Impressive first hour !
IAmtheFMan said:Once again, it's the soundtrack that makes me want this game more than anything else.
Soundtrack game rips so far. The final version of the main theme (I guess Canan's theme?) Is even more hauntingly beautiful then the sample we got on the website.
NOA... c'mon.
Effect said:I could only watch about half before I started getting very, very annoyed that there is a pretty good chance this won't be coming out in North America. Just wasn't enjoyable. I think I'm going to stop (or try to stop) looking at anything regarding this game as to not annoy myself any further. If it comes out I'll get it. However I have no faith that it will. I fear that I won't be interested if the wait is a few years long as well.
Mailenstein said:Just what I needed! Regarding my post from before:
Could you answer me please? Thanks.
wsippel said:Except Reginleiv doesn't suck either. Quite the contrary, in fact.
Well, that certainly makes me feel better. Thanks, guys.Shirokun said:Except that despite some rough edges, Reginleiv is actually pretty damn fun. That's right, Nintendo wants you to writhe in agony.
Indeed! I truly hope they localize this game; I don't have a Wii but am willing to get one just for this game, just like I got a 360 way back for Lost Odyssey!chris-013 said:Impressive first hour !
Cow Mengde said:The first hour of the game is on youtube for everyone to watch.
Kaijima said:After checking out the first hour footage, I will say the animation in combat seems overly stiff; extremely robotic. I hope it doesn't make the characters feel as if they're sliding around and clunky, unresponsive.
Kaijima said:After checking out the first hour footage, I will say the animation in combat seems overly stiff; extremely robotic. I hope it doesn't make the characters feel as if they're sliding around and clunky, unresponsive.
thefro said:Nope, it feels great to play. It's up to the standards you'd expect from a Nintendo-developed game.
-Oath said:Ive gotta stop grinding. The game is easy as it is and Im only making the situation worse... its a habit though....
Chapter 29, 14 hours in.
thefro said:I've just been summoning one battle at all the summon circles to experience the battles there (they're different than the main game).
Really no reason to grind at all in this game unless you want to farm items.
It's basically a cakewalk until chapter 14 if you understand what you're supposed to be doing, and then some stuff gets somewhat more challenging. Rreally seems like they balanced it to be accessible for JRPG players who had never played an action game before.
I suggested to them to put in a hard mode for worldwide release which would only entail changing your different "LIFE" from 5 to 2.
thefro said:Really no reason to grind at all in this game
wsippel said:The way the game is paced and structured, with carefully planned encounters and no randomness at all, the designers pretty much knew how strong you'd be at each encounter and balanced them accordingly. Also, with the way the levels and EXP scale, a party member ten or fifteen levels below the main character will be up to snuff after one or two encounters, and always in time for boss battles.
It seems there are points in the game when you have several missions available and are free to choose which one to tackle first, but those are balanced accordingly as well from what I've seen. You're free to grind if you wish to do so, by using summoning points or visiting the arena, but that hardly has any effect on the difficulty of main story missions.
In that regard, Last Story is pretty much perfect. It feels really, really similar to Mass Effect 2 in many ways I think - except it has much more loot, and much cooler weapons and armor. I still very much prefer Xenoblade for the great environments, exploration and overall design, but I think many people, even those who normally wouldn't enjoy JRPGs for more or less valid reasons, would have a lot of fun with Last Story. Those two games are pretty much polar opposites in any way (except for the loot, and the fact that they are two of the most competent Wii titles), yet they both differ from JRPG cliche very much. One is basically a single player MMO, while the other is very streamlined - like I wrote, a Japanese Mass Effect. And both rank at the very top of this gens JRPGs, in my humble opinion.
wsippel said:The way the game is paced and structured, with carefully planned encounters and no randomness at all, the designers pretty much knew how strong you'd be at each encounter and balanced them accordingly. Also, with the way the levels and EXP scale, a party member ten or fifteen levels below the main character will be up to snuff after one or two encounters, and always in time for boss battles.
It seems there are points in the game when you have several missions available and are free to choose which one to tackle first, but those are balanced accordingly as well from what I've seen. You're free to grind if you wish to do so, by using summoning points or visiting the arena, but that hardly has any effect on the difficulty of main story missions.
