I don't think so. Best to do it now.
But it said the quest was still long-term (´・_・`)
I don't think so. Best to do it now.
Because the game originally wasn't designed/developed with a Hard mode in mind, it was added into the PSP version, I think? It's just plastered into the game with minimum effort & balancing.Why is Hard so stupid in SC? I didn't have much of a problem with it in FC, and it's absurd in SC. I've been on this Jaeger fight for like 2 hours. Can't even grind short of doing it for hours per level with barely any increase to damage or defense. I don't get it. The parts with only two party members were always a bit worse, but never like this. I think I'm gonna bump it down. It's a chore to slog through these fights with two people.
Just play it now. It's perfectly enjoyable even without having played The 3rd.Finally knocked Trails in the Sky SC off my backlog.
Bagged all of the achievements except the two that remain bugged.
Now my dilemma... do I hold off on tackling Trails of Cold Steel until after the localization of the 3rd comes out or do I dive in now?
Why is Hard so stupid in SC? I didn't have much of a problem with it in FC, and it's absurd in SC. I've been on this Jaeger fight for like 2 hours. Can't even grind short of doing it for hours per level with barely any increase to damage or defense. I don't get it. The parts with only two party members were always a bit worse, but never like this. I think I'm gonna bump it down. It's a chore to slog through these fights with two people.
That's the prologue boss, right? I also had a very hard time, but as you said once you get 4 party members the game is much more manageable.
Game took me over 100 hours, so it was a bit jarring to hear the game is more like 50 hours long. I did have to retry many fights and some were excessively long, on top of my obsession with getting almost all dialogue. I imagine I would have shortened it considerably by picking normal difficulty.
a game is not 50 hours, I also have above 100 hours and every single person on my FL who finished it have above 100 hours... except for Knurek, but he kinda speedran it and with a guide, so that's quite different than a game being 50 hours long and I think he still has 60 something hours not 50.
Where do you get that 50 hours long thingie? just curious
Also that fight has nothing on certain other fightandwhere you fight with Estelle alone.one of the last bosses, rather one before last
As I said before I find SC being a harder game than FC.
By then you have way more options than in the prologue! I just used CP recovery items I had been hoarding up through all the game.
Finally got past the Prologue. Put them both in the corner to avoid splitting, equipped La Tear, spammed AT Delay, threw what cookies I had, etc.
Game has been back to tolerable difficulty ever since. The ingredients for Surprise Cookies and the like being so readily available is silly. Things are OP.
If you choose (Chapter 1 spoilers)Agate instead of Scharizardifrankifoof, is the beginning of the game actually different? Or is it just different dialogue (obviously) with different party members?
a game is not 50 hours, I also have above 100 hours and every single person on my FL who finished it have above 100 hours... except for Knurek, but he kinda speedran it and with a guide, so that's quite different than a game being 50 hours long and I think he still has 60 something hours not 50.
Where do you get that 50 hours long thingie? just curious
My playthrough was something like 80 hours while doing 99% of all the quests except finding those stupidly easily missable books (and I did miss some of the final quests in the game because I didn't go to a certain place in the penultimate chapter until it was too late & the plot suddenly started moving forward whether you wanted it or not -_-; ). And that was WITH a guide + without talking to everyone all the time, so anyone playing without a guide and/or someone who wants to talk to everyone at every turn to see how NPCs react to happenings in the world would probably take longer even if they didn't find/do all side quests.Haha just went back to this thread.
I got the 50 hours long main story number on howlongtobeat.
Haha just went back to this thread.
I got the 50 hours long main story number on howlongtobeat.
Haha just went back to this thread.
I got the 50 hours long main story number on howlongtobeat.
I refer to Chapter 8 asHaven't read the second part of the spoiler yet, but
I actually enjoy talking to NPCs a lot in this game and have been trying to talk to all of them after each story section to get more details on how their daily life has developed. I just think after the events of Chapter 7, I really wanted to know how the story would continue, so having to run around everywhere (especially if you did all the sidequests and visited all the towers for the orbs) without any real story progression kinda annoyed me. Worst was probably all the running around for the Elmo Hot Springs sidequest. The hidden sidequest at the Academy was cool though.
Also, just a heads up, but a patch released to Steam last week appears to have fixed the Odyssey of Anton achievement and the chest counter for the Baby, Come Back achievement. There are still a couple chests inside the Liber Ark Tunnels that aren't counting properly but I'd still count this as progress.
The penguin achievement has been able to be unlocked for a while now but was bugged somewhat due to the fact that Grass Hoppers in Zeiss were also being counted "as penguins" even though they're clearly not penguins.Penguins still borked? Been debating another run to grab all the achievements I've missed and complete with full BP for a while now, in anticipation of The 3rd.
