Finally finished SP last night and went on to some MP afterwards. Wow, I got owned but after some games I got used to things. How do you mark people, btw?
I'm really itching to face another team of GAFfers.
Unstoppable force vs Immovable object. That would be dramatic.
I'm very wary of online multiplayer in general, but TLOU has me very intrigued. Is it worth jumping in? I usually avoid playing online due to getting nervous over the pressure haha.
I'm getting quite frustrated trying to get the skull mask for the 4th time now due to host leaving the game and being kicked, which starves and sicken my clan to death. Also, all the random players I've played with don't know how to maximize supplies by drawing and losing rounds on purpose in order to have more rounds to earn more parts. The best method I think is to lose 2 or 3 rounds on purpose just to get free 100 parts from supplie box and just win the game afterwards instead of 4-0ing the team. Drawing the first four or more matches works just as well if you want to win, but you won't get the extra parts I believe.
If anyone that wants to help me out that would be great. My PSN is TOMNG206 and I only play survival mode. Unfortunately, I don't have a mic, but I understand the game pretty well. I'm currently level 43 with a 2.16 KDR. If we're getting dominated somehow, I will try my best with my try hard class![]()
In the multiplayer, you have to survive 13 weeks. They will give you some challenges in each week to increase your clan's population by 5%,7% and 10%, while some raids will that can wipe out your clan's population by 60%,40%,20% depending on which tier of challenges you completed. If you don't complete the challenges on the later stages of the attack raids, which is 7-8 weeks mark, they can wipe out 100% of your clan members, which means you'll have to start all over if you want to earn all the customization gear. It is recommended to pick the easiest challenges for the attack raids that can wipe out your entire clan.Guys I have not read though the thread, however I dunno wtf is going on.
Is there a guide or something.
Whats with the time? Week 1 day x. and Wtf are we suppose to do?
Finished Single Player on Normal and started on Survivor.
In the multiplayer, you have to survive 13 weeks. They will give you some challenges in each week to increase your clan's population by 5%,7% and 10%, while some raids will that can wipe out your clan's population by 60%,40%,20% depending on which tier of challenges you completed. If you don't complete the challenges on the later stages of the attack raids, which is 7-8 weeks mark, they can wipe out 100% of your clan members, which means you'll have to start all over if you want to earn all the customization gear. It is recommended to pick the easiest challenges for the attack raids that can wipe out your entire clan.
You need a certain amount of supplies to feed and to increase your clan's population. To get everything, you need 120 population to get the last hat and to get the skull mask, you need at least 85 population after the 13 weeks. You'll earn supplies from downing the enemies, execution, special execution for extra points, marking enemies, healing, crafting items, etc. To maximize supplies per game is to have a bunch of rounds and to provide a lot of team support. Pray that you don't get drop from host leaving or being kick, which can make your whole clan suffer from sickness and hunger, which will lead to easy death tolls if you can't supply enough for the next day.
Ok, I asked my brother. He's now 6th on the clan leaderboards (or was last time I checked), and uses...
- Revolver
- Nothing
-Collector 2
- First Aid Training 3
- Reviver 1
- Marathon Runner 1
The trick is to revive and heal the shit out of your team mates!!! Healing using the X button racks up a ton of points over time.
You should also be marking enemies, picking up weapon boxes, getting headshots, crafting items, and so on. It really helps that he's good at getting downs and special executions, as these give good payouts, but the initial heal/revive tip should get you on your way.
At his best he got 7900 parts while playing solo. When playing in a party he seems to be averaging about 6000, all using the same method.
Did you guys pick Hunters or Fireflies as your faction?
Also I'm available to play.
Add me: Kikarian
So who votes to kick you? I got kicked last night(first night playing MP) I guess for being a new player and/or sucking.
I believe you can only be kicked if you repeatedly attack your team mates (eg. with nail bombs). Otherwise, it's just a connection error.
I wish I picked Fireflies.
I know. It just the back story I prefer more.Why? It doesn't matter besides a simple reskin.
Just started this for the first time. Is the hunting rifle as bad as I think it is? I usually like rifles but it just takes way too long to kill with it compared to other weapons and leaves you really vulnerable after a shot. Maybe I'm missing something,
Anyway, it was fun as long as the matches were even. Not sure how much a higher level helps but some players just seemed to be able to take incredible amounts of damage and obliterated my team.
Cant wait 'till I'm done with work and these deadlines so I can indulge some more in this. I have a question though, I bought the season pass and saw it included a rifle clip capacity upgrade. But when I go to my load-out I see nowhere to select it, is it automatic or something?
By downloading today, you’ll also get four bonus single player upgrades, exclusive to Season Pass holders:
• Increased crafting speed.
• Increased healing speed.
• Rifle clip capacity upgrade.
• 9mm reload speed upgrade.
Just started this for the first time. Is the hunting rifle as bad as I think it is? I usually like rifles but it just takes way too long to kill with it compared to other weapons and leaves you really vulnerable after a shot. Maybe I'm missing something,
Anyway, it was fun as long as the matches were even. Not sure how much a higher level helps but some players just seemed to be able to take incredible amounts of damage and obliterated my team.
Just started this for the first time. Is the hunting rifle as bad as I think it is? I usually like rifles but it just takes way too long to kill with it compared to other weapons and leaves you really vulnerable after a shot. Maybe I'm missing something,
Anyway, it was fun as long as the matches were even. Not sure how much a higher level helps but some players just seemed to be able to take incredible amounts of damage and obliterated my team.
I gave this a try last night briefly and haha, I'm so bad at it. I kept dying![]()
Wow that is amazing. I just tried doing collector 2 with first aid training 3, and I scored my 1st 6000+ game, it was incredible. However it was the last day of my 12 weeks and I only managed 82, missed the skull mask by three.
Jumping for some matches right now.
See you guys online.
I want a way to opt out of the metagame once I'm done getting all of the unlocks. It's limiting the ways I can play, and I don't want to ignore it completely.
I've just created the same loadout.Ok, I asked my brother. He's now 6th on the clan leaderboards (or was last time I checked), and uses...
- Revolver
- Nothing
-Collector 2
- First Aid Training 3
- Reviver 1
- Marathon Runner 1
The trick is to revive and heal the shit out of your team mates!!! Healing using the X button racks up a ton of points over time.
You should also be marking enemies, picking up weapon boxes, getting headshots, crafting items, and so on. It really helps that he's good at getting downs and special executions, as these give good payouts, but the initial heal/revive tip should get you on your way.
At his best he got 7900 parts while playing solo. When playing in a party he seems to be averaging about 6000, all using the same method.
I don't think there is for winning.Is there a points bonus for
a) Winning
b) Being alive at the end of a round
A quick google search and I found this thread on the official forums: Cant connect to ticket server. They think it's due to the PSN maintenance today.Didn't bother to play the multiplayer at all till today, but for some reason It won't let me get into a game, I get "cannot connect to ticket server" I can't seem to find a workaround, already deleted the game data but didn't see to help. Anyone else had this problem or know a work around?