In that regard, Last Story is pretty much perfect. It feels really, really similar to Mass Effect 2 in many ways I think - except it has much more loot, and much cooler weapons and armor. I still very much prefer Xenoblade for the great environments, exploration and overall design, but I think many people, even those who normally wouldn't enjoy JRPGs for more or less valid reasons, would have a lot of fun with Last Story. Those two games are pretty much polar opposites in any way (except for the loot, and the fact that they are two of the most competent Wii titles), yet they both differ from JRPG cliche very much. One is basically a single player MMO, while the other is very streamlined - like I wrote, a Japanese Mass Effect. And both rank at the very top of this gens JRPGs, in my humble opinion.
YMMV, of course.ivysaur12 said:Holy...
Like I wrote, the game that came to mind playing Last Story was Mass Effect, so that would be my guess. But it's obviously hard to tell, not knowing which aspect of gamedesign he was talking about.AndriaSang said:In an Iwata Asks column, Sakaguchi said something about having seen a YouTube video of a Western game, and this drove him to think that he had to make changes to the JRPG formulas. Any idea what that game might be?
AndriaSang said:In an Iwata Asks column, Sakaguchi said something about having seen a YouTube video of a Western game, and this drove him to think that he had to make changes to the JRPG formulas. Any idea what that game might be?
wsippel said:YMMV, of course.
But this is truly how I feel after 15 hours of Last Story and 45 of Xenoblade. Which, in both cases, seems to be roughly half the game. One thing, pretty much the only thing I didn't like about Last Story is that Elza seems a wee bit emo. The whole game seems a bit heavy handed in that regard. Shulk, however, doesn't come across that way, he's more like your typical shonen protagonist. And not because shit doesn't hit the fan in Xenoblade. It does, it does so very early in the game - and it splatters.
Like I wrote, the game that came to mind playing Last Story was Mass Effect, so that would be my guess. But it's obviously hard to tell, not knowing which aspect of gamedesign he was talking about.
Can't really say. To judge the plot, I'd need to actually finish both games. Especially considering I quit both games at what seems to be main twist. Not to mention my Japanese is lacking at best (as in: I only understand a couple of words and phrases). I played both games with a friend who's pretty much fluent, but he didn't care to translate every detail. He only gave me a basic "status update" after cutscenes and important dialogues.ivysaur12 said:Which do you think has a better plot? And are either even good?
From what I understand, if you enable gathering and guard incoming attacks, your burst level rises. Then, when you disable gathering, you'll send out a shockwave that will debuff nearby enemies.Mockingbird said:Played a few more hours today. The game is pretty great so far. Excellent pacing. Having a good time with this.
Can someone please explain how the burst skill works at level 16? I just acquired it but I don't get the point of it exactly (my JP isn't good enough to read all that Kanji).
Bebpo said:I've been taking some pics as I've been playing.
plank said:does this game use wii remote motion sensing? or M+?
Big One said:So TLS players, how does the game rank up next to Mistwalker's other games?
How about other JRPGs this gen?
thefro said:I don't feel qualified to say that (since I'm only halfway through and don't understand Japanese), but I from what I've played so far it's the best game on Wii besides Super Mario Galaxy 1 & 2.
AndriaSang said:In an Iwata Asks column, Sakaguchi said something about having seen a YouTube video of a Western game, and this drove him to think that he had to make changes to the JRPG formulas. Any idea what that game might be?
Mockingbird said:Just finished a few online sessions in the raid mode. Damn that thing's pretty addicting. The rewards you get are some pretty damn powerful weapons for the single player game too. Using these weapons on where I'm at in the game feels like I'll be cheating or something. I was lucky enough to get two rare weapons on my 2nd and 3rd wins -- one of which is the Trident!
also, you really need competent players for these boss raids because without them you'll be dead or the time limit will run out. Make sure to get on those damn heal circles! I admit I was very incompetent =P I threw bananas that would mess up my teammates after I died! This game is really something! I'm now level R3 (you start at R1)!