I have a simple question for all the Kiseki fiends out there.
I noticed that in my playthrough of Zero (in Japanese) that the monsters in Kiseki games are not called "monsters" using any traditional Japanese naming, but are instead given a unique name (魔獣

which essentially means "magic creatures" or "spirit beasts", etc.
I never noticed in my JP playthrough of CS2 because I was too busy combat-stomping everything to care about ingredients and recipes (which I'm paying attention to in Zero).
Does this have... any implications on the overall story or is it just a novelty thing to make your average field monster sound cooler? Monsters in Kiseki are kind of weird, they explode when you kill them either in a puff or a magical blast, they're "attracted to sepith" (they basically have sepith hanging off of them) which is already kind of suspicious due to what we know about how they interact with sepith veins (SC), and now they have a unique name which says that they are spawned from magic directly.
And when I played CS2 I don't even remember if there was a story justification for the cryptids appearing magically out of thin air. In b4 "it's magic I don't have to explain shit dot jay peg"
tl;dr got any fun story stuff about monsters from all this to talk about?
If he's playing on an old CRT monitor I'll give him a +1.
EDIT: +1 denied. But I do play some games windowed for convenience so I understand.