Well, first of all, the individuals deciding who stays and who gets to depart are dealing with a very heavy burden. They could very well be sending people to their deaths. So I can understand how it would be very important for them to know with absolute certainty that the people they're sending are truly ready to leave and understand the uncertainty and the risks involved.
"We might well be killing them, so we better ask them that cancer question."
Wut. How does that even follow?
Obviously, it's not like they're concerned about getting sued, and if they're actually concerned about their safety, well... just don't fucking do it, maybe? Don't rely on your subject's answer to some weird quiz question to somehow bail you out, anyway?
One of the scientists continuously got hung up with Nora because she didn't believe that she actually wanted to depart.
that's the hang-up, for her? Not that they're conducting experiments that she thinks are very likely to be
murders? Experiments that they don't seem to be expecting any kind of results from? "Never mind
that, what we should make sure of is that they understand we might well be killing them!"?
That's already pretty damn absurd right there (what do you think those scientists' motivations would be, incidentally?), but then, they decide that the best way to make sure the subjects understand the risks is to ask them if they care at all about killing children or curing cancer? Whah?
Secondly, it's a dramatic television show, and dramatic excess like this is perfectly acceptable within the confines of television or film.
Yeeeeah, it's that, isn't it?
The whole animal testing thing you keep bringing up and "scientists wouldn't really base their decisions off of questions like that" is just kind of a silly argument to be making here IMO. It's a drama, and I feel like if you're going to have issues with the show you could pick a whole lot of other examples that are much stronger than "BUT ANIMAL TESTING!!".
Sure, that's just one thing. And no, I don't consider "it's drama" an excuse for shoddy writing.
I don't even know what animal testing would do here, anyway.
The reason we were given for the fact their research was kept a secret from the rest of the world is that they weren't allowed to experiment on humans. Taboo! Can't have that! Can't even publish! Because, somehow, we've skipped animal testing altogether.
It's just a hilariously shoddy excuse from writers who didn't bother to think about it for more than five seconds. Even arguing that the Powers That Be decided to bury the whole thing right away in order to avoid potential societal chaos would have made a bit more sense than that (and still would have been hard to swallow).