in place.
Trails SC chapter 6 spoilers
The thing is that the design probably took priority on the boats that need to pass no matter what.Like , if i understood things right ,While i agree that a failsafe to manipulate the bridge should have existed , nobody thought about it since the orbal revolution happenned so fast and made things so was the first time orbments didn't work , since they were discovered, so by design they didn't think about an alternate.
Look at the steam engine quest in FC , nobody except russel could figure out an alternate way to deal with the situation. No doubt that this will change their designs philosophies in the next years.
Uh, what does Ch6 have to do with that though? Ch6 took place onthe exact opposite side of Liberl.
Also, love how the game doesn't takeseriously at all, and gives him the normal battle theme after everyone preceding him had the Boss Theme.Gilbert
A lot of those are artifacts of working off of the PSP version as a base rather than the PC version when dealing with SC, due to the way the translation was handled. 3rd doesn't have the same problem, but I've never had enough opportunities to go back and correct all of the instances still lingering in SC (and a small couple in FC).
Oh right, we haven't seen any new x Days Until Launch screenies because Hatsuu's work PC committed sudoku.
*pours one out*
Oh right, we haven't seen any new x Days Until Launch screenies because Hatsuu's work PC committed sudoku.
*pours one out*
Plowed my way through SC's third chapter in five hours. Some really exciting plot stuff happened and a tough series of boss battles. Am now 15 hours into the game![/IMG
6 mln copies joke, does it mean we aren't getting zero and ao ever?
Nah they just give that kind of joke response because really they can't say anything and people begging for games/ports a lot gets tiring (I remember seeing something similar about getting Cold Steel on PC and here we are)6 mln copies joke, does it mean we aren't getting zero and ao ever?
Mmm. It gets better. That's a superb chapter, though.
I'm listening to The Merciless Savior while Estelle shouts "Wheel of Time!" over and over again, please send help, I cannot last these last hours
Man, Estelle's character development in SC is outrageously good. It's not just present in story scenes, it permeates into sidequests as well.
Also Agate from being "that guy, he's pretty good" to "can you believe how good this character is?!"
Plowed my way through SC's third chapter in five hours. Some really exciting plot stuff happened and a tough series of boss battles. Am now 15 hours into the game!
Yall have NO IDEA what's coming.
Original or Evolution version? Gah, they're both great!
Yall have NO IDEA what's coming.
Original or Evolution version? Gah, they're both great!
The drums are a little too heavy (and the bass line a little muddy) in the Evo version for me, but yeah, it's still definitely a decent version of it! The slightly faster tempo of the original is something I like more too.
Also, I can hear the subdivisions of the bass much better in the original, which definitely accentuate the 5/4 (3+2) they're doing. The drums in the Evo version lack accentuating the latter half of the bars (untill ~0:55), so on my initial listening, I felt a little lost in that intro section.
Then in the last section before the loop with the fully melody, like, I just do not like the drum pattern nearly as much as the original, but this just straight up comes down to personal preference. My favorite part about the snare in the original is that even though the melody was clearly moving in something like a 3/4 pattern, the snare hits were all like they were in 6/8, with hits on beats 3 and 6, while the kick and closed hi-hat were playing in the 3/4 time. Yet again, this was only in the first section of thise part in the Evo version, and when the set patterns from the original pop in, everything clicks into place for me on the Evo version. There's a distinct difference between when they are/aren't using the original's set patterns to my ears anyways. I've listened to the song for probably thousands of hours (like a crazy person), which I think explains a little bit of my obsession...
I'm a huge lover of complex time signatures and polyrhythm though, so it's always the first thing my ears pick up, haha. I like both, but definitely prefer the original for how tight it is and how clean the EQ is.
The drums are a little too heavy (and the bass line a little muddy) in the Evo version for me, but yeah, it's still definitely a decent version of it! The slightly faster tempo of the original is something I like more too.
Also, I can hear the subdivisions of the bass much better in the original, which definitely accentuate the 5/4 (3+2) they're doing. The drums in the Evo version lack accentuating the latter half of the bars (untill ~0:55), so on my initial listening, I felt a little lost in that intro section.
