Why does most of my armor show "???" under Necessary Materials for upgrades?
Why does most of my armor show "???" under Necessary Materials for upgrades?
Did anyone else find the first Naydra encounter super creepy?
I first approached the location from behind and was so confused to what it was.Did anyone else find the first Naydra encounter super creepy?
I think I know the "nuts" things you're talking about. I've found a number of them and hit them for seeds, but I don't recall spinning wheels or anything that triggered them to spawn. I assumed they were always there.
Just got my switch and started zelda. It's pretty overwhelming to begin with - thinking of all the possibilities and it reminds me a lot of the witcher 3 when I started that. I just don't want to miss out on anything!
One thing I was wondering was when in portable mode, do you have headphones on? How good is the sounds and music?
Thanks all
I'm surprised to learn that climbing gear doesn't allow you to climb farther, it just makes you climb faster, but to reach a certain height takes the same amount of stamina​ as without the gear.
So it's only a "quality of life" improvement, but it won't make climbing easier or allow you to reach higher places.
Nintendo's handhelds tend to be weak on sound, and the Switch is no exception. Wear headphones unless you're playing in a completely silent room.Just got my switch and started zelda. It's pretty overwhelming to begin with - thinking of all the possibilities and it reminds me a lot of the witcher 3 when I started that. I just don't want to miss out on anything!
One thing I was wondering was when in portable mode, do you have headphones on? How good is the sounds and music?
Thanks all
Yes. I got goosebumps. I actually looked over my shoulder because it made me so uncomfortable and paranoid. The size of it, the music that plays, the way it's so huge that it messes with your depth perception and when you think it's right on you it just keeps getting closer, closer...Did anyone else find the first Naydra encounter super creepy?
Rather off topic, but is there a Switch OT?, I tried searching but couldn't find anything. I just bought one and I have a few hardware related questions, but I am not sure where is the best place to ask them.
Yes, but the always visible nuts are a different pattern. I've found one spinning wheel Korok, where only two nuts were being thrown in an arch over the treetops. At quite a distance. They didn't make any sound whatsoever and visually, it was rather hard to notice them.
One thing I was wondering was when in portable mode, do you have headphones on? How good is the sounds and music?
Thanks all
The climbing gear shines when you have the full set and you level it up to at least 2 stars for the extra bonus. The jumping while climbing takes one third of the stamina you need and it makes you climb farther.
so, nobody knows how to increase the chances of getting a blood moon?
So I just got this game the other day and remember people recommending one first Guardian over the one the game nudges you to. Without spoilers, just which part of the map do I want to head to? Northeast or south?
so, nobody knows how to increase the chances of getting a blood moon?
Dont: just skip days, the blood moon wont trigger that way.
Yesterday I had a blood moon while sleeping in Link's house. As soon as I selected "Sleep until morning" and the screen went black, the blood moon cutscene played, then I woke up in the morning.
That surprised me.
Yes you sometimes can get a blood moon if the game was going to trigger one that night. But if you already got one and try to skip days to get a new one you wont get any afaik
I whish we knew how exactly the game handles blood moons, is it a chance depending of the resources/enemies cleared? or its always after a certain amount? That would make things easier.
Pretty sure it's dependent on enemies killed. If you kill a handful of world bosses you should spawn one on the next full moon. That's how I got that shrine done.
Anyone know where I can find some Fire/Meteor Wizzrobes?
Southern tower has a couple around it.Anyone know where I can find some Fire/Meteor Wizzrobes?
Crenel Hills maybe?
Southern tower has a couple around it.
Anyone know where I can find some Fire/Meteor Wizzrobes?
Is there a reward for completing the compendium? That seems like something I won't bother to do, unless there's a pretty good reward for it.
I personally feel he wasDamn, just beat Thunderblight Ganon after more attempts than I'd like to admit to. He was tough.
I made sure to get all the shrines and side quests, don't skimp on the side quests, some are amazingly entertaining.For those who have completed the main story, have you continued playing the game?
I've done all of the beasts and collected all of the memories, but I'm a bit worried about putting the game down once I've finished the story...(including the 13th)
I never went back to MGSV after completing the story, but I'm hoping this will be different.
170 hours in. Playing without a guide, any hints or any sensors.
These were my discoveries tonight:
- Lord of the Mountain's pool (and that seriously creepy atmosphere that develops out of nowhere - cool af moment)
- Deer hunting minigame
- Alternate Stalhorse locations
- There's a bottom to the Flight Range
- Random spy NPC in Hateno
- Hebra Hiking Path
There were a bunch of other moments and shrines but the above stood out aside from the normal stuff.
The more I play the more I realize this is the GOAT until its sequel arrives.
Am I pipedreaming in thinking the DLC is going to be very substantial? With all the rumors prior to release talking about a delay, I'm thinking the team may have refocused and cut stuff in order to make the deadline.
Satori (悟り?) (Chinese: 悟; pinyin: wù; Korean: 오 o; Vietnamese: ngộis a Japanese Buddhist term for awakening, "comprehension; understanding".[1] It is derived from the Japanese verb satoru.[2]
Is the cherry blossom/pond on the top of Satori Mountain a kind of a memorial to Satoru Iwata?
The little area is gorgeous, so I looked up what "satori" means, on wikipedia:
140 hours in. Found a stable ><.Snow tundra stable
Hey, at least you saw it.First shrine gameplay spoilers:
I went to the first shrine in BotW, and spent about 15 mins trying to figure out how to(magnesis one)get that lone treasure chest high above. Kept trying to stack blocks and slates in various ways, but no dice. Until finally I just happened to hit the chest and drop it from the ledge. And then I realized that I can just move the chest itself.![]()
Around the same time that I found it. Wasn't a surprise though as it was my first time in that region.