I'm jumping for some games in 15 minutes or so.
So... I played this for a while today with some gaffers / decent randoms. I think we won every match, maybe lost one, but we had a good 10 win streak or something like that in supply raid. I unlocked the clan trophy and feel like I have a pretty good understanding of the mechanics. Here are my thoughts:
The "vote map" 40 SECOND TIMER needs to die in a fire. What a waste of damn time. Just put the damn maps on rotation and save everyone 15-20 mins of their life each session.
The meta game is retarded and designed to punish people who actually care about it.
I don't like boosters and despise the wallhack. I abused the shit out of it all day. People who say it isn't OP either aren't good enough to exploit it or they're bullshitting, imo.
If they don't release a no booster mode / no Listen Mode... I will never play another second of this game. The core game is fun, but all the gamey bullshit the layered onto it is the opposite of fun. They need a purist mode, and it needs to be free.
I'm done with it otherwise.
Exactly as it says, it's a mode for non-parties.
I sincerely am worried that this will split an already small population even further, but I understand the need for it.
I just really want an objective mode more than anything else.
Max pop 119So, what are your stats like, guys?
Supply Raid
Parts/min 297.6
Best Game 4395
Time Played 7h 30m
Executions 270
Deaths 153
K/D 1.76
oh wtf! should be doing balancing/tweaking not splitting the players.
I think if anything, they should have just ONE Mercenary playlist that alternates map voting between a Survivor and Supply Raid option
Four playlists in total should be perfect: Supply Raid, Survivor, Mercenary, and an Objective Mode of some kind + Co-op DLC.
I wish ND would show us the online population for this game. Cant believe they didn't advertise the MP, it's really good!
Anyone else having issues of just randomly being dropped from a game? It messes with my survivor stats and it has happened to me about 3-4 times.
The Multiplayer is SO unbalanced.
Yeah. Was kicked from session on the last wave (that's 2 or 3 time already).
"Lost connection to the host"
Who the fuck is host?
1 survivor away from 120. 1!!!
Sorry Flo. Tonight I am watching TV. I will join you again tomorrow.
What week are you on? I'm wondering how long it takes.
Can you shoot an explosive/molatov/smoke bomb when its in somone's hand or in mid-air?
Gaf you gotta get your best crew together and give it a go against our crew. We have yet to lose a single round with the 4 of us, just DESTROYING people.
Infinite Sprint, More Bullets, Higher Damage
Make it non-canon and call it a day
I've lost connections for party members losing their online. Very annoying and unfair that it boots everyone out in a party if one of your friends loses connection
That sounds like a challenge .. oh, it is a challenge.
I'm currently trying to perfect the art of getting headshots all of the time. I'm sure there are people willing to accept your offer. Not me though. Haven't lost a single round? Yeah, I don't want to mess with that.
Uncharted 3 multi is free in the store, go play thatI really hope they introduce a Uncharted type mode. No showing up on radar, Infinite Sprint, More Bullets, Higher Damage
Make it non-canon and call it a day
I wish there was something in the multiplayer that introduced zombies a little bit. Maybe every once in a while, a runner/clicker/bloater would wander into the map and could be alerted. They could make it rare enough and with no notification so that it's a bit of a surprise when it happens.
I've lost connections for party members losing their online. Very annoying and unfair that it boots everyone out in a party if one of your friends loses connection
When a team starts winning it REALLY starts winning. Armor, upgraded weapons, access to most of the supply spawns on the map. It can piss quite a few people off.
I wish there was something in the multiplayer that introduced zombies a little bit. Maybe every once in a while, a runner/clicker/bloater would wander into the map and could be alerted. They could make it rare enough and with no notification so that it's a bit of a surprise when it happens.
I think I'm done with the MP in this game. I keep trying it , and I keep getting matched up against really high-rank players and just getting dominated. It's not any fun to lose constantly, and I'm not getting enough parts or supplies to keep my faction alive.
Why did they design the matchmaking so horribly?
Are you playing with people who stick together?
I had the same issue at first, but when you get a good team it makes it a whole lot easier.
I think I'm done with the MP in this game. I keep trying it , and I keep getting matched up against really high-rank players and just getting dominated. It's not any fun to lose constantly, and I'm not getting enough parts or supplies to keep my faction alive.
Why did they design the matchmaking so horribly?
Wait for the Mercenary mode or play with Gaffers