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The Leftovers S2 |OT| We're Going To Texas - [Renewed for 3rd and final season]


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Perfection. Great news, and I'm glad they can write it knowing that it will be the end.


Best news I've heard in a while. I'm glad he's just going to end it too so we have a solid ending and no wondering if it'll be back or if he can finish it the way he wants. Perfect way to do it.


And the crusade to conquer my "show of alltime"-list continues.

So, so, so, so, so happy right now. It truly is a miracle. *piano cue* Maybe.


I just hope the last season isn't half-assed like boardwalk empire, another show that got a consolatory "final season"
Final season, huh?

That's good news, better than dragging it out. Will be interesting to see where they take things. We know they've said they won't answer things about the departure, but I expect it'll be hard to not at least focus on it more with everything that happened in season 2 and purgatory...

Hyun Sai

But in HBO the sun shone bright, a miracle...
The light of love poured down, it's a miracle...
Our heart were pure we knew for sure, a miracle...
That God has spared our show...


Chris Ryan and Andy Greenwald sold me on S2 and now that it's been renewed it's just a matter of making myself slog through the first season which I dropped 3-4 eps in last year.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Sounds about right to end after three.

HBO's going to have a real crowded year, in part assuming The Leftovers makes 2016. Four full dramas, no less than ten scripted comedies, potentially anywhere from two to four miniseries, plus all the non-fiction series, the movies and documentaries.

I'm still bitter about that.
I will never fully forgive HBO for this.

dave is ok

aztek is ok


Wow holy crap i did not expect that at all. Bless the HBO they are one of the few to renew something solely to appease the creators and fans wanting a show to close properly. At least, recently. They still fucked Carnivale in the circus ass.


S3: Scientists discover the portal to the other dimension where everyone disappeared to and the GR will try to shut it down. Garvey battles Liv Tyler in limbo in order to change her mind (Inception) and stop GR for good.


S3: Scientists discover the portal to the other dimension where everyone disappeared to and the GR will try to shut it down. Garvey battles Liv Tyler in limbo in order to change her mind (Inception) and stop GR for good.

Thats when when the special visual effects artists on the show really break out the big guns and shine so bright. i can feel it in me bones


Just watched International Assassin last night. So good. Legit felt like an episode of Lost to me. Super pumped this is getting a third season.


Or Deadwood.

I used Carnivàle because that was mainly cancelled because it got too weird for the general public and HBO, which looked like was happening with The Leftovers.

But yeah, Carnivàle, Deadwood and Rome are the three HBO shows I'm the most bitter about.


Im still kind of surprised HBO does what it does. I'd love to know their financials. I mean i don't know if they are just doing this cause they are making obscene money from Game of Thrones or if they are just getting by and really do care about creativity and shit.


Im still kind of surprised HBO does what it does. I'd love to know their financials. I mean i don't know if they are just doing this cause they are making obscene money from Game of Thrones or if they are just getting by and really do care about creativity and shit.

HBO is more interested in critical acclaim than viewer success. I once read something about them canceling Lucky Louie due to rather mixed reception by critics and not because the ratings were bad.


HBO is more interested in critical acclaim than viewer success. I once read something about them canceling Lucky Louie due to rather mixed reception by critics and not because the ratings were bad.

Also I think they've likely keen not to to add to the reputation they acquired with both Carnivàle and Deadwood both being dropped before their stories had properly concluded. Sure this season of The Leftovers wrapped up, but its fair to say it wrapped up somewhat for the Garveys but not necessarily for everyone else. I want to see everyone come together and face down and overcome the GR as well as their own problems


Hilarious reading the couple of posts being bothered about the timeline lining up for Kevin to see the girls at the lake. If you're the kind of viewer to take issues with stuff like that then i think you should be having a laundry list of issues with the show in general and with this episode in particular.

It must be awfully nice to be able to write a serious drama fiction while giving no fucks about characterization, motivation, world-building and basic sense but still get near-universally lauded. Wanna go bonkers? be my guest. Drop all pretense, though. Enough trying to provide paper-thin 'justifications' that only make you look worse. Drop the fig leafs and go naked.

- The GR is a terrorist organization and there's no reason in the world for its members to be acting freely and having what seems to be immunity from authorities. Dropping that line in Ep 9 about them no targeting children is what keeps the cops away in an insulting fig leaf.

- Members of the GR are lunatics who just want to cause havoc using whatever 'cover'. Any attempt by the show to give reason or motivation or anything failed miserably - so stop trying. The minute people slip into their white uniforms they become robots who are up to any task no matter from which walks of life they were before. It's not about grief. Not about the Departure. Not about the end of the world. It's about fucking shit up. Plain and simple. No reason why everyday people should be upset about people moving on. They didn't forget - that's why they have a memorial day. There's isn't really a difference in why a Departure would cause that kind on widespread group to surface but not after World Wars or even a catastrophe like 9/11.

- Miracle is the most special place in the world. Visitors from around the world on a daily basis, a Mecca. Houses sold in millions of dollars. Weirdos gathering around the town. Everybody wants in, even in criminal ways. Miracle should be much better guarded, more security, law agencies near by. There's no two ways about it.