I refer to Chapter 8 asthe Joshua Apology Tour. You travel all across Liberl, meet up with all of the peeps you know and go "Hey, I found Joshua. He' s back. Did you miss him? See Josh, they missed you." "Yeah, I was a schmuck for leaving Estelle. It won't happen again. I was being a big dummy." Wash, rinse, repeat that a dozen or so times. Plus Antoine treks across half the continent with that researcher... how cool is that? Also enjoyed seeing how the lack of orbment tech impacted everyday life and how that factored into the gameplay as you had to adjust your gameplay-style appreciably (going less arts dependent) as you handed off ZFGs. I appreciated that a ton.
Also, just a heads up, but a patch released to Steam last week appears to have fixed the Odyssey of Anton achievement and the chest counter for the Baby, Come Back achievement. There are still a couple chests inside the Liber Ark Tunnels that aren't counting properly but I'd still count this as progress.
Chapter 7 felt kind of pointless/fillerysince it's nothing more than going through four samey dungeons and completely failing to progress the story. All it does is tease some of the backstory of the enforcers that doesn't actually come together until the final chapter. And it's like they felt obligated to show the purpose of the towers so they had to stick mandatory dungeons in them. I don't think that's enough to support chapter 7 as-is though, they could have fit both of those into chapter 8 with enforcer encounters being tied to the chapter's progress (it's not like the chapter has a meaningful boss anyway) and the towers being optional dungeons.
It's basically the one issue I had with the flow of the second half of the game, post-chapter 4. I think most of the game pre-chapter 4 could have been better too, but that's a different topic of discussion and I've posted my opinion about that enough times before.
Seems to be about fixes done over the last several weeks/months? Anyway, nice to have it in writing.Trails in the Sky Second Chapter has received a few new updates recently! Including...new treasure chest phrases. We're still tweaking a few things here and there for them (you might notice some funky apostrophes as an example), but they should add a bit of fun on your journey.
Other updates include some much-needed bug fixes:
- Updated the text for a few text bugs/term fixes
- Fixed Odyssey of Anton achievement bug. The achievement should now unlock correctly and can be obtained retroactively.
- Fixed Penguin de Samba achievement bug. Similarly, this should be possible to obtain retroactively.
- Fixed some issues with the chest achievement, but it seems like the achievement can still end up broken under some circumstances while working under others. Our programmer is going to continue investigating this and issue a completed fix a.s.a.p. "Broken" chests will need to be checked individually by players in order to obtain the achievement.
As always, if you happen to spot something, feel free to write it in to [email protected] with as many details as possible and we'll try our best to look into it.
For these updates, we'd like to make sure the treasure chest bug and all its strange happenings are squashed for good before we update the GOG version of Trails in the Sky SC. We haven't forgotten you guys! We just want to make sure everything is completely good to go first.
Thanks for your patience, everyone! Please enjoy.
I hate to be the one to rain on your parade, but he has like two, maybe three lines. Blueblanc has a couple of ridiculous monologues, again, you can look forward to, though.(Though I'm much more excited to hearspeak in CS2)Mueller
I hate to be the one to rain on your parade, but he has like two, maybe three lines. Blueblanc has a couple of ridiculous monologues, again, you can look forward to, though.
Recently I've been getting a game bug where the game all of a sudden minimizes to desktop. It usually occurs during a battle, but it's random. Frequency is about 1 per hour. Most of the time I can go back into the game, but 1 or 2 times it just crashes and I lose my progress. Never happened in the first 20-25 hours of the game. Anyone else get this? Google has not been helpful. Otherwise I'm going to chalk this up to Windows 10 doing something stupid in the background.
Probably happened by Chapter 5, I'm currently on Chapter 8.Hasn't happened to me yet, what point you at in the game?
Probably happened by Chapter 5, I'm currently on Chapter 8.
Is Jormungandr only for Tita? Have I missed any other armors that only one person can equip?
Trails in the Sky SC is today's Daily Deal on Steam.
EDIT: actually, come to think of it this is not the best place to post about this. Anybody who visits here probably already has the game. 35% off probably not good enough for a new thread, though...
I just jumped back into this game last night... I'm getting a MacOS soon, this game isn't playable on Mac is it? I think I'll have to keep borrowing my wife's laptop.
So I finally started on this. I am only into Chapter 1 () got a few questions:Olivier just joined my party
- Big stuttering problem. The FPS drops massively and chugs like crazy sometimes. Seems to be worse near areas with waters, such as on that beach trail, but it affects some other areas too (not all). Any ideas? Trails FC never had this issue and my PC sure can run this game...
- I seem to be perpetually broke. Buying recipes drain my mira. I just got a whole bunch of mira from turning in some side-quests so maybe it was temporary but prior to that I had to sell ingredients and even quartz to be able to afford recipes and stuff in the nearby towns. Is this normal?
- Any of the casino mini-games worth it? I'm guessing they're all more or less a waste of time but who knows...
- Are there any quests that arbitrarily expire again like in FC, or does the game warn you a bit more or telegraph quest expiration a bit more this time around?