Then in the last section before the loop with the fully melody, like, I just do not like the drum pattern nearly as much as the original, but this just straight up comes down to personal preference. My favorite part about the snare in the original is that even though the melody was clearly moving in something like a 3/4 pattern, the snare hits were all like they were in 6/8, with hits on beats 3 and 6, while the kick and closed hi-hat were playing in the 3/4 time. Yet again, this was only in the first section of thise part in the Evo version, and when the set patterns from the original pop in, everything clicks into place for me on the Evo version. There's a distinct difference between when they are/aren't using the original's set patterns to my ears anyways. I've listened to the song for probably thousands of hours (like a crazy person), which I think explains a little bit of my obsession...
I'm a huge lover of complex time signatures and polyrhythm though, so it's always the first thing my ears pick up, haha. I like both, but definitely prefer the original for how tight it is and how clean the EQ is.
I really appreciate that The 3rd is being released on The 3rd.
Will it be going live on Steam at the crack of midnight tomorrow night or at some arbitrary time during the day on Wednesday?
FC Evo's soundtrack is okay. I'd say it's mostly just "different." Off the top of my head the worst song was Ancient Makes, which was just ill-fitting compared to the original. It's not even a bad arrangement, it just doesn't work as well for the boss.
SC though. They totally ruined Fate of the Fairies, Fateful Confrontation, Silver Will, Strepitoso Fight, Fight With Assailant... basically all the battle themes, among others.
This is by far one of the biggest offenders.Yeah, I don't like what they did with most of the battle themes. And the new version of Sora Wo Miagete is horrific.
Overall, I feel like FC Evo's stuff almost uniformly lives up to and enhances the originals. I had pretty much zero qualms with those arrangements, and they stayed pretty faithful to the essence of the originals, instead of just arranging for the sake of arranging.Yeah, there's trade-offs. I tend to prefer the use of real instruments so the vocalists and violin really appeal to me but there is definitely more activity in the lower end which clouds up the textures. I almost entirely preferred the Evo versions of FC but I'm finding that I'm more split when it comes to SC.
Yup, that basically sums it up perfectly. Sometimes I get a little wordy when describing music, haha.the original feels a lot more jazzy, and the violins after the vocal part feels better, i mean, has more impact, it fits well with the drum pattern you mentioned. I really love merciless savior too.
Overall, I feel like FC Evo's stuff almost uniformly lives up to and enhances the originals. I had pretty much zero qualms with those arrangements, and they stayed pretty faithful to the essence of the originals, instead of just arranging for the sake of arranging.
I'm not sure who exactly was in charge of each, but whoever did FC's definitely felt like they knew what the essence of the tracks was and was able to translate it pretty well into a new version. They could've gone the boring route with those arrangements too, but they managed to breathe new life into the originals while maintaining that essence. Lots of little bits and pieces of different instrumentation, some even with live performances, and since it was coming from a more tech restricted time, I feel like the difference is the biggest with FC's. Also Ruan is my favorite town track, so to hear that with better steel drum samples was like a dream come true for me, haha.
SC Evo I just find it almost all does't really line up with that philosophy, and to me feels more... I guess for a lack of better words, sloppy.
Most FC Evo arrangements were handled by either Yukihiro Jindo (the usual orchestra/"live instruments" person who really just has very good VSTs) and Toshiharu Okajima (former jdk Band drummer and upper classmate to Noriyuki Kamikura), both of whom did solid work even if most tracks end up being sidegrades.
I feel like the only one who prefers Ancient Makes Evo to the original, as it's still electronic enough forbut now has sufficient oomph with added guitar and drumming. And, knowing more about exactly what the FC final boss is, there's more gravity when you fightReverieknowingReverie. I think Challenger Invited and Silver Will benefit more from the instrument and intensity upgrades than Ancient Makes, but it's a nice sidegrade I prefer and I can think of other disappointing arrangements (some are simplified from the original, like this sloppy Setting Off, and Rock on the Road has an inappropriate drum beat and violin replacing the flute/accordion melody). Most of Wataru Ishibashi's tracks sound good in FC Evo at's the last of its kind, locked away by the Auslese family right after they sealed the Aureole
As far as in-game stuff, totally. Now when you have arrangement albums and extraneous stuff, I say go wild with your imagination. I only say this because of Hamauzu's piano works and general concert arrangements of stuff, haha.Yeah, I'm in agreement. When it comes to remakes/remasters, I prefer a conservative approach. Upgrade the synth, use live players if the budget is there, otherwise leave the music alone. Wondering how 3rd Evo compares to the original now (as I'm not familiar with that music at all).