I’ve gone up to a point where there are 6 Bases and honestly I’ve just had it at this point with this horribly designed game.
1. Let’s start with the BR mechanic: it seems like no one knows how it really functions? Some people say you should NEVER fight anything that you’re not forced to fight. Others say NEVER fight any weak enemies. Some people say chaining is ok. Some say never chain enemies. Etc. It’s incredibly irritating! Every fight I’m scared of my BR going up, and enemies suddenly taking out most of my health. At least in a game like FFVIII (which has stronger enemies the more you level up), turning the situation around and making the game piss-easy is very doable and quite quick, too.
2. There are way, way, way too many optional areas and party members that are also MISSABLE and I honestly cannot imagine anyone beating this game without sidequests, especially considering that a lot of “solutions” to difficult parts of the games are things like “accept the quest in this city BEFORE (story event). When you’re transported to (location), on the second floor there should be a monster that appears 20% of the time and after you kill it, you’ll get (useful party member). Otherwise you cannot recruit (useful party member). The monster starts off with an attack that will kill your entire party unless you have (useful character ability), which you can learn after (missable sidequest in optional city). Recruiting (useful party members) will allow you to easily kill (mandatory boss) because of their (ability).” Just utterly tedious ridiculous nonsense.
3. The AOE attacks in this game are insane and pure luck. Even if you take formation into account and your position and the enemy you choose to attack (or just standing in place), enemy AOE attacks will sometimes miraculously damage 1 party member for 100 HP…. Sometimes that same attack will kill your entire unit and also damage some other units.
4. Almost every time you go back into the world map there’s anywhere from 1-7 party members asking you to get a very specific item with zero indication on where to get it. Okay. Just an annoyance.
5. Towns are almost copy-paste, dungeon designs are uninteresting with some annoyingly tight corridors. In a game where you’re discouraged from “carelessly” engaging in fights.
6. Story and characters are so uninteresting. But I knew what I was in for when the game starts off with Rush thinking the commander of an army is somehow his super dainty little sister that loves to pick flowers.
I don’t see what people see in this game.
You can’t make the game be full of secrets/obscure AND also have luck and lack of total control play a big part of the game AND also include mechanics that can make a player feel like they’ve screwed themselves over. Like, what? Terrible game design. I’ve also tried SaGa Frontier, and I also ended up hating that. Don’t know what people see in these games!
This is flame-baity of me to say but I’m worried about XVI’s director being the director of this simply because I like almost nothing about this game. Even seeing that XVI’s cities all have a giant crystal gives me PTSD because it reminds me of TLR’s giant Remnants for each city. I don’t want the director’s incompetence stinking up a mainline FF.
1. Let’s start with the BR mechanic: it seems like no one knows how it really functions? Some people say you should NEVER fight anything that you’re not forced to fight. Others say NEVER fight any weak enemies. Some people say chaining is ok. Some say never chain enemies. Etc. It’s incredibly irritating! Every fight I’m scared of my BR going up, and enemies suddenly taking out most of my health. At least in a game like FFVIII (which has stronger enemies the more you level up), turning the situation around and making the game piss-easy is very doable and quite quick, too.
2. There are way, way, way too many optional areas and party members that are also MISSABLE and I honestly cannot imagine anyone beating this game without sidequests, especially considering that a lot of “solutions” to difficult parts of the games are things like “accept the quest in this city BEFORE (story event). When you’re transported to (location), on the second floor there should be a monster that appears 20% of the time and after you kill it, you’ll get (useful party member). Otherwise you cannot recruit (useful party member). The monster starts off with an attack that will kill your entire party unless you have (useful character ability), which you can learn after (missable sidequest in optional city). Recruiting (useful party members) will allow you to easily kill (mandatory boss) because of their (ability).” Just utterly tedious ridiculous nonsense.
3. The AOE attacks in this game are insane and pure luck. Even if you take formation into account and your position and the enemy you choose to attack (or just standing in place), enemy AOE attacks will sometimes miraculously damage 1 party member for 100 HP…. Sometimes that same attack will kill your entire unit and also damage some other units.
4. Almost every time you go back into the world map there’s anywhere from 1-7 party members asking you to get a very specific item with zero indication on where to get it. Okay. Just an annoyance.
5. Towns are almost copy-paste, dungeon designs are uninteresting with some annoyingly tight corridors. In a game where you’re discouraged from “carelessly” engaging in fights.
6. Story and characters are so uninteresting. But I knew what I was in for when the game starts off with Rush thinking the commander of an army is somehow his super dainty little sister that loves to pick flowers.
I don’t see what people see in this game.
You can’t make the game be full of secrets/obscure AND also have luck and lack of total control play a big part of the game AND also include mechanics that can make a player feel like they’ve screwed themselves over. Like, what? Terrible game design. I’ve also tried SaGa Frontier, and I also ended up hating that. Don’t know what people see in these games!
This is flame-baity of me to say but I’m worried about XVI’s director being the director of this simply because I like almost nothing about this game. Even seeing that XVI’s cities all have a giant crystal gives me PTSD because it reminds me of TLR’s giant Remnants for each city. I don’t want the director’s incompetence stinking up a mainline FF.
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