- Meg's plan makes no sense. It's predicated for some reason upon residents of Miracle knowing no pain because they didn't lose anyone to the Departure as if that's the only source of unhappiness and pain in the world. Staging a Departure and then refuting it doesn't damage Miracle's status.
An one hour countdown doesn't serve Meg's plan at all. That would result in more security, in every agency showing up to the scene. But The Leftovers gives no fucks, everything bends to the will of whatever craziness they want to pull. So nobody shows up. Miracle PD just sits on their hands the whole time. They don't send a bomb squad to check the trailer or anything. They are just bystanders like everyone else. Pathetic. And even when everything is said and done, hours later, when it's night, no other law agencies are in sight. Didn't Miracle PD call for everybody? Didn't the residents holing-up in their houses call the agencies and let everybody know and come take out the hooligans and the GR?

- No reason for it to be the 3 girls we knew. Could had been anyone. Worse yet no motivation or reason given why they of all things decided to join the GR. Only a vague 'You understand' from Evvie, which i bet is being applauded for not spelling it out or holding the hand of the viewer (not that it would explain the other two girls). So stupid me, does anyone want to try and help me understand what was that about?

- Good to know it takes the police like a month to get a hit on a palm print of a former police officer that should be in the database. How convenient that it lined up with the last ep of the season and after Kevin had a new thing to tell John.
- No reason for Mary to wake up here rather than play up the possibility of Holy Wayne's daughter having powers of her own. Mat would have wanted Mary back in the town either way, but sure wake her up i guess. Makes of a better 'reunion' shot at the end of the ep.
- Random baby snatching because..why not? Redundant drama. At first when Tom took her inside the trailer wearing all-white, for a second i thought maybe this was one big distraction so Meg can snatch Lily and run away with her or something. Might have preferred that, actually. Anyhow, Nora has forgotten about her stupid reason she left Kevin and she's back again there for the family shot at the end.

- The obvious nonsense with Immortal Kevin ofc. I mean, go ahead of it but wear it on your sleeve rather that hiding in there to pull off as a reveal 'this is why he isn't dead' and pulling the rug under the show's feet in favor of supernatural/mystical/metaphysical shit.

- The season completely leapfrogged two character arcs. Matt after locking himself up and Tom's that suddenly had enough (of his own idea, remember). So if you're serious about your characters or drama then that's a poor form. Same goes with trying to provide those fig leafs for Meg in one hurried along episode instead of taking a genuine attempt at it across a few. Chewing-up more than you can eat.

The Leftovers joins Fargo in being a good not-good tv show. Everything's well-done, greatly-produced but it's the creative side with the writing, plotting and narrative that lets you down, in a pretty big way.


It must be awfully nice to be able to write a serious drama fiction while giving no fucks about characterization, motivation, world-building and basic sense but still get near-universally lauded.
That still baffles me.
At least, it doesn't work when Lindelof puts that kind of shit on the big screen. There's always that.
Took me a while to finally watch these last two episodes. Didn't have a way to watch HBO for few weeks, but now I do. I'll be able to watch these shows on time/closer to when they first air for once. (Assuming there's not other shows on at the same time. Too much good television these days!)

Episode 9

Wow, Winslow is legit? Awesome.

Jesus Christ, guilty remnant Meg (edit: and her followers) are insane. That grenade on the bus pissed me off. Also, I'm seeing this black lady on the remnant council in several shows these days. Cool.

Dat Grandmaster.

Holy shit, Evie and here friends joined these crazy mofos? Wow. Guess this also means there wasn't another departing. Oh well. So I'm guessing it wasn't a kidnapping. Unless it was and they ended up being convinced to join. If I had to guess, they're gonna use the girls to fuck with people in the town and make them think they came back. Maybe to get people thinking guilty remnant is responsible? Or maybe they're just gonna wreak havoc all over the place?
Episode 10

Oh wow, I was waaaay off. I never even imagined they were already Remnant members. And the way Kevin just hopped into the lake was hilarious to me. It looked so comical.

"Fix that, Jesus." Immediately followed by an earthquake throwing a temper tantrum, haha. "Fix what, Nora?"

Ummm holy shit, Mary came back! This show, gotdamn. I can believe in the ridiculous again!

Ha, I knew Meg was gonna do something to the bridge. They put too much focus on it. (Edit: or not lol. Just a walk.) And fuck that woman for laying the baby down in the middle of the bridge.

I love 'The Adventurers of Kevin in Hotel Purgatory'. The music really makes it. Yo, that song he was singing was quite apt, wasn't it?

Wait, so the bullet went clean through, and despite losing all this blood, he's alive. The hell? Is Kevin neo-Jesus?

That ending was nice. Everybody together like that, with the theme playing. :'(


Well then, what a great season! I enjoyed every episode. I thought season 1 was really good, but 2 is/was a lot better. I'm so glad to see it's coming back for one final go. I'm gonna miss it when it's over.

I know it's not really comparable, but this is so much better than Lost, in my opinion. Lost was the first show I ever marathon'd on Netflix, and seeing how it transformed in such a short amount of time was crazy. Also, screw that series finale. It was so terrible.


I finally finished the season last night. Wow.
Is there a YouTube show or a podcast that does a discussion on the last few episodes or the season as a whole?


SO i've been marathoning episode 3-8 today.

GOd I love kevin <3 dad bod

what the FUCK FUCK is going on in this episode omg.
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