March Climber
This thread and the replies perfectly match what the game is: A mixed bag.
It deserves it’s review scores of 7s.
It deserves it’s review scores of 7s.
But from what I’ve seen the best way to grind is to go to Aveclyff for this one sidequest (missable! And if you completed it, you can’t trigger this opportunity again) that endlessly respawns hordes of pathetically weak enemies and chaining them. So that doesn’t exactly track with what you’re saying about BR.I'm going to address BR real quick since it seems to be misunderstood. Your BR increases by +1 for every set number battles/enemies engaged. On the other hand your stats increase by using arts. So when you use combat arts you gain STR, take damage gain HP, use mystic arts gain AP, INT and so on. If you go around pummeling and one shotting hordes of trash mobs you get very little stat gains, but you still raise BR. So the world gets tougher, but your stats don't keep pace and fall behind the curve. If you watch some videos of good players you'll see them run past the weaker enemies since there's literally nothing worthwhile to be gained by battling them. You want tough, long battles that'll let you use arts and gain stats to keep pace with BR increases. It's simply the way the system works and it's not particularly complicated.
I played and beat the X360 version on release and that was a very tough slog. If you dig through the archives and find the original OT you'll see that I posted a few rants at the time as everyone was trying to figure shit out. It ended up being one of my favorite games of all time. It has a permanent place on every PC I own and I occasionally fire it up to make gimmick runs when I'm inspired to do something different like an all female or all item arts users or all shield wielders, etc. I certainly disagree with the claim that it's a "bad" game.
Oh my god yes. The fucking status effects. Curse being the worst one.Ah I remember this game. It was a good test for my Radeon 4870 back in the day.
As for the game itself, well, I had some issues.
The graphics were great, but the ragdoll physics for it Like you had some intimidating well designed monsters, but as soon as they died, they just flopped around.
Hadn't figured out how to equip individual members, maybe you couldn't at all.
The battle system was just random AF. Sometimes I thought I had some sort of valid strategy, but I constantly felt I was just throwing dice at times. I remember once in a boss fight with some sort of twin bosses or something, I got my ass handed to me, just completely wiped. I was there thinking about how or why I fucked up and trying to formulate some sort of plan of attack when I got back in(since there didn't seem to be much I could do pre-battle), only to go back in and completely breeze through it(and it was a boss battle too, went from frustratingly hard, to meh, in one go).
Status effects are a COMPLETE BITCH. Like, physical attacks or magic can be bad, but due to how the battle system and parties are arranged, cursed are poisoned are the most MOTHERFU- of MOTHERFU- ailments in ANY game I've ever come across
Like seriously, it's like playing Final Fantasy and every turn the enemy casts Doom/Death and if it kills a certain party member you just flat out lose. Jesus Christ, I want to find the stupid SOB that implemented that and choke them out.
But maybe I was fucking up and not playing it correctly, I kind of bailed out at a certain point. The story wasn't very interesting and I didn't care for any of the characters, and the battle system wasn't very engaging and I couldn't even customise my characters. The graphics were great, but the ragdoll thing was just too weird. Also, there was some weird slowdown at points, and I knew my system was way above the system requirements at the time too.
Maybe I'd play it again if they actually implement a proper battle system. Saga games were random yeah, but the battles were quick, the battles in LR can be pretty long and when those status effects hit, oh boy...just an annoying play experience....
But from what I’ve seen the best way to grind is to go to Aveclyff for this one sidequest (missable! And if you completed it, you can’t trigger this opportunity again) that endlessly respawns hordes of pathetically weak enemies and chaining them. So that doesn’t exactly track with what you’re saying about BR.
And I’ve heard in general it’s not good to use the Timeshift and link numerous battles together even if the enemies aren’t weak??
I’m also not a fan of how sidequest-heavy this game is. 99% of any suggestions online involve doing some tedious missable sidequests and honestly at this point in the game I’m over them, they’ve become Guide-Dang-It quests and some of these optional locations have terrible design, like that one optional castle, then there’s the desert.
And usually for difficult games or games with difficult mechanics to grasp (like Resonance of Fate, Valkyrie Profile 2, Sekiro, Lightning Returns, etc.) there’s something pushing me to keep going. In my opinion, the world is boring and feels like a cheap version of Ivalice (and I already think Ivalice is a little unimaginative and dull), the lore feels like it’s about a paragraph long, the characters aren’t charming (though I like their designs), and the story is insanely dull. Music can be good at times. That’s it for me
You’re in for a treat then. FFT is getting remastered and there’s a greater ivalice remaster at work soon.But from what I’ve seen the best way to grind is to go to Aveclyff for this one sidequest (missable! And if you completed it, you can’t trigger this opportunity again) that endlessly respawns hordes of pathetically weak enemies and chaining them. So that doesn’t exactly track with what you’re saying about BR.
And I’ve heard in general it’s not good to use the Timeshift and link numerous battles together even if the enemies aren’t weak??
I’m also not a fan of how sidequest-heavy this game is. 99% of any suggestions online involve doing some tedious missable sidequests and honestly at this point in the game I’m over them, they’ve become Guide-Dang-It quests and some of these optional locations have terrible design, like that one optional castle, then there’s the desert.
And usually for difficult games or games with difficult mechanics to grasp (like Resonance of Fate, Valkyrie Profile 2, Sekiro, Lightning Returns, etc.) there’s something pushing me to keep going. In my opinion, the world is boring and feels like a cheap version of Ivalice (and I already think Ivalice is a little unimaginative and dull), the lore feels like it’s about a paragraph long, the characters aren’t charming (though I like their designs), and the story is insanely dull. Music can be good at times. That’s it for me
Which greater Ivalice remaster? I've only heard about FFT.You’re in for a treat then. FFT is getting remastered and there’s a greater ivalice remaster at work soon.