Any of you guys looking to play right now?
I can play a few games, even though I should be sleeping, lol. Just add me!
edit: nvm, I have to be up in 4 hours, so I need to sleep, even if it's just a little; sorry man, maybe next time!
Any of you guys looking to play right now?
I can play a few games, even though I should be sleeping, lol. Just add me!
edit: nvm, I have to be up in 4 hours, so I need to sleep, even if it's just a little; sorry man, maybe next time!
So the MP is pretty damned amazing.
Um, how do you shiv someone? Because I haven't been able to do it like in the game and I've been punished very bad for trying to do that :S
You need his back to be facing you exactly, then keep spamming triangle. You can also throw a smoke bomb, then when he's in the stunned animation, shiv him from the front. But the smoke stun is kind of short, and honestly unreliable.Do you have to be in a clan to play with each other? I'm not sure how this works.
Can someone explain armor to me? Is there an Armor bar somewhere? Or do they just break if you are shot there? Can you constantly buy armor? Is there upgraded armor? Sometimes I have armor, but then it says I can buy armor...
Do you basically have it until that portion breaks off you?
How do you craft melee weapons. And I barely ever find the resources needed for molotovs![]()
I don't think there's a melee boost. I'm perfectly fine with the way armor is at the moment though. A single shot up close with the shorty removes the vest instantly. Also improved melee weapons, shivs and even molotovs (if I'm not wrong) still kill them instantly.Armour fix:
Slower movement. Noise generated even when crouch-walking. No melee boost.
How do you craft melee weapons. And I barely ever find the resources needed for molotovs
Also, I'm not sure why but I only aim for centre mass playing this, when I normally go for headshots in other games
You can't, it's random.Few questions:
How do you select a female avatar?
How do you give items (specifically health kits) to allies? I was trying to complete a task for my clan which required me to heal at least five teammates. However, revives don't seem to count so that was a waste.
Few questions:
How do you select a female avatar?
How do you give items (specifically health kits) to allies? I was trying to complete a task for my clan which required me to heal at least five teammates. However, revives don't seem to count so that was a waste.
Listening Mode isn't OP, lol.
I barely even use it, it's rare I actually see anyone that i didn't already know was in the area.
Still there are some huge problems: eg. punishing disconnections heavily, no room for error = no testing out new classes etc., no chance to avoid losing clan members through missions (at least there should be an option if i do really well eg. i need 9 kills, managed to get 29 - still lost 10% -.-). And haven't even started with the gameplay-problems. Hopefully they will fix some stuff and add some more costumization, modes (free DLC, dont split the community ), etc.
Horde Mode (co-op) would obviously be great. But I was thinking that the standard modes, as they are now, could be very interesting if infected were thrown into the mix. Essentially a AI controlled 'team' of infected, which could potentially be used to a team's advantage by luring/pushing them to a group of enemies.
Remember that bit in The Walking Dead,?with the van full of walkers driven into the prison
That, but on a smaller scale.
Got a few of my old SOCOM buddies in a party and played for a few hours and didn't lose a single game even when it was 3 on 4 and that is where this game's MP shined even more. Communication and coordination really does help in this game and we basically never went alone all because it was something we were used from the SOCOM series. It's something that a lot of modern MP gamers are lacking simply because no game really requires it anymore so it's nice to see how this game really comes together with some coordination. Even a few randoms turned on their mics just to join in on the communication after a few games on our team and it was pretty awesome to see communication come back.
This game is the closest thing some of us will get to a new SOCOM so I hope it lasts although nothing could touch the magic of that series. It says a lot when a bunch of us like this MP this much though...
You need supplies to feed your clan.Can someone clear up the parts & supplies for me
If I understand correctly you acquire the supplies when downing/killing/spotting etc within the game. You need a certain number each day for you Clan to survive, if you don't get enough you may get hungry/ill members.
You get parts by picking up things from the tins on the ground etc which you then can use to get more ammo/amour in game as your playing.
Is this correct so far?
At the end of each game it shows you how many supplies you got compared to what is needed for that day. But there is a quick section what I can never read in time which gives you a reduction number [in red].
Is this when you use up some of your parts [on ammo etc] and it deducts amount from the supplies?
Are unused parts added onto the supplies number, or are they a completely separate thing? Not sure of parts & supplies are linked or not, or if the parts are only used for buying/upgrading of things in the game, don't want to be buying more ammo for example if this is going to possibly cause be not to get enough supplies for my clan.
Cant work it out.
On the hunter side what's the most population needed for customization items?
I'm thinking of letting some people die in a challenge because I don't think I can sustain them all.
The best part of MP in this game is tea-bagging people when they are crawling around wounded and about to die. I just follow them around and continually shove my nuts and ass in their face 8 or 9 times. Then I brutally bash their skulls in with the butt of my rifle.
I'm like "Ooh yeah bitch, TAKE IT! TAKE IT!"
I know, I'm an asshole. But it is so satisfying!
The singleplayer momentreally makes me wonder why a Horde Mode isn't part of the game.with David
The best part of MP in this game is tea-bagging people when they are crawling around wounded and about to die. I just follow them around and continually shove my nuts and ass in their face 8 or 9 times. Then I brutally bash their skulls in with the butt of my rifle.
I'm like "Ooh yeah bitch, TAKE IT! TAKE IT!"
I know, I'm an asshole. But it is so satisfying!
Body armour should cost like 2,000 parts, and still be nerfed.
So do planting the nail bombs actually work? I've done it around 3 times and it has literally never worked.
I feel so clever, a group of them are wandering up to me I place the nail bomb with R1 right at the corner run off while they start shooting at me andddd... nothing I die. So, does it work?
Got a few of my old SOCOM buddies in a party and played for a few hours and didn't lose a single game even when it was 3 on 4 and that is where this game's MP shined even more. Communication and coordination really does help in this game and we basically never went alone all because it was something we were used from the SOCOM series. It's something that a lot of modern MP gamers are lacking simply because no game really requires it anymore so it's nice to see how this game really comes together with some coordination. Even a few randoms turned on their mics just to join in on the communication after a few games on our team and it was pretty awesome to see communication come back.
This game is the closest thing some of us will get to a new SOCOM so I hope it lasts although nothing could touch the magic of that series. It says a lot when a bunch of us like this MP this much though...
So do planting the nail bombs actually work? I've done it around 3 times and it has literally never worked.
I feel so clever, a group of them are wandering up to me I place the nail bomb with R1 right at the corner run off while they start shooting at me andddd... nothing I die. So, does it work?